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Pakistan's Naval Fleet Docks in Southern Iran, Joint drills to be held


Dec 30, 2011
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of

TEHRAN (FNA)- A detachment of Pakistan's fleet of warships berthed in Iran's territorial waters in the Southern port city of Bandar Abbas on Saturday.
During their stay in Iran's territorial waters, the commanders and officers of Pakistan's Rahnaward (sail training ship) and PMSS Nusrat (corvette) will visit the country's Naval capabilities and training centers.

The Pakistani flotilla of warships will remain at the Iranian coasts for four days and will stage joint Naval wargames with the Iranian vessel units.

The goodwill visit by the Pakistani flotilla carries the message of close brotherly relations between Pakistan and Iran while it shows solidarity and peace between the two neighboring nations.

In relevant remarks in March, Pakistani Defense Minister Tanveer Hussain voiced his country's willingness to broaden military relations with Iran.

"My country is ready to boost defense ties with Iran in the post-sanctions era," Hussain said in an invitation addressed to his Iranian counterpart Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan to pay an official visit to Islamabad.

The Pakistani minister submitted the invitation letter to Iranian ambassador in Islamabad Mehdi Honardoust in a meeting in Islamabad.

In May 2014, Iran and Pakistan signed 9 Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) in a bid to further expand mutual cooperation in various grounds of security.

The MoUs were signed between Iranian First Vice President Eshaq Jahangiri and Pakistani Prime Minister Mohammad Nawaz Sharif in Tehran.

According to the MoUs, the two sides agreed to set up a joint committee on border issues. They also agreed to boost cooperation in their fight against terrorism, drug trafficking and money-laundering.

TEHRAN, Apr. 16 (MNA) – Commander of Iran’s Army Navy has said his forces and Pakistani fleet will held a joint military drill in Strait of Hormuz.

Rear Adm. Habibollah Sayyari who was speaking to Arabic-language Al-Alam TV program ‘From Tehran’ on Saturday, said that a Pakistani naval fleet would participate in a single-day military drill in Bandar Abbas waters; “we have visits to port cities of all countries in the region by our navy fleet; we have also in agenda exchange of navy fleets in a plan dubbed ‘peace and friendship’ with southern and northern waters; the expeditions seek to consolidate security in international waters, especially Gulf of Aden and Bab al-Mandab Strait for our trade ships and oil tankers,” he told the program.

“During recent 2 or 3 months, we dispatched a navy fleet to Indian eastern ports and Gulf of Bengal to participate in ceremonies to commemorate Indian Independence Day, and to communicate the message of our respect to the country’s independence and glory,” he added. “Our 40th navy fleet currently navigates in Gulf of Aden and Bab al-Mandab Strait and watches the waters closely to ward off any piracy attack,” Sayyari told the program.
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If Pakistan and Iran can work past the schism that has been created in the last few decades, there is no limit to what they can accomplish. I consider it a great shame that I have not had the opportunity to visit Iran and take in the beauty of the country as well as the legendary warmth of the people there, steps must be taken to foster the same kind of camaraderie that existed both nations during the Shah-era.
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There is no friendship between Iran and Pakistan, they have been eyeing Baluchistan and have created problems in that region and now allowing India to do so, Pakistan's only friend is Pakistan itself.

Pak & Iran Friendship Zindabad
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Prove me the existence of Shia's in Prophet's time and I'll accept you in Ummah
Dude why fuuck you had to bring your stupidity in this thread. What does being shia has anything to do with country to country relations. If they are wrong by any chance then Allah is there to judge them. You cant be Fuccking judge jurry and executioner and paasing out your own fatwas.

In time of prophet Brelvis deobandis salafis and sunnis in gerneral were also not present as there were only muslims.
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Dude why fuuck you had to bring your stupidity in this thread. What does being shia has anything to do with country to country relations. If they are wrong by any chance then Allah is there to judge them. You cant be Fuccking judge jurry and executioner and paasing out your own fatwas.

In time of prophet Brelvis deobandis salafis and sunnis in gerneral were also not present as there were only muslims.

That is the general thought process of more than 25% of so called pure Islamists or true Islamists or whatever, who have ensured that the muslims world over always have a bad name, thus stigmatizing the remaining 75% with their stupidities. You cant fight stupidity .... you cant reform stupidity.

On the point - it shall be good to see Iran and Pakistan develop a good relationship. Irrespective of someone mentioning Iran India and Baluchistan, country to country relationships actually will determine the relative harmony and peace for respective societies.

But...but what about the holy ummah? I thought we are the ummah! :(

Why would you expect the so called inheritors of Islam to even accept you .... isn't history there for Iran to see?
These cooperation and visits could bring peace and mutual understanding hope to see more btw countries in our region esp with our brothers in Pakistan ...

Oh please... first..the term isnt shia but shia-ne Ali which did not show up MUCH later until after Imam Hussains martydom.
Second, there is no need to drag on a religious debate or you too will end up banned.

Imam Ali (as) is one of the members of the households ,those who prophet (pbhu) told us to follow them alongside Quran to not go astray ,he was the first one who submitted to the religion of Allah and his followers are called Shia , while all Sunni Imams belonged to the second century ...
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