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Pakistan's Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircrafts

Q: what aircraft is this ? it looks different from Y8 seen earlier. is it an upgraded Y8 or the new Y9... ? pardon my ignorance folks.

Speaking of paintjobs, Personally I really like the new Paf paint schemes on its aircrafts. Not the most aesthetically pleasing , but they work as superb camoflague, considering our local atmosphere.

At first i didnt like the dull, lite sky blue camo on Jf17s ( the color schemes on F7pg and F16s are my fav. from paf, add in the low-vis grey camo of usaf ) , but seeing the way it blends with the lite blue background of Pakistani skies , which unlike westren countries , are seldom clouded, it makes perfect sense.

Same goes for this Low-vis Muddy brown camo ( if i may call it ). Seeing it first on Il78, it didnt leave that much of a good taste in my mouth, but later seeing a pic of Midas refuelling our Mirages on a backdrop of an almost similar shade of brown terrain, left me admiring at the prudent choice of the Paf. ( im on mobile rt. now, cant post the pic, but someone might have an idea of the one i m talking about . )

And considering modern day fighters are optimisesd to fly fast and fly high, while these bigger Refuellers and Awacs will be flying comparatively lower ( 10,000 m ? , correct me if i m wrong ). so them aggressors ( if it ever comes to it ) will have to look down for these brown planes against OUR muddy brown terrain in most areas of Sindh & Punjab, almost all of pakistan except part of KPK, and gilgit baltistan.

so i think these paintjobs do what they are supposed to do, camoflague. Eye candy or not, if it works , it works.

if only someone cud post that pic for me, u could all see what im talking about.....
The ruskies give their planes teeth and all sorts of intimidating paint work. Like dragon faces and all.

Paint jobs have never been a trait of the Pak defence services. The PIA, and Army aviation helis. Some are painted very well, but some are poor.

If you ever get close to a Puma, the old ones with the three color paint, most are not well finished off.

They are also extremely ineffective as camo. Most professional services in the world now opt for Camo that is combat effective rather than showy.
A Dragon or Teeth would add to the aircraft's visibility from a dist and allow an adversary to judge where the nose is pointing in ACM.

Q: what aircraft is this ? it looks different from Y8 seen earlier. is it an upgraded Y8 or the new Y9... ? pardon my ignorance folks.

Based off a Y-9..
They are also extremely ineffective as camo. Most professional services in the world now opt for Camo that is combat effective rather than showy.
A Dragon or Teeth would add to the aircraft's visibility from a dist and allow an adversary to judge where the nose is pointing in ACM.

Off course Dragon teeth would be more visible. Hence the low visibility camo. But for some occasions it may not do any harm. But they are also costly to do.
A noob question, Can these AWACS receive data from satellites while in flight & can ZDK-03 share data with Eireye ?
The ruskies give their planes teeth and all sorts of intimidating paint work. Like dragon faces and all.

Paint jobs have never been a trait of the Pak defence services. The PIA, and Army aviation helis. Some are painted very well, but some are poor.

If you ever get close to a Puma, the old ones with the three color paint, most are not well finished off.


The paint job is primarily done to give the metal components an added layer of protection against abrasions/rust/corrosion. It is one of the main engineering tasks with any thing aerospace as the aircraft might have to service in hot and dry zones and then in hot and humid coastal zones (like Karachi).

Painting for eye candy has no added advantage and PAF does that where required. The k-8s are bright colored as they are aerobatic planes for the Sherdils. PAF has painted the Mirage in a variety of camouflage in the past so they can always paint the AWACs again in the future.

I think there is a pic of one of the P3Cs of the PN having a painted tail......and then some C-130s of the PAF. Paint jobs are done when required. Right now the bare minimum grey hue would do as painting all sorts of cartoons over it wont make it any more effective.
Unlike saab 2000, EMB-145 lacks wingtip points so it has WARTS for ESM sensors, only difference is the additional control surfaces on EMB but saab is a bigger plane with much more endurance. EMB-145 will have to refuel twice to achieve that. A suggestion for people, do not go on eye candy all the time because too much sweet causes diabetes. :)

Lol, good point Nabil. Some of us don't appreciate the poor paint of PAF and lack skills. Let's say we develop this AWACs for the 5 years plan without paint. Again, we can't underestimate IAF AWACs including Israel technology and others.

