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Palestinian Arab struggle against Arabs


Dec 12, 2008
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"...Over the decades we have been denied citizenship of our host countries, we have been denied the ability to own property and work in numerous professions. This channel is dedicated to our silent human rights crisis - perpetrated by our own brothers."

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I would like people to look how low Zionist propaganda is, I detest those people nature, they are very good at manipulating, lying, fabricating and getting empathy of others. They have a habit of fabricating and exaggerating Palestinians "persecution" and take it to excuse their prosecution of them. Few Arab regimes mostly prosecuted their own people and the refugees were not any better, however, those regimes are gone now.
"...Over the decades we have been denied citizenship of our host countries, we have been denied the ability to own property and work in numerous professions. This channel is dedicated to our silent human rights crisis - perpetrated by our own brothers."

Palestinians were treated the same as Iraqis in Iraq and Syrians in Syria, they had the same rights. As for Jordan, they got everything including citizenship. But in Lebanon, they face underemployment and that's due to the fact the Lebanese themselves face the same problems.

Israel displaced millions of Palestinians in hope they would get hosting countries citizenship and yet forget about returning to their country through generations. And that's exactly why Arabs didn't give them citizenship, to keep them related to their country in hope they return to it. And this is the thing Israel has been afraid of.

And now this Solomon2, is trying to show it as mistreatment. How pathetic of you...
I would like people to look how low Zionist propaganda is, I detest those people nature, they are very good at manipulating, lying, fabricating and getting empathy of others. They have a habit of fabricating and exaggerating Palestinians "persecution" and take it to excuse their prosecution of them. Few Arab regimes mostly prosecuted their own people and the refugees were not any better, however, those regimes are gone now.

Sure and Pallys in arab countries have been accorded the right to citizenship and are fully assisted by the government in their upliftment efforts!

And now this Solomon2, is trying to show it as mistreatment. How pathetic of you...

Or rather the hard reality!

How many Pallys i know personally who wish to escape the humiliating treatment levied on them by fellow Arabs!

IAmA a Palestinian refugee from Lebanon and I wish the Arab world gets as little as 10% of the criticism Israel gets for treating Palestinians. AMA. : IAmA

At least 300,000 Palestinian refugees live in Lebanon in what Human Rights Watch calls “appalling social and economic conditions.” They’re blocked from working in a variety of professions, and the Lebanese government has largely resisted granting them broader property rights.
The Redditor quotes British member of Parliament Gerald Kaufman on his 2011 visit to the refugee camps in Lebanon:
When I went to Gaza in 2010 I thought I had seen the worst that could be seen of the appalling predicament of Palestinians living in conditions which no human being should be expected to endure. But what I saw in the camps in Lebanon is far worse and far more hopeless. The conditions are unspeakable, but for over 400,000 of our fellow human beings this is their life: today, tomorrow and for a future that cannot even be foreseen. At least in Gaza, frightful though the situation is, the people are free within the confines of their blockaded prison. In the camps of Lebanon they are not free.

Egypt recently helped broker the most recent cease-fire between Gazans and Israeli troops, and in July, Egypt eased travel restrictions on Palestinians. In addition, some 50,000 Palestinians, most of them from the Gaza Strip, have been granted Egyptian citizenship over the past few months.
Before this summer, however, a years-long, restrictive travel policy meant that most Palestinians attempting to cross the border into or out of Gaza had to be escorted by Egyptian security guards, and they were sometimes detained at the border or airport for days as a result.
“It’s time to end this and forever. It makes no sense to travel all over the world, then Egypt, an Arab country, treats you like an animal,” Youssef Ramadan, a 36-year old merchant from Gaza traveling to China through Egypt, told Al-Jazeera.
The measures instituted in July ended the procedure, allowing Palestinians to cross through Egypt according to their own arrangements and stay in the country for up to 72 hours to do so, al-Jazeera reported.

