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Pallywood: Debunking Palestinean Lies

Secondly, who gave him the right to speak on behalf of the Palestinians?

hmmm...because he envisioned Palestine to be part of his future Hashmite Jordan..

The attacks on the Jewish population by Arabs had three lasting effects: First, they led to the formation and development of Jewish underground militias, primarily the Haganah, which were to prove decisive in 1948. Secondly, it became clear that the two communities could not be reconciled, and the idea of partition was born. Thirdly, the British responded to Arab opposition with the White Paper of 1939, which severely restricted Jewish land purchase and immigration. However, with the advent of World War II, even this reduced immigration quota was not reached. The White Paper policy also radicalised segments of the Jewish population, who after the war would no longer cooperate with the British.

The revolt had a negative effect on Palestinian national leadership, social cohesion, and military capabilities and contributed to the outcome of the 1948 War because “when the Palestinians faced their most fateful challenge in 1947–49, they were still suffering from the British repression of 1936–39, and were in effect without a unified leadership. Indeed, it might be argued that they were virtually without any leadership at all”.(Khalidi 2001, p. 28)
The attacks on the Jewish population by Arabs had three lasting effects: First, they led to the formation and development of Jewish underground militias, primarily the Haganah, which were to prove decisive in 1948.

This is the Israeli narrative. The reality is that Jewish militant organizations were created and active from the beginning.

The Zionists were never so naive as to assume their plans would go swimmingly; they pre-planned for the nth eventuality. Using terror against the Brits and Arabs was Zionist policy from the beginning; not a reaction to Arab attacks.
Lets assume what you guys are saying is true, what does that mean? it only means the "right of return" is not a "right". in fact the right of return of refuges is not really very important for any one except the refuges and the PLO are just using it for negotiation, and in fact if Israel excepted it it would mean the end of the state of Israel demographically. What we are talking about and what is more important are the Palestinians living in the west Bank that Israel is planing to annex. The refuges should be given citizenships of the countries they are living in.
Your sanitized historical synopsis is factually incorrect.The fact is that, after the Ottoman Caliph denied the Zionists' bid for a Jewish state, they moved to Plan B, which consisted of the following tactics -
No, as near as I can tell your "Plan B" characterization doesn't match the record of Jews immigrating since the 1880s (before Abdul Hamid II's conditional refusal to establish a distinct Jewish vilayet), lobbying for a Jewish National Home (not State) during WWI, and LEGAL migration of Jews to Palestine, mostly poor and oppressed ones from Europe but some from Yemen, too.

After the Arabs backstabbed the Turks -- based on a promise by the Brits of an Arab homeland with no mention of a Jewish state therein -- they found that the Brits had lied -
The Brits lied to a lot of people but that doesn't contradict the accuracy of my account.

At this point, the Zionists -- supremely organized and methodical as always -- moved into the next phase of their planning -
There was no "Jewish terror squads" at this time - small ones formed later and were immediately crushed or disbanded at independence. The terror was overwhelmingly Arabs attacking Jews. Sure, it's written differently in Arab accounts but when you catch them at it they say they did it for political reasons - to ensnare people like you.
This is the Israeli narrative. The reality is that Jewish militant organizations were created and active from the beginning.

The Zionists were never so naive as to assume their plans would go swimmingly; they pre-planned for the nth eventuality. Using terror against the Brits and Arabs was Zionist policy from the beginning; not a reaction to Arab attacks.

Sorry..but historic narratives from any credible accounts including those of Arabs does not confirm this view point..unless you belive propaganda of Hamas and PLO are actual history!

For example..the above mention narrative is that of a Palestiean-American historian Rashid Khalidi...

Rashid Ismail Khalidi (Arabic: رشيد خالدي‎), born 1948, a Palestinian American historian of the Middle East, is the Edward Said Professor of Modern Arab Studies at Columbia University, and director of the Middle East Institute of Columbia's School of International and Public Affairs.

Khalidi was born in New York. Khalidi is the son of Ismail Khalidi and the nephew of Husayin al-Khalidi.[2] He is the father of the playwright, Ismail Khalidi. He grew up in New York City where his father, a Saudi citizen[2] of Palestinian origins who was born in Jerusalem,[3] worked for the United Nations.[2][4] Khalidi's mother, a Lebanese-American born in the United States, was an interior decorator. Khalidi attended the United Nations International School.[3]

So now are you trying to argue that Arabs are falsifying their own history???

No matter which way you look into it..the famous anti-jewish riots of Jerusalem was started by Arabs..and I wonder what a Pakistani has business in defending some remote history?

There was no "Jewish terror squads" at this time - small ones formed later and were immediately crushed or disbanded at independence. The terror was overwhelmingly Arabs attacking Jews. Sure, it's written differently in Arab accounts but when you catch them at it they say they did it for political reasons - to ensnare people like you.