I have lost faith in PAF which didn't do protect Pakistan due to leaders. So PAF AWACs will detect US aggressions near borders or NATO attacks despite Saab 2000 absences...... InshAllah?
Ill have to seriously disagree on that. The Paf has always had pretty nice paint schemes for its birds, for all practical and aesthetic purposes (mind you the fancy sharks and tigers are not only futile but counterproductive on these aircraft). At least Iv always liked them. From the close up pictures of the Thunder id even say that the quality of the paint job is very good as well. The Karakoram Eagle is no different. The brown tinge in the Il-78 MIDAS is a little but disappointing but its still not that bad.

Some have gone on praising the IAF's color scheme on its Il-78s when all they have done is painted them in their generic, monotone shade of gray. Whats so special about that? Where are the aesthetics in that? Its the exact same case with their MKIs and Fulcrums as well.


IAF Mig-29:

IAF Il-78:

Ask the Chinese they'll tell how their birds have always looked better in PAF's color schemes.

Whats so bad about these schemes?:





Lol, good point Nabil. Some of us don't appreciate the poor paint of PAF and lack skills. Let's say we develop this AWACs for the 5 years plan without paint. Again, we can't underestimate IAF AWACs including Israel technology and others.

I have lost faith in PAF which didn't do protect Pakistan due to leaders. So PAF AWACs will detect US aggressions near borders or NATO attacks despite Saab 2000 absences...... InshAllah?

Sir your post does not make any sense. And as for the bold part: we need to grow up and stop looking at everything in seclusion and absolute terms. The real world is tortuous, the game is twisted and thats how it must be played. We cant become Iran and act ingenuously. Learn to differentiate between can/cannot, will/will not and should/should not. This is what I dislike about our people. They act senselessly when it comes to international affairs (and pretty much everything else as well). All they know is how to shout on impulse seeing only what is on the surface. They care not to pay any heed to what might lay deep beneath the surface. They act like children.

Timberwolf is this the picture you meant?:

Ill have to seriously disagree on that. The Paf has always had pretty nice paint schemes for its birds, for all practical and aesthetic purposes (mind you the fancy sharks and tigers are not only futile but counterproductive on these aircraft). At least Iv always liked them. From the close up pictures of the Thunder id even say that the quality of the paint job is very good as well. The Karakoram Eagle is no different. The brown tinge in the Il-78 MIDAS is a little but disappointing but its still not that bad.

Some have gone on praising the IAF's color scheme on its Il-78s when all they have done is painted them in their generic, monotone shade of gray. Whats so special about that? Where are the aesthetics in that? Its the exact same case with their MKIs and Fulcrums as well.

Timberwolf is this the picture you meant?:

Yeah, we paid for it, it should be proper and complete jobs overall.


By this leaking, it look very clear professionally at the moment.

Then flying...


Maybe the environment ruined the image of this flying ZDK-03 or uncomplete paint job on the tail parts. This waves styles is very much similar to Chinese AWACs (blue).


Yes, you notice some of our JF-17 have already rush or some brown spots. Rush is rapidly growing in some of the JF-17s. Yeah, it is common and cheap materials/low costs. Most of these example rarely in F-16s examples, engineers must know the rush issues or it wouldn't last longer.

Your post does not make any sense. And as for the bold part, mate grow up and stop looking at everything in seclusion and absolute terms. The real world is tortuous, the game is twisted and thats how it must be played. We cant become Iran and act ingenuously. Learn to differentiate between can/cannot, will/will not and should/should not. This is what I dislike about our people. They act senselessly when it comes to international affairs (and pretty much everything else as well). All they know is how to shout on impulse seeing only what is on the surface. They care not to pay any heed to what might lay deep beneath the surface. They act like children.

It is depend on what your pointview. No I didn't ask Pakistan to become children of Iran and I know they recently act like immature behaviours by showing drowned US drones (RQ-170) in the basketball court and American skulls bones. No, I didn't ask Pakistan should do this but I am saying Pakistan already accept 4000 soldiers + 28 martyers and 40000 civilian death, we can't do anything to protect our country which mean our people killed themselves instead shouting or provocative actions. Yeah, this is smart way to let people die themselves, the estimated number is going up. :)

PAF responded to Indian intrusions quickly without authority permission while can't respond to US/NATO intrusion, wtf. We are no different superiors than Arabs counterparts, pretty much we are same levels as them. By adding new AWACs, it wouldn't make much differences where everyone cheered for. PAF Saab 2000 was absent during 2-5 hours NATO slaughtering martyers, I always thought AWACS is always deployed in emergency to detect some powerful hiding devils. Don't get me wrong, I admire Pakistan but they are very lacking in the many of the fields, admit it.

