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Pakistan's Looming Demographic Crisis

Lil Mathew

Aug 19, 2013
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Forget electoral crises and terrorism — Pakistan’s dangerous demographics might be its biggest threat.
The Financial Times ran an interesting article a couple of days ago on the threat runaway population growth poses to Pakistan. According to the Population Council, a non-governmental organization based in New York, Pakistan’s population is projected to reach 302 million by 2050. Pakistan’s current population is around 200 million people while in 1947, the year it gained independence, Pakistan had only 33 million people.

The article notes that Pakistan’s rapidly increasing population will strain its “natural resources (especially water), government services, infrastructure, and families,” all of which are already overburdened. The future economic and political consequences of this population growth are dire, especially since Pakistan has not experienced the type of economic growth or industrialization necessary to employ millions of young people.

This is yet another example of how the Pakistani government’s failure to get its house in order and implement long-term developmental strategies is coming back to haunt it. Like many South Asian states, Pakistan’s state institutions are relatively weak, a problem compounded by the fact that it inherited little of British India’s institutions. However, instead of emphasizing governance and building up the capacity of the state, successive Pakistani governments have neglected economic development, industrialization, education, and government itself (in many tribal areas). As a result, Pakistan is ill-prepared to implement the sort of economic reforms needed to employ its entire population or implement the family planning strategies necessary to curb population growth.

A comparison to Bangladesh is instructive. When both East Pakistan – today’s Bangladesh – and West Pakistan (today’s Pakistan) were one country between 1947 and 1971, East Pakistan had more people than West Pakistan. However, today, successful family planning policies in Bangladesh have led to an almost stable but gradually growing population of around 150 million people. Bangladesh’s success surprised many observers but is now widely upheld as an exemplar. Many of Pakistan’s neighbors, including Iran, have also managed to lower their fertility rates.

The Indus valley and the Punjab region of Pakistan (Punjab means five rivers) are among the most fertile regions in the world. The world’s largestcontinuous irrigation system dominates the Indus valley. As a result, Pakistan has generally had a greater ability to generate and absorb a large population than many other countries with large fertility rates. However, Pakistan’s ability to sustain more people is reaching its limits.

Unfortunately, Pakistan’s attitudes towards India often obscure the problem in Pakistan. On one hand, there is some belief that Pakistan can only challenge India with a large population; therefore, it is not in Pakistan’s interest to limit population growth. On the other hand, many in Pakistan seem to believe that Pakistan is actually just growing at a “normal” rate but is being sabotaged by Indian dams upriver. However, it is obvious to most observers, including many Pakistanis, that Pakistan’s rivers are drying up because there are simply too many people, resulting in too much demand for water and agriculture.

There are indications, however, that many Pakistanis, both men and women, want to have fewer children but cannot do so due to a lack of knowledge or a lack of contraceptives. Additionally, family planning is not widely or openly discussed in Pakistan due to the influence of religious leaders.

Pakistani politicians need to stop playing their game of thrones if they want to save their country. Ultimately, implementing necessary policies is more important than pursuing individual goals, as many of Pakistan’s political actors seem to be doing today. However, human nature being what it is and given that Pakistan in particular is so politically unstable, it is unlikely that the country’s demographic problem will be solved anytime soon. This is unfortunate because it means that Pakistan’s tendency towards extremism and violence will continue to grow as it is slowly beset by a host of other socio-economic problems.
Pakistan’s Looming Demographic Crisis | The Diplomat
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Pakistan’s current population is around 200 million people

I'm glad they mentioned that. You still see folks in denial mode coming out with the 180 million figure now and then. I suspect we have gone over 200 million now.

Pakistan does have resources plenty to support a large population, but without careful planning and constant investment, such a population will be and is becoming a strain.
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After reading few bolded lines it was clear article has been written by hindu Indian, clicking on the link only confirmed what i already knew...


