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Pakistan's Nuclear Submarine Development | News and Discussions

You really have a deep understanding of Indo-Pak relations which sadly only PA and their supporters seems to have. Why then a country having the most powerful weapon would need a large standing army is beyond most civilians.

Why just a meal a day, substitute the meals with a healthy dose of grass as Bhutto originally proposed. However, you would follow the evil Hindu vegetarians, now ain't that a B***H!

Mr.evil hindu vegetarian, "PA and their supporters " = "Pakistanis", why you complicate your life !
Pakistan maybe developing Nuclear Subs.. But 5 years is too unrealistic... No big power developed one in such a short time...
India took nearly 15 years to develop critical technologies needed to develop Nuclear subs...
It may be around 2020-2025, maybe pakistan can show a nuclear sub, if its indeed developing one...

man! stop comparing pakistan with india,
india took 4 decades to develop tejas .pak made its aircraft operational in a single decade.what does it tell you about pakistan.if thats not enough then read about the nuclear development,missile technology ,cruise missiles etc and you will learn how we made do things.whenever we say we will do it,it gets done
Security indeed comes first, but please be sure such an approach has its own costs in terms of social development, and those costs, in the long run, can have adverse effects on security as well.

Thus, a balanced approach is the best: Security first, yes, but not to the long term exclusion of everything else.

Pakistan has a credible nuclear deterrent already. Having a nuclear powered submarine with nuclear weapons provides for a second strike capability. Does it really need one, given its existing capabilities? If Pakistan decides it needs to be second-strike capable, it then needs to decide at what cost?

Pakistan is the most threatened nation on the planet and the most blamed and probably the most hated country at the moment.
A second strike capability will keep enemies at bay.
But lets see if the 'submarine' ever materializes,right now its all speculation based on Pakistan's experiments with Tube laumched nuclear capable cruise missiles and Navy's newly formed strategic command.
india took 4 decades to develop tejas .pak made its aircraft operational in a single decade.what does it tell you about pakistan.if thats not enough then read about the nuclear development,missile technology ,cruise missiles etc and you will learn how we made do things.whenever we say we will do it,it gets done

This thread is not about Indian products, and i don wish to go into it and turn the direction of thread.
I am not saying, pakistan wont get it done, but it will get done in prolonged periods of time !

Pakistan is the most threatened nation on the planet and the most blamed and probably the most hated country at the moment.
A second strike capability will keep enemies at bay.
But lets see if the 'submarine' ever materializes,right now its all speculation based on Pakistan's experiments with Tube laumched nuclear capable cruise missiles and Navy's newly formed strategic command.

Nope. Israel is the most threatened countries on earth.
Pakistan is the most threatened nation on the planet and the most blamed and probably the most hated country at the moment.
A second strike capability will keep enemies at bay.

But lets see if the 'submarine' ever materializes,right now its all speculation based on Pakistan's experiments with Tube laumched nuclear capable cruise missiles and Navy's newly formed strategic command.

Please do keep in mind that having more and/or second-strike nuclear weapons will do nothing to change the threat, the blame or the poor reputation, will it? If anything, it might increase adversity for Pakistan. Just a thought to be considered.
Kid, learn the art of debating...

Kid , learn to read posts in context ... Unlike yours , our defence industries have a habit of delivering on time or before it ... :azn:

BTW Why are the Indians so worried ? :azn:

Didn't they say the same about our nuclear program/tanks/jets/missile/manpads ? What was the end result ? Didn't my country with stretched out resources managed to build the weapons it required by whatever means that too in time ?
Kid , learn to read posts in context ... Unlike yours , our defence industries have a habit of delivering on time or before it ... :azn:

and what may that be?? bullets?? spare parts?? Ever tried developing anything big on your own, without foreign collaboration???
and what may that be?? bullets?? spare parts?? Ever tried developing anything big on your own, without foreign collaboration???

Nothing wrong with foreign collaboration as long as it saves time,money and does the job.
The end result matters most...not how its done...
and what may that be?? bullets?? spare parts?? Ever tried developing anything big on your own, without foreign collaboration???

Glad you talked about bullets or basic ammunition ... I must enlighten you that we export them to other countries unlike you who have to import them from mother Russia ... You can count everything , doesn't concern us ...

Nah , we do not feel like reinventing the wheel and do not blindly believe what your defense contractors/industries means by " indigenous " , they too buy majority of things , assemble it off that too with delays ...
Nothing wrong with foreign collaboration as long as it saves time,money and does the job.
The end result matters most...not how its done...

But then Pakistani industries wouldn't be having much of a role to play, would they??We are not talking about time saving and completing the job.........I replied to your saying that pakistani industries completed the jobs on schedule..........
Pakistani industries didn't have a very difficult job, that's why they completed before time........
I replied to your saying that pakistani industries completed the jobs on schedule...

Yes , we are interested in completing the job , not how that is done ...

They did ... right ?

Great , that is what matters at the end of the day ... Nobody asks how did you make it as long as you make it ... Every country started off with copying / reverse engineering ... So I see nothing wrong if PN modifies an existing Chinese submarine or buys the technology to make it in Pakistan ...
You cannot compare the American and British sub costs with Pakistan's.

Moreover, work on the sub started way back in the late 90s. Whether we get Chinese help or not isn't important.
Late 90s? That means antiquated first generation Chinese nuke technology!!

Cheers! That's encouraging where India is concerned! We should be rubbing our hands with glee!!
But then Pakistani industries wouldn't be having much of a role to play, would they??We are not talking about time saving and completing the job.........I replied to your saying that pakistani industries completed the jobs on schedule..........
Pakistani industries didn't have a very difficult job, that's why they completed before time........

On the other hand india never fails to make things difficult for themselves and as a result expensive on budget.

Most of the projects that india actually completed were joint ventures. Brahmos joint venture,and other missiles with help of Israel.
The list goes on , but the thread will derail.
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