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PDF Color Scheme

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Clever....it will be basically a merge between the old and the new design...does anyone have screenshots of the old forum?
Thanks Anubis,for encouragement...:D
exactly..that was my point...
@WebMaster I was mentioned by Aeronaut in a post but I didn't got the message that I am tagged you have to work on this thing Sir
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how to change Fonts .. i barely reads anything
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More improvement in PDF. This new look is great. Still need more changes. I hope
This morning when I tried, I had to fill in something and even then an error occurred and couldn't "cut & paste". I gave up after 2 tries.

Web Master knows best but I I think this is change for the sake of change only and making posting onerous.
Avatar still not working . Any luck guys .
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I should say that new forum looks way better on phone now.

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disconnected messages are looking ugly and they break the reading flow.
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Is it possible to configure PDF on Windows8 Phone? If yes how?
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