Life for Iraq’s Palestinians deteriorated after the fall of Saddam Hussein, who had encouraged the migration of thousands of Palestinians to Iraq in the early 1990s. After he was deposed, Shiite militias began attacking Palestinians, angered by their association with the the pro-Hussein Baathists and, later, by allegations that they supported the Sunni Arab insurgency, according to UNHCR, the U.N. refugee agency.
Baghdad was once home to 30,000 Palestinians, but more than half have fled since the U.S.-led invasion there. In 2010, UNHCR finally closed a refugee camp on the Iraq-Syria border where hundreds of Palestinians had been stranded for years. Earlier this year, Palestinian refugees appealed to Abbas, the Palestinian Authority president, saying that they had been denied medical care and had to use fake ID cards to receive treatment.
“After the 2003 war [Palestinians] were severely targeted with discrimination or killings and the majority fled the country,” throwaway874832749 writes. “If a non-Palestinian Arab speaks of the maltreatment of Palestinians by Israelis, tell them to … demand rights for Palestinians in their [own] countries.”


Following the 1991 Gulf War, Palestinians in Kuwait were reduced from a thriving immigrant community of more than 400,000 to less than 30,000 in 1998. Kuwaitis forced them out of the country using a systematic and violent campaign of ethnic cleansing. The Palestinian official support for Iraq during the crisis was used as an excuse for that campaign.

Chapter 10: Palestinians in Kuwait: Terror and Ethnic Cleansing By Hassan A El-Najjar

Palestine Refugee Family in Yemen Face Abuse Following Deportation from Saudi Arabia

The following statement was issued by Alkarama on 2 January 2013.]

The suffering of a family of Palestinian refugees continues after being forcibly deported from Taif, Saudi Arabia to Yemen in 2007. All the members of Al-Hadad family were recently detained by Yemeni security forces and then taken to Sana'a central Prison without any legal proceedings. Although some of the family members were released a week later, the father, Omar Eid Nimer Al-Hadad, and his son Mahmoud (20 years old) are still in detention despite orders from the General Prosecutor to release them.

Palestine Refugee Family in Yemen Face Abuse Following Deportation from Saudi Arabia

Fact #7: Arab leaders have been abusing the Palestinians for political gain since the beginning of the conflict

The mass abuse of Palestinians at the hands of Arab leaders began with the creation of the Palestinian refugee problem in the War of 1948. Before launching the war, leaders of the invading Arab armies ordered Palestinian Arabs to leave their homes so they could “obliterate every place the Jews seek shelter in”. From then until today, Palestinians refugees have been denied basic rights in almost every Arab country where they have sought shelter, including Lebanon, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Iraq. Libya expelled 30,000 of its Palestinian refugees; Kuwait expelled over 400,000. Yasser Arafat himself said that “What Kuwait did to the Palestinian people is worse than what has been done by Israel to Palestinians in the occupied territories.”

According to the Arab League, the explicit policy of denying Palestinians citizenship in other Arab countries and keeping them in “very bad conditions” is in order “to preserve their Palestinian identity”. An Egyptian foreign minister also openly stated that the intention in demanding the right of Palestinian refugees to return “is the extermination of Israel”.

Arab Leaders Abuse Palestinian Suffering
Sure and Pallys in arab countries have been accorded the right to citizenship and are fully assisted by the government in their upliftment efforts!
They do have the very same rights.
Or rather the hard reality!

How many Pallys i know personally who wish to escape the humiliating treatment levied on them by fellow Arabs!
Lebanon is an exception as Palestinians are seen as a threat as they upset the balance of the complex ethnic and religions parties in Lebanon, Christians see them a threat because they are Muslims and give a boost to Muslim population in Lebanon, and the same goes for the others.
They do have the very same rights.

Are you trying to fool me? I live in KSA !

Lebanon is an exception as Palestinians are seen as a threat as they upset the balance of the complex ethnic and religions parties in Lebanon, Christians see them a threat because they are Muslims and give a boost to Muslim population in Lebanon, and the same goes for the others.

And what about Jordan? Black September? Re-call anything?
Palestinians were treated the same as Iraqis in Iraq and Syrians in Syria, they had the same rights. As for Jordan, they got everything including citizenship. But in Lebanon, they face underemployment and that's due to the fact the Lebanese themselves face the same problems.

