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Pakistani workers queue to quit Saudi Arabia after amnesty on fines

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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By Reuters / Azam KhanPublished: May 28, 2013
Tens of thousands of foreign workers are trying to leave Saudi Arabia after the government of the world’s top oil exporter said they would be forgiven any fees or fines for visa violations such as overstaying or switching jobs.

Amongst these are many Pakistani workers who migrated to Saudia Arabia to look for employment but are now victims of scams and rigid foreign worker laws, reported Express News correspondent Azam Khan. Out of 1470 workers employed by MAPA, a Turkish company in Saudia Arabia, 890 were Pakistanis. On their arrival to the kingdom, they were told that there was no longer any work for them and were asked to wait.

It was soon revealed that the employer had issued them false visas. To add to their misery, their passports are with MAPA making them unable to return home or seek work anywhere else.

According to the workers, neither the employer nor the embassies have been of sufficient help and have only offered false hope.

Having suffered financial loss, periods of unemployment and penalties for carrying a false visa, they are now unsure of what awaits them in the future. For many, the threat of being arrested is the most troubling, says Khan.

Labour reforms
Riyadh is pursuing sweeping labour reform that would tackle domestic unemployment by pushing firms to hire Saudi nationals – who now hold only about one in 10 private sector jobs – instead of some of its roughly 9 million foreign residents.

The disproportion of foreigners in jobs arises, some firms say, from the fact Saudis demand higher wages and are harder to sack than expatriates. Other firms, particularly those in fields involving manual labour, say they cannot attract Saudi workers.

Earlier this year the kingdom began to crack down on the many foreign workers who violated their visa terms with surprise inspections on streets and in company offices, followed in some cases by the deportation of offenders.

Saudi Arabia, whose total population is 28 million, has long turned a blind eye to the impact of its rigid foreign worker laws, resulting in a huge black market for expatriate labour.

Long lines
On Tuesday, thousands queued in blazing sunshine outside the main passport office in Riyadh to secure exit visas, with many people saying they had waited in line for more than 24 hours.
“I just want to go back to Nepal because my salary is no good – only 600 riyals ($160) a month. I came here yesterday afternoon, slept on the ground and didn’t eat anything. But when I got to the front of the line they said my papers were incorrect,” said Dinesh Kumar Sar, 25, a labourer.
Local media quoted the spokesperson for the Saudi passport office as saying 124,000 people had left the country since early April when the government announced a three-month grace period for illegal workers to rectify their status.

Economic impact

The economic impact of such a foreign exodus is not yet clear. Arab News said on Tuesday that roadworks in Riyadh had been delayed because of a foreign worker shortage. However, economists in the kingdom have previously said Saudi companies tend to overemploy due to the low cost of foreign labour.

The kingdom has large numbers of workers from India, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, the Philippines, Indonesia, Yemen, Ethiopia and other Arab states, many of which benefit from high levels of remittances.

Saudi law says expatriates must work for a designated Saudi sponsor in the professional field registered on their residency permit, or iqama.

Expatriates brought in to work for Saudi companies often complain they are paid much less than was promised or are denied exit visas by sponsors who hold their passports. Many subsequently break the law to find work with a better employer.

Another common illegal practice is the so-called “free visa” system, under which a sponsor allows workers to find alternative employment but charges them a commission to renew their residence permit or seek an exit visa.

The Labour Ministry started cracking down on such practices after imposing rules last year to force companies to employ more Saudis, with fines and hiring restrictions imposed on firms that do not meet localisation quotas.

Local newspapers on Monday quoted the labour minister as saying the new rules had localised 600,000 jobs so far. In early April King Abdullah announced a three-month grace period for workers to rectify their residence status by changing their sponsor or profession without facing the usual penalties.

That period will end on July 3, when the Labour Ministry has said it will renew the crackdown. However, many have been unable to switch their sponsor to their current employer or to change their residence papers to show their current profession because doing so would put their company in breach of localisation rules. Others have reported that their sponsor demanded large sums of money to transfer sponsorship.

“We don’t have any law to punish sponsors who are asking for money or commission. What we can do is to just warn expats not to pay,” Arab News quoted Labour Ministry spokesperson Hattab al-Enizi as saying.

Many expatriates have just decided to return home. Officials have said if they leave within the grace period, they will be allowed to apply for another visa to work in the kingdom.
Pakistani workers queue to quit Saudi Arabia after amnesty on fines – The Express Tribune
Saudi government is lame at tackling employee abuse and fradulant recruiting companies..
All they can do is harrass poor people from poor countries.
The whole labor reform movement is a big failure and there are huge queues everywhere. For last three days I am trying to attest a paper at JCCI and every-time there are 1000 - 1500 people waiting in queue.

MAPA is a reputed company and issued genuine visas but their project ran into typical Saudi bureaucracy and payment delays.

The nationalization campaign is literally turning into investor harassment and investors are pulling money out and going on one way flight to Dubai and Bahrain.

Some MAPA projects in KSA:

Project : Project for the Construction and Equipping of 152 Health Clinic Units
Location : Mecca-Saudi Arabia
Client : Ministry of Health of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Contractor : GÜNAL Co. Inc. and MAPA Co. Inc.
Project Specifications :
152 health care clinic units in Jizan and Mecca, encompassing a 91,200 m 2 closed construction area. The project also involves mechanical and electrical systems work as well as supplying and installing medical equipment.

Project : The Ras Al Zawr Water Transmission System Project
Location : Riyadh-Saudi Arabia
Client : Saline Water Conversion Corporation
Contractor : Mapa Co. Inc.
Project Specifications :
2x267 km steel water transmission pipeline line using 72'' diameter pipes (externally PE coated and internally CML).

Project : Shuqaiq Water Transmision System Project- Phase 2.
Location : Riyadh-Saudi Arabia
Client : Saline Water Conversion Corporation
Contractor : Mapa Co. Inc.
Project Specifications :
953 km long water transmission pipeline with diameters between 6'' and 64'' (externally PE coated and internally CML). The project also involves the construction of a tunnel with a diameter of 6.5 m and total length of 7.4 km, 8 pumping stations, 32 storage tank stations with storage capacities ranging between 2x500m3 and 2x140,000m 3

Saudi government is lame at tackling employee abuse and fradulant recruiting companies..
All they can do is harrass poor people from poor countries.

Most of the people leaving are actually low class menial workers the kind of work Saudis will never do.
Saudi government is lame at tackling employee abuse and fradulant recruiting companies..
All they can do is harrass poor people from poor countries.

This is what you understood the issue from the OP?

Or just releasing some pressure?

Sure you can work overseas .. make money but most developed countries they retain their talented people and give them jobs first ... this whole working in Middle east and sending cash home ... will keep pakistan backward
hmm... i feel pity cause the other day pakistanis were making fun of indians leaving SA ..
hmm... i feel pity cause the other day pakistanis were making fun of indians leaving SA ..

Indians are being forced to leave.
Pakistanis are leaving by their own choice.

Theres a difference.
Indians are being forced to leave.
Pakistanis are leaving by their own choice.

Theres a difference.

yeah i was talking about u people only in my earlier post . :lol:
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