Pakistan’s current population is around 200 million people

I'm glad they mentioned that. You still see folks in denial mode coming out with the 180 million figure now and then. I suspect we have gone over 200 million now.

Pakistan does have resources plenty to support a large population, but without careful planning and constant investment, such a population will be and is becoming a strain.

We need census to determine exact population. Official figure is 186m for this year.
Pakistan’s current population is around 200 million people

I'm glad they mentioned that. You still see folks in denial mode coming out with the 180 million figure now and then. I suspect we have gone over 200 million now.

Pakistan does have resources plenty to support a large population, but without careful planning and constant investment, such a population will be and is becoming a strain.

According to 2013 official survey Pak had a population of 184.44 million... and check out this idiots rants about larger population to counter india.. chutiya...
written by Akhilesh Pillalamarri the d-bag...
So what??
What about this..
Population, not politics, threatens Pakistan
By Victor Mallet
While the politicians fight each other in Islamabad for control of Pakistan, they make no mention in their fiery speeches of the real crisis likely to stunt prosperity for generations. According to economists and demographers, the explosion that endangers Pakistan is not political but demographic.

At independence in 1947, there were 33m Pakistanis. Today there are about 200m, making the nation the sixth most populous in the world. By 2050, the population will reach 302m, if the standard projection of the Population Council, a non-government group based in New York, proves correct.

However, the number of inhabitants in 2050 could be as high as 395m or as low as 266m, depending on whether the fertility rate remains stable or declines rapidly from the current level of 3.8 children per woman. The gap between the highest and lowest forecasts is huge, exceeding the population of most countries.

The strain on natural resources (especially water), government services, infrastructure and families is already immense and will worsen – even if Islamabad suddenly boosts family-planning programmes to meet popular demand for contraception and so ensures the population grows at the lowest of the predicted rates.

Karachi, one of the world’s biggest cities, is plagued by severe water shortages and is now so crowded that people live a dozen or more to an apartment. Bus passengers routinely travel on the roof for lack of room inside.

David Bloom, an economics and demography professor at the Harvard School of Public Health, describes rapid population growth and the need to provide for the young as a “crushing burden” on the economy.

“If, in 10 or 20 years, Pakistan still has a large number of unemployed or underemployed people, including tens of millions of young people, the country may face crises that dwarf those it has experienced to date,” he writes in a foreword to a Population Council study.

Sakib Sherani, an economist, says: “Politicians are not thinking long-term. They are not thinking beyond an election cycle.” He notes the workforce has nearly doubled in the past two decades to 60m and the labour market needs to provide 3m jobs a year for new entrants. “That’s just not happening.”

Decades of neglect by successive governments have left Pakistan lagging behind other heavily populated nations such as Bangladesh and Iran when it comes to managing fertility downwards.

In Asia, only Afghanistan and Timor-Leste are doing worse. Pakistan instead resembles many African countries undergoing economically disastrous population explosions – except that its population is already bigger than any of theirs.

For outsiders wary of Islamist extremism and Pakistani rivalry with India, it is tempting to assume that the population is exploding as part of a deliberate policy of religious chauvinism or nationalism.

But the evidence shows that both men and women want fewer children, and they put religious concerns near the bottom of their list of reasons for having more. More than 43 per cent of pregnancies are calculated by one study to be “unintended”, and an estimated 1m abortions are performed each year in Pakistan.

Zeba Sathar, the Population Council’s country director, says this “unmet demand” for family planning and advice on the spacing of children – ideas publicly supported by religious leaders – represents a chance that should be seized by governments to slow the population growth rate and ultimately improve the wellbeing of Pakistanis.

“There is no strong coalition of people or parties that are promoting this as an important issue. It is really affecting everything, and we could have been further along,” she says. “It is a bit like the terrorism issue. It affects everyone but no one wants to talk about it.”

If campaigners such as Ms Sathar fail in their mission, the poverty, bad schooling, rising religious militancy and growing population in nuclear-armed Pakistan could become a lethally unstable mixture.

