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Pakistan's Nuclear Deterrent

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Dec 21, 2008
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For country A to deter country B with its nuclear weapons, country A has to be able to deliver its nuclear weapons to country B. Everyone knows Pakistan can deliver its nuclear weapons to India. But the country that is currently carrying out twice weekly attacks on Pakistan's territory is the United States. How can Pakistan deter the United States? Even without Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs), it is not difficult to think of ways Pakistan could deliver half a dozen nuclear weapons to the United States' coastal cities such as New York and Washington. This thread is meant to explore ways in which Pakistan could deliver its nuclear weapons to the United States, the knowledge of which would deter the United States.
Pakistan's nuclear arsenal is meant for your country.

For USA, we'll think of something else.:cheesy:
Yeah, we will never fight with US (I hope so).Even if US attacks and destroy Pakistan our nukes target will be India :p.
Pakistan's nuclear arsenal is meant for your country.

For USA, we'll think of something else.:cheesy:
this mentality appears when you know with all your might Pak armed forces cant do anything to USA. USA can bomb you to the stone ages anytime they want.

I remember an old saying, "If you loose the fight in the bazaar, come home and pick up a fight with your mother!" ;)
Message to all the indian friends around here:

You don't need to worry about how we are going to defend Pakistan from USA. It is our country, we have defended it for the last 60 years and will do the same in the future. You go and worry about your own country and stop thinking about Pakistan's defences.

Oh yes, one thing you sure do need to remember: If we go at war with you, we can surely kick your back side.:pakistan:
this mentality appears when you know with all your might Pak armed forces cant do anything to USA. USA can bomb you to the stone ages anytime they want.

I remember an old saying, "If you loose the fight in the bazaar, come home and pick up a fight with your mother!" ;)

You boast about the might of your antediluvian war machinery which is much much bigger than Pakistan, can you pick a fight with US?????? then how can you recommend that without being an anti Pakistan maniac???? Shame on you for pretending to be very neutral and then making such comments. You are no different than those right wing blood thirsty hindu fascists who are the mortal and avowed enemy of Pakistan, despite claiming to be a muslim.

Our nuclear weapons are bharat specific and that is about it..... get it in your head once and for all.
this mentality appears when you know with all your might Pak armed forces cant do anything to USA. USA can bomb you to the stone ages anytime they want.

I remember an old saying, "If you loose the fight in the bazaar, come home and pick up a fight with your mother!" ;)

Yeah we know that, pretty much everyone knows that. But pretty much everyone knows that India is in the same position, infact apart from i think Russia, everyone is in the same situation.

I mean whats the point in saying that, other than showing that you are an Anti-Pakistan fool who is just happy someone else destoying Pakistan when don't have the courage to do so.
I am not dumb enuff to say India can Defeat USA Hands down blindfolded!!! But India can surely give the USA a fight, and our PSLV can be modified into an ICBM.

I wont even Say India can Over run Pakistan, Because Pakistan is mighty in all respects and can give India a tough fight, but that is India. We are talking about US of A. Just think, how will PAF react to the F22s?? Leave the F18s and others out! Man it will be over before it begins!
For country A to deter country B with its nuclear weapons, country A has to be able to deliver its nuclear weapons to country B. Everyone knows Pakistan can deliver its nuclear weapons to India. But the country that is currently carrying out twice weekly attacks on Pakistan's territory is the United States. How can Pakistan deter the United States? Even without Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs), it is not difficult to think of ways Pakistan could deliver half a dozen nuclear weapons to the United States' coastal cities such as New York and Washington. This thread is meant to explore ways in which Pakistan could deliver its nuclear weapons to the United States, the knowledge of which would deter the United States.

What nonsense are you posting here and wasting bandwidth. Why do we need to deliver nuclear weapons on to the US?:disagree:
Seriously you have no clue about what you are saying and neither do you have any about what kind of understand lies between both the US and Pakistan for drone attacks.
Also get one thing straight, nuclear weapons are meant for India, you need to worry more about that rather how Pakistan should deal with the US.:disagree:
Any one who has an 'understanding' with a foreign power for attacks on his own country's territory is a slave. As I have said in another thread, both India and Pakistan are such slaves of the white man.

I have said that the drone attacks are the start of a campaign by the United States to occupy and recolonise the subcontinent. Therefore India has to worry about the drone attacks as much as Pakistan and India has as much responsibility to stop them as does Pakistan.

