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Pakistani Student letter to GEO NEWS


Apr 30, 2009
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United Kingdom
Every morning, I wish to know whats the latest going on in my country. I want to hear fresh news about development and progress of my nation which gives me motivation to work hard. If I were to get a glimpse of this fresh news, my day would be beautiful, encouraging and happier. So I switch to many national and international news channels on my laptop and TV. One of the most popular ones, is GEO TV.

As soon as I type "www.geo.tv" in my firefox, I get a bluish color cast page with links and links and links all over. Some news are national and some international. The header says "GEO Television Network, JEETAY RAHO". This two words are common in Pakistan when your loved ones keep a hand on your head and say "Jeetay Raho" as a well wish. But when I read it on your website, it sounded like a curse. Why? Because whenever I log on to the website for news, I get a sack full of bloody conspiracies, bombings, corruption, drugs, murder, failure, accident and much more. Okay Okay yeah yeah I know this all happens.. well what about the other aspect of the story? What about the latest technologies emerging in Pakistan? What about the giant software and hardware development companies? What about researches going on in Universities? What about the great construction works ? What about the amazing natural beauties our country has? What about the unity and culture of our people? What about all the other sports activities free of corruption happening everyday all over the place? How about a documentry about AQ Khan? What about a documentry on the Founder of the nation? How about showing some of the most successfull uncorrupted engineers of Pakistan serving abroad? How about interviewing thousands of Pakistanis working in huge oil companies such as Schlumberger and Microsoft? What about showing the real picture of how morals and ethics are taught in our madrassas? How about showing the amazing thirst for education in our youth all over the place? And the list goes on...

Instead you show and portray all the negative issues going on in the country while it is under a lot of foreign pressure. You continously show looped CCTV footage of bomb blasts and blood shed. You show stupid speeches and comments given by foolish people such as Meera or Farooq Sattar and repeat it over and over again, to be shown all over the world. Your journalists have no ethics or manners and your anchors talk vulgar. Your programs are based on useless discussions. You started GEO DOST to encourage youth all over the coutry to send you videos of rights and wrongs going on in the country, but did you ever show the RIGHTS? Instead you show every tids and bits of nonsense that every nation does have to a certain extent, but you guys just throw it over and over again. You never defend our great sportsmen but always blame them or focus on people critisizing them. There is always chaos that you spread amongst people. But, I do give you the credit for one thing: Most often you cover great stories which are beneficial for humanity all over the world. Such as "3 dears ran away from the Lahore zoo", "PIA Flights got delayed" and "Women gives birth during traffic jam". Amazing!

Not only that you spread hoplessness and chaos, but you also have lost your own identity. The TV Dramas and entertainment programs that you show are all based and copied from Indian media who doesn't have anything to do with Islam or even their own religions. Your dramas are becoming vulgar day by day. Instead of showing the youth the right way of living, working, and getting civilized, you teach them how to make girl friends and how to get addicted to drugs. Nudity is spreading like slow poison all over your face. You have removed all aspects of culture and religion from your media. A large number of your dramas deviate youth from religion and ethics.

Media is the strongest tool of a nation. It changes the way people think. When the jews took over America's economy, one of their leaders said "Give me the media and I will give you the people". This is the true power of media. But when it falls under false hands, or gets controlled, it can result in disasters such as your channel. When I had haircuts as a kid, I never thought of whether blade of the razor should be new for every person who comes in the barber shop. No one thought of it. After some time there was an informational advert on all channels which showed how disease can spread if the same blade is used for more than one person. All of a sudden, there was a change all over the country and now even the tiniest of barber shops follow this rule. Not only the barbers but the people. It was the same average Pakistani who you say is corrupt or narrowminded or backward. But you see, this is how media, if properly directed, can improve the standard of living for a common man. It can change mentalities. But you guys are far from this. I have no objection with people who call you controlled or insane. Because even if you are not puppets, YOU DO ACT LIKE ONE! Every country has rights and wrongs going on, but it's the responsibility of Media to defend the image. Ever thought of what you guys are really doing? Or sitting in your big offices, travelling back and forth in your luxurious cars has blinded your eyes from whats going on. Are you really deaf and dumb as mentioned in the Holy Book or you just like acting so? Do you have any control on what you are doing? Isn't it your responsibility to consolidate the nation? To bring focus on similarities rather than differences? I truly pity on your condition.

This is not an appeal as I know you must have received thousands of similar emails and may be you wont even look at this one. Its just that being a Pakistani and being a student, I wanted to raise my voice and say, what I think, is in the hearts of our people. I am proud to be a Muslim and a Pakistani no matter what you do or show. Your childish acts only affect the weak and even they know deep down in their hearts about your hidden agendas.

Remember that you will fall and its only a matter of time.

Long Live Islam and Pakistan! May ALLAH save us from Evil and help us all. Ameen!

A Pakistani Student
Is this the same channel who proved that Ajmal Kasab is Pakistani?
Is this the same channel who proved that Ajmal Kasab is Pakistani?

The same channel who also claim every time "TTP accept responsibility" (our sources). After many hours similar news will come on the rest of media ...

The same channel who also talking about AMAN KE ASHAAN (Bullshit)
Why use Geo when we all have confirmed sources about who is behind it?
I use Dawn, economy, development and everything is available there. You get positive news.

But like others, after Geo would find some bad news and break it, other channels to follow so does dawn.
one wonders what was going through the mind of the owner when he was thinking of naming his channel... i mean geo what the hell is geo?
JEETAY RAHO is not a urdu/arabic word , it is a hindu blessing !!..sikhs called it JEENDA RAHH....
one wonders what was going through the mind of the owner when he was thinking of naming his channel... i mean geo what the hell is geo?

color combination is also important, orange / blue.
whatever they are,whats certain is they are not pro Pakistani...in every news bulletin they include one news from bollywood considering not even a single Pakistani Channel is shown in India....the man who owns Geo is sick i think...he shouldnt have moved to Pakistan if he loves the neighbouring country this much:agree:
and aman ki aasha?who gave them the right and mandate to initiate this drama that goes by the name of aman ki aasha?do they represent the foreign ministry?Entire indian army is stationed on our border and they are talking about aman ki aasha....its only geo's owner's aman ki aasha and not rest of the Pakistan's:agree:
They just do it to attract funds from foreign countries just to alter the thinking of young minds
JEETAY RAHO is not a urdu/arabic word , it is a hindu blessing !!..sikhs called it JEENDA RAHH....

Muslims also call it jeenda rahh if they are punjabi.... Enlish people call it long live :P
Is this the same channel who proved that Ajmal Kasab is Pakistani?

Look at the underlined word, which means that either some of you want to hide the fact that he is a Pakistani or you are angry that the truth was out.

and to the topic, this is not only in Pakistan, Media is playing a bad role all over the world in every developing nation. Only in a very few countries like Israel the media is good.
Its all about the ratings. Its a trend now (especially with GEO) to put forth every negative event with a magnifying glass no matter how small it would be, and discard all the positives which would give a sign of hope. Look at the titles for their news sections: GEO Sports, GEO Weather, GEO Entertainment, I only wonder why they forgot to name the Crime section as GEO Crime. Bottom line is every news network and outlet have their own objective and agenda, some put forth it openly (just like GEO), but others not so much.
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