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Pakistan's Political Will "wavering" In Pakistan


Dec 25, 2007
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Courtesy of Jane Perlez at the NYT, this report on the Pakistani legislature nicely reflects the sentiment seen at this board by a vocal minority.

Pakistani Legislators Show Little Appetite For the Fight-NYT

I don't know, but suspect, that this board generally reflects the conservative and modestly to radical pro-military bent of the nation. Can it lead and will the rest follow?

It might be fairly suggested that any action by the legislature in support of ongoing military operations in SWAT, Bajaur, and N. Waziristan might be luke-warm and well diluted if these missions entail any length.

In fact, these missions will be lengthy. Anybody suggesting otherwise doesn't understand the nature of the fight. Even after active combat operations there shall be a requirement for significant security forces to implement and enforce the writ of state while providing protection to the equally significant civil assistance which, hopefully, will rapidly follow on end.

I say "hopefully" but without close and careful coordination and planning by various non-military government institutions to reconcile and de-conflict inevitably competing needs, there will be a collapse of the over-arching objective of bringing the state's abilities to serve to it's citizens and autonomous "wards of state".

Let's hope that the Pakistani legislature rapidly learns that it can't wish away the hard responsibilities of governance for which they've been entrusted by it's people and, further, learn themselves how to lead their own constituents by more than empty words.
Unfortunatly ,the present government is following the foot steps of Gen Mushraf regime.
I dont know that it was part of deal between Baznazir/Zardari and Musharaf or not.May be that is reason Zardari is not restoring the supereme court CJ.
Second reason they are expecting aid still in pipe line from US .
These shameless leaders are ready to sell every thing of nation.You can expect any thing from them.
What they did with Dr AFIA is best example to expose them.
War on terror is taking a new turn by recent talks of US supported afghan government and talaban in saudi arabia
I think unrest in pakistan will be resolved after any settlement between these main two war factions in FATA and SWAT.
Pakistani leadership has no important role in this war ,US has used them as tissue paper and they ready to do any thing to get favour and aid from US.

This is not phenomenon is continued ,from independence of pakistan these feudal lords cum politician hijacked this country soon after Quaid e Azam death.They are using Army as their tool.
We as nation can not stand with independent nation as long these feudel lord mafia is present in pakistan
They are just like war lord of afghanistan.

Talaban type of movement is required to kicked these feudel lords out of this country .
How old are you? You need to return to Pakistan and take up arms against the American and Pakistani aggressors. Then you can properly teach them the lessons that must be administered for their pseudo-imperialist ways.

Of course, you may get your silly butt whacked in the process- especially if you cross over the border. Guarantee that there's some young U.S. infantryman eager to punch your ticket. Still, all for the greater glory of God (PBUH), as they say...

Enjoy your day...:disagree:
If US army is winning the war ,then why they are begging for deal with talaban after seven years of fighting.

The satuation in Afghanistan is reverse from iraq ,in afghanistan US casualities are increasing day by day.

Better US call back their boys other wise Talaban will make gun powder from their bones.

US army can only fight is plan area with their air condition tanks they dont have experience of gurilla ware fare.
Then jihad away, youngster, and be a stand-up guy. Sounds like victory is right around the corner and you wouldn't want to miss out on a good thing. Just imagine how easy it must be to whack a yank in Afghanistan.

Easiest way, of course, would be to do the right thing and strap on one of those funny little blow up vests. You read like just the guy/gal to do so. Hopefully, you'd have the courage to take on soldiers instead of assassinating a British female aid worker as was done the other day.

How brave!:tsk::tdown:
Every thing is right in love and war.

Remember Talaban are basically son of david(Ten lost tribes).They are very good friend if you make them friend and very bad enemy if make your enemy.

I suggest american send your generalist to live with talaban ,then ask them how thay are treated.

Most of them with be converted to islam.

They are simple and brave people either your friend or enemy.

While sitting in america you can imagine the talaban way of life.

I think they the most difficult nation the world to rule.

Let them decide to rule their country .You should monitor your stock exchange which nose diving.

"They are simple and brave people either your friend or enemy."

Indeed that they are simple. "Brave", though, strikes me as nothing short of laughable were it not so tragic. Killing a female civilian aid worker as she walks to work is hardly the act of a warrior. It is, instead, the work of a sad and cowardly man who brings no honor to the God he professes to defend.

Thus are the taliban. Clearly nothing has changed since they managed to turn a Kabul soccer stadium into a bloody house of horrors for their own perverse entertainment.

Thank you but with your twisted notions of bravery I've little doubt that my nation remains firmly committed to staying and supporting the afghani people to find their way into the future instead of a dark and evil past.
Tell me one thing why american have habbit to interfare in matters of other nations.

American even dont trust their wives and vice versa.How can other nation trust you people.First you should correct you moral values then try to correct evil of other nations.

