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Pakistan's 111th Brigade


Dec 7, 2006
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Pakistan's 111th Brigade is an elite special forces brigade of the Pakistan Army. It participated in the storming of the Lal Masjid.

Anyone have any more information about this Brigade?
its not an elite brigade, rather its the one stationed in very close proximity of the twin cities. its part of the corps stationed in that area. instead of just brigades, pakistanis have two or three elite corps. these corps are not specifically constituted of SSG battalions.
instead of just brigades, pakistanis have two or three elite corps. these corps are not specifically constituted of SSG battalions.

Huh? What? :)

3 battalions = 1 bde => 3 brigades = 1 Div. This is the usual deal in Pakistan Army.

I posted at Pakistanidefence about this as well...111 brigade is nothing but a brigade that is stationed in Pindi. Its the only Army brigade so close to the corridors of political power. So whenever there is a takeover or security issue, 111 brigade is called out. Call it their luck or misfortune but they happen to be in the middle of all the political drama all of the time :yahoo:

The 111 (its usually known as "Triple One") is just a regular infantry brigade. Nothing unusual about its composition otherwise. A lot of times newpapers etc. always use the term "crack", "elite" etc. when talking about the III brigade..rest assured its as crack and elite as any other infantry brigade in the PA ;) Hope you get the hint....it has nothing to do with the strike Corps etc. I could be wrong here but I think 111 brigade is part of the X Corps (based out of Rawalpindi) which is a holding formation.

I guess I have been corrected by Fatman. The 111 bde is an independent bde so its not under X Corps.
if u check their equipment, they r a mechanized independent infantry bde. thats all.
Blame the system, not the armed forces. :pakistan:

The system is good, and it has been modelled well and the well defined rules are kept in place. It is the armed forces that break the rules. Lets blame people who should really be blamed. Armed forces like politicans are not above criticism or blame.
Today's news isn't good.

Let's watch the space.

Musharraf gone, the world is in deep ****!
Today's news isn't good.

Let's watch the space.

Musharraf gone, the world is in deep ****!
The next guy in line after Mush is not a hardliner, the next 10 aren't.

Unless the entire top brass is wiped off, the world is fine.

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