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"PASBAN" Group of Industries . . Pak Armed Forces' OWN Group of Industries


Jan 4, 2011
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None of the world have any sort of doubt that Pakistani Nation have got the "Talent" to accomplish any "Target" and Pakistani Youths are, too, capable for Inventing New things as well as making World Records in different fields of Life . . . . BUT all the Talents and Policies got a Full STOP mark, when it comes to Financial Resources . . . . !!!

According to IMF and World Bank's Reports, Pakistan's annual average groth ratio is 2.5, which is far from a required mark for any ambitious developing country of the world.

Funds, Budget and Financial Resources is the MAJOR hurdle for defence projects as well. for the same reason, I would suggest a NEW IDEA for the Managment of Pak Armed Forces, which is to establish its OWN source of budget-making and Fund-raising industry, which may be named as "PASBAN Group of Industries" . . . . !!!
Critics would certainely doubt my this idea of . . . Pakistan Armed Forces' OWN Group of Industries = PASBAN Group of Industries" by stating that FROM WHERE Pak Armed Forces will acquire required budget and/or financing to establish its own group of industries . . . ??

I agree that acquisition of initial funds and budget will be a BIG Issue in the start . . . but with patience and determinition gradually PAK Armed forces will be able to establigh its own Giant Industrial group in comming 10 to 20 years . . . !
With civilian employment and finances, a Military Industrial Complex can be good if it can bring change.
First and Farmost issue will be deciding and to agree upon percentage of "SHARE" of all the three armed forces . . . . I would suggest as foollwos;
Pakistan Army's Share into "PASBAN Group of Industries" = 50 %
Pakistan Air Force's Share = 25 %
Pakistan Navy's Share = 25 %

Initially This proposed grop of Industry may generate FUNDS from the monthly contribution of R&W Fund of all the three armed forces to start a BANK, named as "PASBAN Bank Pvt Ltd", which will generate financing from masses in the form of Bank accounts to get establish any factory of the proposed "PASBAN Group of Industries (PASBAN GoI).

This proposed "PASBAN BANK" will not provide funds/loans to any other person, company or whatsoever, instead this bank will provide the required INVESTMENT to establish a Factory of PASBAN GoI, and the earned profit from that particular FACTORY will be utilised further invest as well as to make defence projects/Research & Development/etc
in order to attract more n' more bank accounts and money from the civilians/masses, The proposed PASBAN BANK may provide 1% or 2% extra profit from other Banks, already working in Pakistan. Therefore, the proposed PASBAN BANK (initially started with money/funds generated by monthly contribution of military personnel's R&W FUND) will gradually be able to FINANCE all factories of PASBAN GoI . . . !!
This proposed "PASBAN GoI" will establish factories for only those products, which have MARKETS both for military as well as civilian markets, for exapmle;

1) "PASBAN Tyre, Tubes, and Batteries Pvt Ltd" . . . . . manufacturing Tyre, Tubes, and Batteries to be sold to both the civilian as well as all the three armed forces, enabling them to manufacture Tyres, Tubes, Batteries for all military vehicles and aircrafts.

2) "PASBAN Engines Pvt Ltd" . . . . . manufacturing engines, which are to be used both in civilian as well as military vehicles and aircrafts.

3) "PASBAN Computers & Softwares Pvt Ltd" . . . . . manufacturing computers and Softwares utilised by both civil and military users.

4) "PASBAN Instruments Pvt Ltd" . . . . . manufacturing electrical and electronic instruments, used in different civilian and military hardwares and machinaries like as in Vehicles, Aircrafts, Tanks, Radars etc.

5) "PASBAN Energy Solutions Pvt Ltd" . . . . . manufacturing different types of machinaries used for electricity generation like as Solar Panels, Wind Mills, Generators, Turbines, Bio-Gas Plants, etc

6) "PASBAN Aerospace Industries Pvt Ltd" . . . . . manufacturing aircrafts used both for military and civilian purposes.

7) "PASBAN Metals Pvt Ltd" . . . . . manufacturing metals used in engineering manufacturing like as military/Avition grade Alumenium, Carbon Fiber, Fiber Glass, Steel, Iron, etc

8) "PASBAN Pharmacuticals Pvt Ltd" . . . . . manufacturing medicines and medical instruments enabling Pak Armed Forces to get self-reliance and AVOID any possible "Chance" of intentional Biological Weapon/disease spread through medicines manufactured by western pharmacutical companies.

9) "PASBAN Dairy, Poltery and Agricultrual Forms" . . . . . producing respective products, which are to be used both for military personnel and sold to civilain markets, as well.
as economy grow everything will grow

i suspect a very big change in pak

mark my word these wwar on terror and PPP govt will turn out to be a blessing in disguise for pakistan

i seea very big change coming in pak
Thus . . . . my Idea of Proposed "PASBAN GoI" will not only contribute its efforts towards Nationnal development, but also will provide BUDGET (IF Not Total Budget, then at least a handsome portion of it) to all the three armed forces, enabling them to plan, finance, and Research military projects . . . !

Furthermore, it will create thousands of job opertunities as well playing a considerable role in joblessness in Pakistan, and boosting its economy and GDP, too.
trolling trolling trolling going on here useless thread should be closed go and advertise in news papers:tdown:
very difficult to implement.....but if implemented, the forces will become totally independent of the government and totally unaccountable
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