According to Your reasoning, the 20 B2 bombers in USAF are totally useless.
Again what are you comparing?
Had those 36 been F 22, that would've been a totally different situation isn't it?
Please go back to original MMRCA process and thought behind that.
India wanted to replace a number of legacy fighters with MMRCA winner and although there is no denying the fact that a single modern day fighter is perhaps more than several of previous generation fighters capability wise, we also need to look it with respect of threat perceptions, that change.
Let us see it in context of China (since i mentioned it originally). Today China operates several advanced 4++ generation fighters and with numerical superiority it has over IAF, India needs its match not only in terms of technological matching but also in numbers.
& that is why i mentioned, the Rafale numbers have to be more than 36 to fit them into a larger tactical strategy.
Coming back to B2, these bombers have flown numerous missions without suffering a even single loss in combat role. There is absolutely no peer for these machines and therefore USAF can operate these 20 birds almost unchallenged to take out almost any threat.
While Mirages, Jaguars and MiG-29s are being upgraded, it is a short term thing,
and they won't be around for a long time.
i agree, but Rafale is a long term investment. These will serve long after MiG 29, Jaguar and Mirage would've gone. MMRCA defined role of the winner as to take on duties of several fighters in A2A and A2G roles.
We discussed in past, how having a common fighter in roles hitherto played by several platforms, should be a prime consideration and that is what Rafale looks to do.
However we are now stuck in a situation where pricing issue has become very murky (with comparisons with MMRCA price tags etc). Honestly, purchasing 36 Rafales off the shelf in terms of price should not be done on pro-rata cost basis of MMRCA offer.
I would've loved to see India giving a firm and clear commitment to Dassault and France in general on Rafale's role and its future purchases. This would've created a lot of trust and may be we could've got a much better offer.
But some chose to play theatrics allowing other MMRCA bidders to come back in a hope to create pressure on Dassault. It hasn't worked.
Hope this sort of foggy situation gets cleared quickly.
It might be just a negotiating ploy vs France.

Exactly and in my mind we have done it very poorly.
@PARIKRAMA @Abingdonboy
Rafale's performance in whatever Combat duties till now and then winning a gruelling MMRCA technical evaluation has given Dassault enough of credibility and advertising in International market for prospective customers (i can vaguely draw parallels between how similar situation helped UAC/Sukhoi sell Su 30 variants after India inducted them in massive numbers starting late 90s, early 2000s).
So now we have a situation where Dassault will find customers for Rafale and it may turnout that India may have to wait for them despite having First Mover's advantage.
Off all things we wish to have for our defence forces, i hope we could get a fast forward button for defence procurement mechanism. pronto!
@Taygibay @Vergennes @nair