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Pakistani Taliban set 10 preconditions for peace talks


Sep 25, 2009
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Pakistani Taliban set 10 preconditions for peace talks

By Burrāq
[Terminal X Desk]

Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), the outlawed terrorist organisation operating against the Pakistani State, announced ten preconditions for peace talks, in reply to a Government offer for dialogue.

In a statement released on the internet, including a few social media sites, by the Umar Media, the so-called media wing of TTP, it was said that the Taliban don't want to waste time in what they call is a 'fruitless' dialogue, unless their ten demands are met, before the beginning of the peace process.

Below is the translation of the statement released by the Umar Media:

“In the name of God, the most Gracious, the most Merciful.

Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan is going to present following ten conditions to the government, in order to start the process of dialogue;

1. Collective immunity for all the Mujahideen residing in Pakistan - that the Government of Pakistan will announce the immunity for every Mujahid operating or staying in Pakistan, whether he be present in any area.

2. Immediate release of all imprisoned Mujahideen - all the Mujahideen imprisoned in all the jails of Pakistan should be released immediately, whether they belong to any country, region or ethnicity. In this regard, 10-member body of the Taliban has prepared a list of 4,500 Muajideen and their helpers imprisoned in the jails of Pakistan.

3. Enforcement of Sharia'ah in Pakistan - Sharia'ah law should be enforced in Pakistan. Shaia'ah courts should be established, where decisions are made on the basis of Qur'an and Sunnah.

4. Immediate separation from American crusade war and alliance - Pakistani Government and Military should immediately separate Pakistan from American crusade war.

5. Withdrawal of Pakistan Army from whole tribal region - Pakistan Army should be withdrawn from the tribal areas.

6. Tribesmen be made responsible for the security of tribal areas.

7. Justified compensation be paid to the families of those who were 'martyred' or wounded in Military operations.

8. Compensation be paid to the affectees of drone attacks.

9. A source of livelihood be provided for one member of the family affected with drone strikes.

10. Guarantee of Imam of Masjid ul Haraam, Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais be provided as a sign of honesty - Government, as a sign of honesty, should provide such a guarantee by the Imam of Masjid ul Haram, Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais, that he while staying in Masjid ul Haraam, making Allah his witness, gives assurance.

These 10 demands are the conditions to start a dialogue, which are being presented to the Government, so the dialogue process begins. Apart from this, after the start of formal negotiations, Mujahideen will present their further demands, of which 25 conditions have already been prepared by the Mujahideen. According to some of these demands, practical measures must be taken to handover Pervez Musharraf and Shakil Afridi, and ensure the release of Aafia Siddiqui.”
If these conditions are accepted,then the government would be bringing pakistan to its knees.

Can anyone verify if its true @Aeronaut @Oscar @Icewolf.
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Govt or army won't accept these demands!

The demand of sharia law and insurance of imam of madjid ul haraam and immunity to ttp militants are demands govt wont accept.
What about handing over the masterminds and trainers of the suicide bombers and the soldiers of Allah who have murdered the 50,000 of Pakistanis first of all ? When exactly is the PTI and PML N going to come to senses for heaven's sake ? :azn:

P.S Collective immunity for every terrorist ? The Govt's response would be interesting .

Guarantee of Imam of Masjid ul Haraam, Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais be provided as a sign of honesty - Government, as a sign of honesty, should provide such a guarantee by the Imam of Masjid ul Haram, Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais, that he while staying in Masjid ul Haraam, making Allah his witness, gives assurance.

Makes sense, yup.
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simply, they are asking pakistan army and military to join taliban.
@Dillinger What makes you think that he would ever give such a guarantee to a terrorist group ? The Saudis have long disowned these religious psychopaths .
@Dillinger What makes them think that he would ever give such a guarantee to a terrorist group ? The Saudis have long disowned these religious psychopaths .
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@Dillinger What makes you think that he would ever give such a guarantee to a terrorist group ? The Saudis have long disowned these religious psychopaths .
@Dillinger What makes them think that he would ever give such a guarantee to a terrorist group ? The Saudis have long disowned these religious psychopaths .

Can't he like lie, JUST ONCE? :azn:

After that its PGMs and red-sands.
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Paracha guy being a loyal friend to Taliban denied reports containing such demands. Though I don't believe talibs and likes but still I would very much like to know the credibility of the sources to the news?
Good - We should accept and make deal with them, When US can negotiate with Taliban than why can't we? on top of that our military operation is not successful - Let Mullahs take over country and transform it into Islamic Super power and convert everyone into Muslim by Pointing nukes over their heads.

But hey, i have problem with that - if we do that than "Mahdi" & "Jesus" will not come, after all they are supposed to come and do this job which Taliban want to do. So, i guess i should wait for promised Masiha than trusting these b@sstards - Nuke these fundos, If they are defiantly soldiers of God they will survive.
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