Please dont rely on new that aid worker women get killed talaban.

May be that girl is spy.

Your army days in Afghanistan now numbered and count down is started.

American defeat will be worst then Rusian army.
Great use of the title in response to the other thread S-2, and completely apt.
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PAKISTANI PARLIMENT wants troops withdrawll from NWFP?
just got the news from , dawn news that pakistani parliment with a resolution pusshing for, all the troops withdarwll from fata, altogather with other areas of NWFP?
is that the end of opreation , against militants?:tsk::disagree::cry:
22 Oct 2008

ISLAMABAD: The draft of resolution on national security policy has been approved during the in-camera session of the parliament on Wednesday.

The parliamentary committee succeeded to achieve consensus on that the precedence would be given to negotiations in issues facing tribal areas.

The draft resolution said the military would be called from tribal areas and financial assistance would be given to the injured.

The draft resolution said that all past agreements regarding War on Terror and logistics support to Nato forces from Pakistan would be thoroughly reviewed.

The draft resolution also said that local tribal representatives should be included in any future strategy for the tribal areas.

The consensus draft resolution on national security would be tabled in parliament today.
This is BS. They will never agree to anything decisive. The responsibility for the war, for anything that is needed to protect the physical and ideological frontiers of the country...will fall on the Army along with all the blame and negatives that come with it. When will these people start acting like representatives worthy of a nation-state, so that Army can focus on its primary job. We have a parliament of chin-less power hungry disloyal and manipulative thugs.:hitwall:
If it does happen then we might loose some territory and the ******* politicians will blame Army.
22 Oct 2008

ISLAMABAD, Oct 22 (APP): Following is the consensus resolution passed at the conclusion of the in-camera joint sitting of the parliament :-

“This in-camera joint session of Parliament has noted with great concern that extremism, militancy and terrorism in all forms and manifestations pose a grave danger to the stability and integrity of the nation-state. It was recalled that in the past the dictatorial regimes pursued policies aimed at perpetuating their own power at the cost of national interest.

This House, having considered the issue thoroughly and at great length is of the view that in terms of framing laws, building institutions, protecting our citizens from violence, eradication of terror at its roots, re-building our economy and developing opportunities for the disadvantaged, we all commit to the following:

1. That we need an urgent review of our national security strategy and revisiting the methodology of combating terrorism in order to restore peace and stability to Pakistan and the region through an independent foreign policy.

2. The challenge of militancy and extremism must be met through developing a consensus and dialogue with all genuine stakeholders.

3. The nation stands united to combat this growing menace, with a strong public message condemning all forms and manifestations of terrorism, including the spread of sectarian hatred and violence, with a firm resolve to combat it and to address its root causes.

4. That Pakistan’s sovereignty and territorial integrity shall be safeguarded. The nation stands united against any incursions and invasions of the homeland, and calls upon the government to deal with it effectively.

5. That Pakistan’s territory shall not be used for any kind of attacks on other countries and all foreign fighters, if found, shall be expelled from our soil.

6. That dialogue must now be the highest priority, as a principal instrument of conflict management and resolution. Dialogue will be encouraged with all those elements willing to abide by the Constitution of Pakistan and rule of law.

7. That the development of troubled zones, particularly the tribal areas, and NWFP (Pukhtoonkhwa), must also be pursued through all possible ways and legitimate means to create genuine stakeholders in peace. New economic opportunities shall be created in order to bring the less privileged areas at par with the rest of Pakistan.

8. That a political dialogue with the people of Balochistan, the redressal of grievances and redistribution of resources shall be enhanced and accelerated.

9. That the state shall maintain the rule of law, and that when it has to intervene to protect the lives of its citizens, caution must be exercised to avoid casualties of non-combatants in conflict zones.

10. That the federation must be strengthened through the process of democratic pluralism, social justice, religious values and tolerance, and equitable resource sharing between the provinces as enshrined in the Constitution of 1973.

11. That the state shall establish its writ in the troubled zones, and confidence building mechanisms by using customary and local communities (jirga) and that the military will be replaced as early as possible by civilian law enforcement agencies with enhanced capacity and a sustainable political system achieved through a consultative process.

12. That Pakistan’s strategic interests be protected by developing stakes in regional peace and trade, both on the western and eastern borders.

13. That mechanisms for internal security be institutionalised by: paying compensation for victims of violence; and rehabilitate those displaced from their homes as soon as possible; that spill-over effects of terrorism be contained throughout the country and that public consensus be built against terrorism through media and religious participation.

14. That a Special Committee of Parliament be constituted to periodically review, provide guidelines and monitor the implementation of the principles framed and roadmap given in this Resolution. This House authorises the Speaker to constitute the said Committee in consultation with the parliamentary leaders of both Houses. The Committee will frame its own rules upon meeting.”
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