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Pakistanophobia & Indians

Pakphobia... are you guyz serious.. Please contribute something good to the forum and keep its reputation on a high note. These sort of threads only bring flamebaits, nothing else
The writer of this article should Fart a lot. That's the only way he can stop $hitty ideas coming into his mind. He should make sure that everything $hitty is released!
That what happens when you take land of India.

Duhh, clever clog. :chilli:

Another stupid post... No one took any ones land.. Punjabis are still in Punjab, Sindhis are still in Sindh, Pashtuns are still in Pakthunwa... Taking someone else land would be what is happening in Indian Punjab.. where Bihari and U.P. Bhaiyyas are spreading in Eastern Punjab.. It was our land and it was our choice whom we wanted to be with.. not South Indians, Biharis etc.. who keep on claiming Pakistan was their land
We border India and Indians... what else can be more "jinxed" than that... ?

India "the land beyond the Indus" the name has stuck for a few thousand years. Which the locals have called it "Bharata" But the land has been here for much longer than that.

Don't believe me?

c. 800bce-300bce Bhāratavarṣa (realm of Bhārata) Viṣṇu Purāṇa (विष्णु पुराण)
"उत्तरं यत्समुद्रस्य हिमाद्रेश्चैव दक्षिणम् ।
वर्षं तद् भारतं नाम भारती यत्र संततिः ।।"
i.e. "The country (varṣam) that lies north of the ocean and south of the snowy mountains is called Bhāratam; there dwell the descendants of Bharata."

c. 440 BCE India Herodotus
"Eastward of India lies a tract which is entirely sand. Indeed, of all the inhabitants of Asia, concerning whom anything is known, the Indians dwell nearest to the east, and the rising of the Sun."

c. 300 BCE India/Indikē Megasthenes
"India then being four-sided in plan, the side which looks to the Orient and that to the South, the Great Sea compasseth; that towards the Arctic is divided by the mountain chain of Hēmōdus from Scythia, inhabited by that tribe of Scythians who are called Sakai; and on the fourth side, turned towards the West, the Indus marks the boundary, the biggest or nearly so of all rivers after the Nile."

c. 650 Five Indies Xuanzang
"The circumference of 五印 (Modern Chinese: Wǔ Yìn, the Five Indies) is about 90,000 li; on three sides it is bounded by a great sea; on the north it is backed by snowy mountains. It is wide at the north and narrow at the south; its figure is that of a half-moon."

c. 1020 Hind Al-Birūnī
"Hind is surrounded on the East by Chín and Máchín, on the West by Sind and Kábul, and on the South by the Sea."-

English: India; Bharat
Hindi: भारत (Bhārat)

Like it or not we're here to stay ;)
Sorry to poke on other's internal issue here, but I do agree with the Indian reply "BS" when referring to the hundreds killed in the Bangladesh Border. There are indeed thousands only reported in 10 years. The figure would increase drastically if all the deaths are considered.
Another stupid post... No one took any ones land.. Punjabis are still in Punjab, Sindhis are still in Sindh, Pashtuns are still in Pakthunwa... Taking someone else land would be what is happening in Indian Punjab.. where Bihari and U.P. Bhaiyyas are spreading in Eastern Punjab.. It was our land and it was our choice whom we wanted to be with.. not South Indians, Biharis etc.. who keep on claiming Pakistan was their land

Can you throw some light on the bold part, Girl!

Never mind, that's your school syllabus... lol
Can you throw some light on the bold part, Girl!

Never mind, that's your school syllabus... lol

What dont you get? You from Mumbai can just dream on, trying to decide who we Punjabis or Pashtuns decide to share our land with. I repeat what she said, it was our land and it was our choice whom we wanted to be with.
What dont you get? You from Mumbai can just dream on, trying to decide who we Punjabis or Pashtuns decide to share our land with. I repeat what she said, it was our land and it was our choice whom we wanted to be with.

You did repeat what was said, but could not throw some light on it. You should try hard.

but like I said, never mind, that's not your fault, its your syllabus.
When camels & pigeons are suspected to be ISI agents by the Indian authorities, you know something is up. Waiting for the day when (their holy) cows & monkeys are suspected as well.
You did repeat what was said, but could not throw some light on it. You should try hard.

but like I said, never mind, that's not your fault, its your syllabus.

No s,hit sherlock, of course i repeated what she said. However i also aksed you what you wanted me to shed light on, or is that too hard for you to figure out?
As for as the thread is concered, we are obcessed with each other. thats fact :angry:. what will happen when brothers have ego issues. this is what is going on from 1947 when we divided our nation.
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