Israel displaced millions of Palestinians in hope they would get hosting countries citizenship and yet forget about returning to their country through generations. And that's exactly why Arabs didn't give them citizenship, to keep them related to their country in hope they return to it. And this is the thing Israel has been afraid of.

And now this Solomon2, is trying to show it as mistreatment. How pathetic of you...

This amercian jew is really sick
Are you trying to fool me? I live in KSA !
They are persecuted in KSA?!!!!
And what about Jordan? Black September? Re-call anything?
In black September, about 1000 were killed from the Jordanian army, and 3000 from the Fedaeen. Arafat over exaggerated the causalities to get sympathy of Arabs. The more important fact that Black September was between Jordanian army and Fedaeen, half of Jordanian army were Palestinians and many of Fedaeen were Jordanians, and many leaders of Fedaeen who plotted against King Hussien were of Jordanian origins. It was an inevitable operation to restore peace and order to the country after it turned into a mosaic of warring militias and every militia had a different ideology. Maybe Israelis here know that there is no Jordanian tribe that doesn't have relatives in Palestine and vice versa, they are one people and the closest ones. So, picturing it as a genocide is a base Zionist try to show that Arabs are worse in dealing with Palestinians, while it wasn't against them, lawless people are lawless and must be dealt with based on that not based on nationality or religion.
Palestinians were treated the same as Iraqis in Iraq and Syrians in Syria, they had the same rights. As for Jordan, they got everything including citizenship. But in Lebanon, they face underemployment and that's due to the fact the Lebanese themselves face the same problems.

Israel displaced millions of Palestinians in hope they would get hosting countries citizenship and yet forget about returning to their country through generations. And that's exactly why Arabs didn't give them citizenship, to keep them related to their country in hope they return to it. And this is the thing Israel has been afraid of.

And now this Solomon2, is trying to show it as mistreatment. How pathetic of you...

And now you are trying to justify persecution of your own community at the hands of neighboring Arab countries.
How ridiculous can it get seriously?
Sure and Pallys in arab countries have been accorded the right to citizenship and are fully assisted by the government in their upliftment efforts!

Or rather the hard reality!
As I said Arab leaders mistreated their own people and the refugees weren't an exception.
And now you are trying to justify persecution of your own community at the hands of neighboring Arab countries.
How ridiculous can it get seriously?

Ihsan, Jordan is an independent country with people have been always living here faced lawless militias (Jordanians and Palestinians) with power to restore peace and order and that's what countries like USA, Russia and mmany others face insurgency from their own people and that's what Jordan did In Maan in 2002. While Israelis are mainly invaders and Palestinians are struggling to get their own homeland back. Don't you get it?
I would like people to look how low Zionist propaganda is, I detest those people nature, they are very good at manipulating, lying, fabricating and getting empathy of others.
Thank you kindly, but this thread is about Palestinian Arabs and their interactions with other Arabs. There is another thread for you to express your visceral hatred of Zionists, the "Palestinian Struggle against Israel" thread the mods have stuck in the "Strategic & Geopolitical Issues" forum.

They have a habit of fabricating and exaggerating Palestinians "persecution" and take it to excuse their prosecution of them.
Jews didn't make the video I posted, nor do I consider it pro-Zionist. So if you are talking about something else, please provide proof - otherwise, your words are merely an empty mantra, something to hold people back from recognizing reality.

Few Arab regimes mostly prosecuted their own people and the refugees were not any better, however, those regimes are gone now.
Ah, now we get to the nubbin that worries you: allegations that Jordan currently mistreats Palestinian Arabs from Syria. That would indeed be a good addition to this thread.

Israel displaced millions of Palestinians -
Now who is exaggerating?
The palestinians are refugees because of the jews

The other arabs should help them more and treat them better but not settle them

They have a home, its called palestine

Israel is a cancer, hitler knew this, he tried to save humanity by eradicating them

Palestinians must not give up
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