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Pakistan's security challenges from 2015-2025.


May 3, 2009
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Hilal English September 20140005.jpg
Hilal English September 20140006.jpg
Hilal English September 20140007.jpg
Sir i think the major concern right now is to get a stable political environment.. pakistan is getting divided between nawaz and imran supporters...
. . .
How old is this article? For example, the Afghans now have a unity government, and there is no mention of Zarb-e-Azb.

Anyway, we have this highlight:

QUOTE: "Pakistan's highest priority for the next ten years should be improvement of internal security, elimination of religious extremism and terrorism, economic renewal and especially addressing the shortages of electricity and gas. As long as Pakistan does not deal with the above issues on a priority basis, Pakistan's internal weaknesses will adversely affect its role at the international level."/QUOTE

Please tell us something we already do not know. Besides, there is no indication of precisely how these priorities are to be actually achieved given our track record of failing governance and planning from the micro to the macro level that allowed these problems to fester and flourish in the first place.

Then comes this gem:

QUOTE: "If Pakistan can stabilize its internal situation and control terrorism, it can serve as an important channel for inter-region trade and transit for energy, services and personnel."/QUOTE

This is as empty a dream as they come. Please look at a map, and patterns of transit of energy, service and personnel in the region, and tell me just exactly how Pakistan can be a channel for these things between Central Asia, South Asia and "West Asia"? Not a snowflake's chance in hell is probably a more correct assessment of these pipedreams.
For the first quoted part :
Zarb-e-Azb is on. The government does seem to be trying to overcome economic issues. Eletricity projects have also been started. Gas projects are also up! Where did the get info from?

Yet if you wanna say something, How about highlight the solutions and methods of doing that.... Discuss something like Kalabag Dam or other options!
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