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Persian culture was always superior to Indian

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New Recruit

Jun 26, 2013
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If you look at history, Persian culture/civilization has to be one of the most advanced and classic civilizations. Compared to persians, Indians were nothing. Even if you look at middle ages, Mughals and others brought persian muslim culture in full force to the subcontinent, that completely changed the indian muslim identity in the subcontinent and gave us things like Taj Mahal or the Mughal Cuisine and the Urdu Language. Indian hindus fealt jealous all this while, because they could not even achieve 1/10 of what persian civilization had achieved. Even to this day, I think they envy the persians
It is not only disgraceful but idiotic to say this culture is better than that culture particularly when you do not know anything about India.Kindly visit or atleast read something before posting such moronic stuff.
He is a flase flager .. I don't think most of the people from Pakistan think on these terms.
It is not only disgraceful but idiotic to say this culture is better than that culture particularly when you do not know anything about India.Kindly visit or atleast read something before posting such moronic stuff.

He knows everything...its just that most of the pakistanis face identity crisis...this is the reason they even claim to be Indians abroad to get jobs...
oh man not again the Indian falseflagger

he was banned for the same earlier with another ID.

i wonder this time he dint ask why dont Pakistanis take up YOGA :laugah:

such a low life
it's not identity crises, I am just comparing civilizations, Persians have always been much more advanced then Indian Ganga based civilization.
lols at these insecure Pakistanis!!
He knows everything...its just that most of the pakistanis face identity crisis...this is the reason they even claim to be Indians abroad to get jobs...

he is an Indian low life falseflagger thanks to you for providing him fodder

and oh no we dont have any identity crisis like Indians have oh wait 75% India is aryan white skinned fair ones :P
Interesting fact, the First Persian Empire under Cyrus the Great was arguably the world's very first superpower.

It contained around 44% of the entire world's population, and spanned three continents.
since when did indian hindus built a beauty like Taj mahal or invented a sweet language like Farsi? which influenced Urdu heavily
what could you expect from those...who are forcibly converted................not able to sustain pressure during mugal time.........let them feel proud about about persia...lol horreble
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