The Bedouin Arabs under the rule of clergy have always had an excuse to justify terrorism..could blame it on primitive means of living and limited mentality..but a deeper look into history could help..the Bedouin livelihood at large was raiding and looting trade caravans.. en-route between Syria and Hejaz..and offcourse they had a dozen reason to justify it. So crime, banditry and terrorism has always been in their culture along with their own set of rules to justify one..Since the advent of islam..the bedouin doctrine of banditry has over time become gradually infused with backward religious groups ...the same mentality would later grow into najdism, Ikhwan, talibans and AQ who would shun all influences of civilization and technology in the name of religion and be hell bent on taking muslims back to stone age in the name of islam...and give rise to violent holy war of islamists as we know today
It is true. Thanks for the nice documentary. :tup: I also used to believe in Palestinian terrorism once upon a time. But now I stand for Israeli cause based on my research.

Palestinian terrorists are no better than Chechenyan terrorists, pakistan's taliban, libyan terrorists and Syrian terrorists.

yes but militancy has gone down...always remember that the HAMAS israel used to (and still does) label as terrorist is an israeli-made creation so that it could serve to be a bulwark against Arafat's PLO

helps to read up on the conflict as well

Palis havent always been innocent......We saw what they did in black september....the munich episode didnt help their cause much (every time the jews were attacked in israel, it was to their blessing...they could make the case of a so-called "Second holocaust" and other rubbish like that)

i think they (Palestinians) are alot smarter now, but the world is also a lot blinder to the conflict because ever since the global recession people just don't care about the issue much nowdays. Also the insurrections in much of the Arab world stole the headlines for quite some time.

in actuality - the victim is Palestine. Not israel

to deny that, you'd have to be either really biased, really blind, or just mentally retarded

and yes - it is a huge shame the Arabs backstabbed the Turks and licked British boots....it actually ought to be a huge issue of contention.

the Brits brain-washed the Arabs to believe that the Ottoman Turks enslaved them...well to some degree, that isnt ENTIRELY an unfair statement. But I think the Britishers were much worse slave-masters. A real shame that the goras succesfully divided Muslims just for the sake of economic profits and propping up a bunch of bedouins in the desert to become "royalty" in exchange for political favours

but wait a minute, that pretty much sounds like dear leader Zardari and Co. too :laugh:.....
No, as near as I can tell your "Plan B" characterization doesn't match the record of Jews immigrating since the 1880s (before Abdul Hamid II's conditional refusal to establish a distinct Jewish vilayet), lobbying for a Jewish National Home (not State) during WWI, and LEGAL migration of Jews to Palestine, mostly poor and oppressed ones from Europe but some from Yemen, too.

OK, so Plan B (backup plan) was in effect even before the request to the Caliph was made. Doesn't change the overall picture.

There was no "Jewish terror squads" at this time - small ones formed later and were immediately crushed or disbanded at independence. The terror was overwhelmingly Arabs attacking Jews. Sure, it's written differently in Arab accounts but when you catch them at it they say they did it for political reasons - to ensnare people like you.

Each side claims the other side started the terror and they were only responding. In any case, what is beyond dispute, even by Israeli historians, is that the Arabs did not leave Palestine voluntarily, but were driven out be Jewish terrorism.

Middle East Policy Council | Jewish Terrorism in Israel

Sorry..but historic narratives from any credible accounts including those of Arabs does not confirm this view point..unless you belive propaganda of Hamas and PLO are actual history!

See above. Even Israeli historians now acknowledge that Jewish terror was instrumental in eviction of Arabs from what-is-now Israel.
I heard but hesitated to believe that the KSA is working with Israel to topple the current Iranian regime. But when someone born in Pakistan, living in KSA and apparently religious, initiates a thread like this one based on an Al-Jazeera documentary (and also its very existence) the haze somewhat clears out.
5 viral Pallywood propaganda debunked

Source + Links to references: http://www.idfblog.com/2012/05/19/5-anti-idf-lies-which-turned-viral/

5 Anti-IDF Lies Which Turned Viral​

In the battle over public opinion, much has been said about the IDF and Israel –some of it true, a lot of it not. Many times a photo or a video goes viral, giving people a completely false impression of what really happened. Here are 5 smear campaigns about the IDF, from the least-known to the most famous, which turned out to be 100% fake:

5. IDF Soldier Stepping on Girl

In February, a photo showing a girl being stepped on by an IDF soldier went viral, sparking outrage online against Israel. First debunked by ElderofZiyon, the photo was in fact part of a 2009 street theater showin Bahrain.

4. Mavi Marmara Photo Fraud

The 2010 Mavi Marmara incident, also known as the “Gaza flotilla raid”, sparked much debate over the nature of “non-violent” activism. The flotilla’s passengers claimed to have been completely peaceful; the soldiers claimed to have been lynched. Several months after the incident a Turkish news outlet released photos contradicting the activists’ claims, showing a so-called “non-violent activist” holding a bloodstained knife with a pool of blood–but the photos, when published by Reuters, were suspiciously cropped and omit the weapon.

Original photo published by Hurriyet (notice the weapons)

Photo published by Reuters

Originally debunked by the blog Little Green Footballs, further proof later showed the so-called activists attacking the soldiers violently.