Unless the tens of millions entering the workforce in the next two decades are well educated and able to earn a living, writes economist Akmal Hussain, then “the present tendency towards extremism, intolerance and violence could acquire an explosive potential”.
Pakistan should implement 2 child policy and focus on social uplifting of people, because of vision less moron leadership we are going down every second.
We need census to determine exact population. Official figure is 186m for this year.

We need a census fast. Aside from this article, I have seen research and stats experts say the same thing i.e. Pakistan is at the 200 million mark.

The approximate population of Pakistan stands at 185 million, according to most official estimates. Considering the challenge of collecting accurate data, it is safe to assume that in reality the figure is closer to 200 million.

Pakistan’s looming crises: Increasing population, dwindling resources - - DAWN.COM

Is population our elephant in the room? – The Express Tribune

The Real Population Bomb: Megacities, Global Security & the Map of the Future - P. H. Liotta, James F. Miskel - Google Books
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Pakistan has enough resources to even sustain 500 million population. We have enough water, and enough land to make new mega cities, biggest irrigation system of planet and we are an agricultural country. The only problem the country is facing is the corrupt politicians who are not utilizing the resources of Pakistan.

While on other hands indians are not doing anything to control their population their country can't sustain people over 1.2billion. This country can't even provide food to its people. Thousands of people die every day of hunger. And It has been expected that population of india will exceed 1.7 billion by 2050. Indians should be more worried about their own growing population. Coz Every year 6 million kids dies in india due to starvation. Every day 16500 kids dies daily in india due to poverty. 33% of total poor peoples of planet are indians. Around 70% of Indians are living in poverty. Few states of india are more poor than African countries.
We need to kick start agriculture in Balochistan. Nationalize all cultivable land, round up all boys with at least school education, give them specialized agricultural training in Faisalabad Agri Uni, Give them 10-15 acres of land each with strict monitoring and support system provided. It will boost our agri output and also in the long term cut the demigodish sardari influence as wealth would flow in the hands of poor who would no longer support insurgents.

@Icarus @Irfan Baloch @DESERT FIGHTER
Pakistan has enough resources to even sustain 500 million population. We have enough water, and enough land to make new mega cities, biggest irrigation system of planet and we are an agricultural country.

Could you let us know on what basis have you concluded the above statements?

Nationalize all cultivable land, round up all boys with at least school education, give them specialized agricultural training in Faisalabad Agri Uni, Give them 10-15 acres of land each with strict monitoring and support system provided.

Didn't the Khmer Rouge try something like that in terms of agricultural reforms and boosting output? How well did that work out, Sir?
Forced tubal ligation for women and vasectomy for men is a must. Anyone not agreeing must be shot in their groins.:guns::partay::pakistan:
Population explosion is a problem not only to Pakistan but entire world including India.
Fortunately we have hope.The population in South India is stabilising and in state like Kerala and Punjab it is
contracting .
But BIMARU ,Orissa ,WB situation is still need to improve.

Pakistan has enough resources to even sustain 500 million population. We have enough water, and enough land to make new mega cities, biggest irrigation system of planet and we are an agricultural country. The only problem the country is facing is the corrupt politicians who are not utilizing the resources of Pakistan.

While on other hands indians are not doing anything to control their population their country can't sustain people over 1.2billion. This country can't even provide food to its people. Thousands of people die every day of hunger. And It has been expected that population of india will exceed 1.7 billion by 2050. Indians should be more worried about their own growing population. Coz Every year 6 million kids dies in india due to starvation. Every day 16500 kids dies daily in india due to poverty. 33% of total poor peoples of planet are indians. Around 70% of Indians are living in poverty. Few states of india are more poor than African countries.

Problems you mentioned are confined to 7 to8 states in India and contain half of her 125 crore population .
Within 2 decades it would reduce in to 2 states at present rate of growth and stability.
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