Since the attacker is a nuclear power, stopping the drone attacks has to include the possible use of nuclear weapons. "Why do we need to deliver nuclear weapons to the US?" Because the United States is attacking your territory and it is a nuclear power. Since the drone attacks are as much a threat to India as they are to Pakistan, India will have to stop them if Pakistan will not.

Most Pakistanis would understand this. RAW has some operatives on this forum with Pakistani identities. Since RAW functions as a branch of the C.I.A. against India (and Pakistan), it tries to stop any discussion of how these countries could defend themselves against the United States. I don't know if you are one of those but post # 2 in this thread is by a RAW operative who registered after I started this thread and then posted something to try to stop any discussion of how Pakistan could deliver its nuclear weapons to the United States the knowledge of which will deter the United States from attacking Pakistan. Only someone who thinks that the white master has the right to do any thing he wants to his Indian and Pakistani slaves will object to such a discussion.
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this mentality appears when you know with all your might Pak armed forces cant do anything to USA. USA can bomb you to the stone ages anytime they want.

I remember an old saying, "If you loose the fight in the bazaar, come home and pick up a fight with your mother!" ;)

Our Pakistan Armed forces can do a lot of damage to US armed forces. USA bomb Pakistan to stone ages ?!! Nice joke dream on loser indian . USA is destroying itself and preparing itseld for civil unrest, we don't need to send missiles there even if we can. They will destroy themselves !

We have capability to destroy india and israel within minutes !...Sleep tight loser
Cool the racist rhetoric, big guy. You wish to be a provocateur, fine. Stay in bounds, though. That'll be hard since it's evident that you've a real desire to draw confrontation along racial fissures and I'd be extremely eager to see you very deservingly banned for that.
I am not dumb enuff to say India can Defeat USA Hands down blindfolded!!! But India can surely give the USA a fight, and our PSLV can be modified into an ICBM.

I wont even Say India can Over run Pakistan, Because Pakistan is mighty in all respects and can give India a tough fight, but that is India. We are talking about US of A. Just think, how will PAF react to the F22s?? Leave the F18s and others out! Man it will be over before it begins!

How are the Afghans and the Iraqis handling them. PAF will never engage USAF in air combat, it would simply be suicide for our air force. We will engage them in ground battles, fight a guerrila war. There will be millions of volunteers and Pakistani soldiers heading to Afghanistan to fight the US forces stationed over there. Keep in mind that Pakistan's Armed Forces are not armed with stones and sticks, they might not have the same fire power as the Americans but it would be enough to drive the Americans crazy. I can bet you as soon as casualties start rising up, the American public will go crazy and will demand that there troops be brought home. There is no way the US can go to war against Pakistan, they simply lack the resources. They are already entrenched in two wars and there economy is shrinking. Opening another front with Pakistan would be disastrous for them, how will they be able to fight a nation of 150 million people. .
How are the Afghans and the Iraqis handling them. PAF will never engage USAF in air combat, it would simply be suicide for our air force. We will engage them in ground battles, fight a guerrila war.

Pakistan has potential...but all US wants is to ensure the potential goes in their way. If u observe US trying to pullout from Iraq mainly becouse Osama (so called target for US) believed to be in afghan and potentially its safer to play with pakistan. They cant establish a military base in county like pakistan where they have better facility and life. Pakistan is a very good potential country for future to work with China Russia and India. US is just trying to have a base there! thats all its about
Who cares for India what they think here. China is keeping silent here .....pakistan is trading its value against money they are getting in :usflag:

Well i dont know its good for India or not.
How are the Afghans and the Iraqis handling them. PAF will never engage USAF in air combat, it would simply be suicide for our air force. We will engage them in ground battles, fight a guerrila war. There will be millions of volunteers and Pakistani soldiers heading to Afghanistan to fight the US forces stationed over there. Keep in mind that Pakistan's Armed Forces are not armed with stones and sticks, they might not have the same fire power as the Americans but it would be enough to drive the Americans crazy. I can bet you as soon as casualties start rising up, the American public will go crazy and will demand that there troops be brought home. There is no way the US can go to war against Pakistan, they simply lack the resources. They are already entrenched in two wars and there economy is shrinking. Opening another front with Pakistan would be disastrous for them, how will they be able to fight a nation of 150 million people. .

US army recruits lots of Mexicans, I know of many Indians who have joined US army for certain type of incentives. Having manpower is not an issue for Americans. Game in Afghanistan will be very different if India gets involved along with Americans. Indian manpower, American weapons and money...endless supply ....

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