Original photo published by Hurriyet (notice the weapons)


Photo published by Reuters

3. Raja Abu Shaban

In March, during an escalation of rocket fire from the Gaza Strip, a photo of Raja Abu Shaban, a 3-year-old allegedly killed by an IDF airstrike in Gaza, was circulating on Twitter. The misinformation campaign started when a UN worker, Khulood Badawi, posted the photo and claimed that it was recent – and that the IDF was to blame. It wasn’t true. Sadly, Raja Abu Shaban was killed when she fell off a swing in 2006.


The false claims were originally debunked by Avi Mayer and the IDF Blog, with later details added by Honest Reporting. Along with the Raja Abu Shaban photo, other dated photos which were attributed to the fighting also turned out to be false.
2. 2006 Lebanon War Photos

During the Lebanon War in 2006, photos that were manipulated or blatantly staged started flooding international media outlets, giving a twisted perspective of the reality in the field. The most well-known incident was when Adnan Hajj, a freelance journalist employed by Reuters, manipulated the smoke in photos of Beirut in order to falsely imply that Israeli air strikes caused greater damage.


The original photo, and the doctored one, taken by Adnan Hajj, Reuters-employed photojournalist

The photos were originally debunked by the blog Little Green Footballs. Later, bloggers who analyzed other images discovered that more photos were doctored, and Hajj was subsequently fired. Despite this exposure, many other news outlets also published fake photos or misleading captions.


Adnan Hajj's doctored photos. Areas where Photoshop "clone" tool were used are highlighted (Credit: Lemonodor)

1. Muhammad al-Durrah

One of the most famous images from the last 15 years comes from what is known as the Mohammed al-Durrah incident. Originally filmed by Talal Abu Rahma for France 2 television, the footage allegedly shows that Muhammad al-Durrah, a 12-year-old boy, was killed by IDF fire and died in his father’s arms. The boy became a martyr and a symbol of the Palestinian Intifada.


Screenshot from France 2's Muhammad al-Durrah footage

The IDF was not to blame. Several sources worldwide debunked the original France 2 footage and suggest that al-Durrah was shot at by Palestinian forces – or that the whole incident was staged. Read more about the investigations and decide for yourself.

Know any other false incidents about the IDF that went viral? Share with us in the comments.
I would not be surprised that if this was a work of Israeli propagandist. Simple trick spread some lies against Israel and then show they are untrue to suggests that Israel does not commit atrocities.

Sad matter of fact is that in 2006 Israeli attacks resulted in 1400 civilian deaths. Think 1400 people mourning,
already went through this in the pallywood thread...requesting mods to merge

I would not be surprised that if this was a work of Israeli propagandist. Simple trick spread some lies against Israel and then show they are untrue to suggests that Israel does not commit atrocities.

Sad matter of fact is that in 2006 Israeli attacks resulted in 1400 civilian deaths. Think 1400 people mourning,

hezbollah "finger the honeybee nest" tactics resulted in 1400 deaths an ethinic cleansing of south lebanon as a result it is a 100% hezbollah town today..
2. 2006 Lebanon War Photos

During the Lebanon War in 2006, photos that were manipulated or blatantly staged started flooding international media outlets, giving a twisted perspective of the reality in the field. The most well-known incident was when Adnan Hajj, a freelance journalist employed by Reuters, manipulated the smoke in photos of Beirut in order to falsely imply that Israeli air strikes caused greater damage.

The original photo, and the doctored one, taken by Adnan Hajj, Reuters-employed photojournalist

The photos were originally debunked by the blog Little Green Footballs. Later, bloggers who analyzed other images discovered that more photos were doctored, and Hajj was subsequently fired. Despite this exposure, many other news outlets also published fake photos or misleading captions.

Adnan Hajj's doctored photos. Areas where Photoshop "clone" tool were used are highlighted (Credit: Lemonodor)

1. Muhammad al-Durrah

One of the most famous images from the last 15 years comes from what is known as the Mohammed al-Durrah incident. Originally filmed by Talal Abu Rahma for France 2 television, the footage allegedly shows that Muhammad al-Durrah, a 12-year-old boy, was killed by IDF fire and died in his father’s arms. The boy became a martyr and a symbol of the Palestinian Intifada.


Screenshot from France 2's Muhammad al-Durrah footage

The IDF was not to blame. Several sources worldwide debunked the original France 2 footage and suggest that al-Durrah was shot at by Palestinian forces – or that the whole incident was staged. Read more about the investigations and decide for yourself.

Know any other false incidents about the IDF that went viral? Share with us in the comments.

Thanx man the world will surely understand that Israel is the world most innocent nation ..... u just bring us in light with your thread how can we pay u back i think we never can thanx again man :hitwall:
Is this fake?

Attrocity of Occupation: israeli soldiers breaking the bones of a Palestinian

Israeli soldier shoots blindfolded and handcuffed Palestinian man at point blank range

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