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Per capita GDP at current prices - US Dollars


Dec 19, 2008
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Apologise for the bad formatting. Its just that we are so cynical about Pakistan's economy. Just wanted you guys to see that we've been doing better and can do better!

Country Year Value

Pakistan 1970 218
India 1970 112
Pakistan 1971 229
India 1971 117
Pakistan 1972 151
India 1972 125
Pakistan 1973 166
India 1973 146
Pakistan 1974 206
India 1974 161
Pakistan 1975 235
India 1975 164
Pakistan 1976 263
India 1976 161
Pakistan 1977 301
India 1977 183
Pakistan 1978 323
India 1978 207
Pakistan 1979 376
India 1979 223
Pakistan 1980 431
India 1980 268
Pakistan 1981 485
India 1981 280
Pakistan 1982 440
India 1982 279
Pakistan 1983 441
India 1983 298
Pakistan 1984 446
India 1984 288
Pakistan 1985 413
India 1985 294
Pakistan 1986 424
India 1986 315
Pakistan 1987 461
India 1987 341
Pakistan 1988 490
India 1988 369
Pakistan 1989 462
India 1989 357
Pakistan 1990 506
India 1990 380
Pakistan 1991 533
India 1991 330
Pakistan 1992 543
India 1992 324
Pakistan 1993 554
India 1993 310
Pakistan 1994 595
India 1994 348
Pakistan 1995 638
India 1995 387
Pakistan 1996 625
India 1996 400
Pakistan 1997 589
India 1997 426
Pakistan 1998 575
India 1998 421
Pakistan 1999 547
India 1999 441
Pakistan 2000 544
India 2000 447
Pakistan 2001 488
India 2001 454
Pakistan 2002 544
India 2002 467
Pakistan 2003 640
India 2003 540
Pakistan 2004 718
India 2004 618
Pakistan 2005 807
India 2005 713
Pakistan 2006 898
India 2006 791
Pakistan 2007 996
India 2007 976
One more indicator is % of mobile phones in use by population

Pakistan % 56.20
China % 45.5
India % 28.2
You should include the GDP growth rate and population growth rate on all those years. So that we could project what will be GDP/per capita in coming years for Pakistan and India with current growth rate.
With the current economic condition of Pakistan, GDP/per capita going to take a hit in coming years I think..
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what is this country year value....
pakistan's GDP per capita is definately goin to take a hit. but things will start improving from 2010. higher commodity prices really screwed our economy and now with the prices coming down and the subsidies being eliminated, things will be much better. our banking sector is still firm and is not expected to take a hit during 2009 when the financial climate in the world market is going to get worst.
during the current fiscal year industrial growth will get effected due to massive electricity short fall to which the previous gov didnt pay much attention. however situation is expected to improve by the end of 2009.
FDI has gone down by 21%. which i believe is more due to lack of finances available in the international market. security situation also put its weight behind this decline.
pakistan will also be earning significant amount of foreign exchange in freight transport after the completion of trade corridor by 2012 which will connect gwadar port with chinease and central asian markets.
assuming the security situation will improve and macro economic indicators will be stabalised under the current IMF programme, there is a significant probability for pakistani market to emerge at a really fast rate in the comin year.
Omairhr and S-90, it will be good if you provide links to the sources of your data.
This indicator tells how much following nations have purchasing power to afford a modern world necessity,all the figures are from national watchdogs

List of countries by number of mobile phones in use - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is not a good indicator to measure the development or purchasing power. Chinese and Indian people might be saving more instead of buying the mobile phones, in that case, it is not a good indicator to show that Pakistan has more purchasing power but it shows that Pakistan spends more on mobile phones than China and India.
Current per-capita incomes

Pakistan = $1,027
India = $950
China = $1740
This is not a good indicator to measure the development or purchasing power. Chinese and Indian people might be saving more instead of buying the mobile phones, in that case, it is not a good indicator to show that Pakistan has more purchasing power but it shows that Pakistan spends more on mobile phones than China and India.

China is just abit little behind PK,so not very much difference

Current per-capita incomes

Pakistan = $1,027
India = $950
China = $1740
China is just abit little behind PK,so not very much difference

Current per-capita incomes

Pakistan = $1,027
India = $950
China = $1740

Even this is not a good indicator to measure the development. It only says how rich the people are relatively to one another.

Development indicators will be more like, how much educational facilities you have per 1000, hospital beds per 1000, doctors per 1000, literacy rates, poverty rates, roads, infrastructure, manufacturing, service sectors etc
Even this is not a good indicator to measure the development. It only says how rich the people are relatively to one another.

Development indicators will be more like, how much educational facilities you have per 1000, hospital beds per 1000, doctors per 1000, literacy rates, poverty rates, roads, infrastructure, manufacturing, service sectors etc

Yes,coming back to the topic....topic starter posted per-capita GDP at current prices and i posted per-capita incpme which tells something.And dont tell here whats the source search urself if u have doubts about figures.

Pakistan 1970 218
India 1970 112

Pakistan/India per capita = 218/112 = Approx 2 times higher than India.


Pakistan 2007 996
India 2007 976

Pakistan/India per capita = 996/976 = Both are almost equal

This tells us that Pakistan's economy is going down or remained stagnant while India's economy is going up based on per capita of past 37 years.
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Pakistan 1970 218
India 1970 112

Pakistan/India per capita = 218/112 = Approx 2 times higher than India.


Pakistan 2007 996
India 2007 976

Pakistan/India per capita = 996/976 = Both are almost equal

This tells us that Pakistan's economy is going down the drains while India's economy is going up based on per capita of past 37 years.

No, it tells us that India's growth rate has been faster.
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