Sadly most of our hard working money we paid goes to PAF requirements instead high educations for many poor people. So the paint job is not finished ? I think, let's wait for more pictures coming soon.
Yeah, we paid for it, it should be proper and complete jobs overall.


By this leaking, it look very clear professionally at the moment.

Then flying...

Maybe the environment ruined the image of this flying ZDK-03 or uncomplete paint job on the tail parts. This waves styles is very much similar to Chinese AWACs (blue).

Yes, you notice some of our JF-17 have already rush or some brown spots. Rush is rapidly growing in some of the JF-17s. Yeah, it is common and cheap materials/low costs. Most of these example rarely in F-16s examples, engineers must know the rush issues or it wouldn't last longer.

The wavy pattern is hardly visible. C'mon, now you guys are just being unreasonable. Furthermore thats not rust. Its the paint showing fatigue and theres nothing unusual about it, not in the JF-17 nor in the ZDK-03. These aircraft fly at unforgiving speeds. Just the heat caused by the wind resistance is extreme let alone the friction itself ripping the paint off. We cant have our birds painted every month or so. Not just because we have a tight budget but also because it is unnecessary and useless. Its not just our aircraft or just our airforce. Take a look at the following pictures:










(The MKI was flying a display at an airshow)

**continued below**
The Russians:




The Slovaks:



The Rafale:


It is depend on what your pointview. No I didn't ask Pakistan to become children of Iran and I know they recently act like immature behaviours by showing drowned US drones (RQ-170) in the basketball court and American skulls bones. No, I didn't ask Pakistan should do this but I am saying Pakistan already accept 4000 soldiers + 28 martyers and 40000 civilian death, we can't do anything to protect our country which mean our people killed themselves instead shouting or provocative actions. Yeah, this is smart way to let people die themselves, the estimated number is going up. :)

PAF responded to Indian intrusions quickly without authority permission while can't respond to US/NATO intrusion, wtf. We are no different superiors than Arabs counterparts, pretty much we are same levels as them. By adding new AWACs, it wouldn't make much differences where everyone cheered for. PAF Saab 2000 was absent during 2-5 hours NATO slaughtering martyers, I always thought AWACS is always deployed in emergency to detect some powerful hiding devils. Don't get me wrong, I admire Pakistan but they are very lacking in the many of the fields, admit it.

Sadly most of our hard working money we paid goes to PAF requirements instead high educations for many poor people. So the paint job is not finished ? I think, let's wait for more pictures coming soon.

Mate by no means did I ever ask anyone not to do anything about the incursion. What must be done is what Im arguing about. The US is not India and India is no US. There's a hell of a difference between the two. The two responses must be different too. A straight punch to the American jaw would have been idiotic. There are other ways to make them pay. Trust me nobody gets more angry at the loss of a Pakistani soldier's life than the Pakistani army itself. Its something they take on their egos. There are other ways of making the Yanks bleed and still not let our selves get hit back in return. These situations are never to be dealt with in anger or without thought. One needs to be clever to hit someone a lot more powerful.

Furthermore when you are attacked by an ally your first impression is that its a mistake. Then when that said ally pretends to retreat upon your calls of friendly fire you take the bait and are fooled. Then when they return you are caught off guard again. When it finally becomes clear whats actually happening you start carefully deliberating on what to do, keeping in mind that the said ally is the US. One would not want to sacrifice more lives for a decision that is taken hastily and emotionally. Again one needs to be clever in such situations. We cant go charging at them with pitchforks and torches. What do you think would hurt them more a heli and a couple of pilots or the whole Afghan operation put in jeopardy by the closing of the supply routes? Next time when they come over there will be Anzas waiting for them with "self defense" and a white flag painted on them. But even that is not the only option we have......if you catch my drift.

ps: Us Pakistanis cant really play the "our money" card....well at least not the 98% of us who have never paid any taxes.
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