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Pakistani scientists invent method to increase cooking oil life


Dec 20, 2006
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A team of Pakistani scientists belonging to University of Sargodha (UoS) have invented a method to increase the shelf life of cooking oil up to one year.
This was disclosed by UoS Vice Chancellor Prof Dr Muhammad Akram Chaudhry during a briefing to the Lahore based journalists who visited the campus. The VC added that currently, the shelf life of cooking oil is only four months after which it becomes dangerous to use. He said that UoS experts had achieved a milestone in food sciences to increase the shelf life of edible oil.
Dr Akram said that they were in contact with a number of cooking oil processing industries to ink agreements with them to sell the technology on commercial basis and also increase earning for the university. The VC was of the view that the university had a lot of potential to run its affairs by its own by introducing such scientific ideas in market.
He said that scientists of the UoSAgricutureCollege also were working on many other projects which would not only increase the income of the university but also benefit the nation in agriculture, industrial and medical sciences.

Pakistani scientists invent method to increase cooking oil life | Pakistan Today
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The Telegraph - Calcutta (Kolkata) | Nation | Recycle filter for cooking oil

New Delhi, April 28: An organic chemist in IIT Kanpur has claimed she has developed a chemical filter to recycle cooking oil after frying — for use by homes, restaurant kitchens and street food vendors.

An innovation programme run by India’s Department of Science and Technology (DST) and the US aerospace company Lockheed Martin today picked the filter for frying oil for an innovation award, signalling its potential for global commercialisation.

The filter, developed by Padma Vankar and her IIT Kanpur colleagues is among 30 ideas picked for awards by the DST-Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth programme from 100 scrutinised for their innovation content and market potential.

The filter is a chemical adsorbent material that helps remove undesirable chemicals that begin to accumulate in frying oil when it is reused.

“It is a chemical trap that decontaminates the used oil and restores some of its properties such as colour, taste and food value,” said Vankar, a scientist at the IIT Kanpur facility for analytical testing. “But the oil cannot be regenerated completely,” she said.

Laboratory tests suggest the filter allows oil to be reused twice or thrice, said Vankar, whose paper, describing the filter’s activity on fried soyabean oil, appears this month in the Journal Environmental Agricultural and Food Chemistry.
They should also consider patenting the technique or technology. This is something a lot of companies are going to want to use. More money in the long term that way. Also I don't see a lot of Patents coming out of Pakistan these days would be a good step. But I guess in they end they best understand their universities requirements.
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