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Pakistani Scientist Among 10 Global Thematic Icons of the Decade 2001-2010

(OK what i concluded from your comment upon pr web is that by tomorrow you can also pay to pr web & let them publish the news for being you the new president of Singapore; ....Is it so?)

Why Don't you ask them to quench your curosity?
I'm only pointing out what is mentioned on their web site and which has been quoted as source for this so called scientist's citation.
Ok now this surely smells of a well made hoax.

Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM)

This is brilliant ! I thought it was based in the UK, so you could at-least ask the UK gov about the award. But this is really clever !

Hey man why you burning your self, world knows about him, they will take the action, why you crying like a baby,he is a great scientist in the world, i was listen his speech in 2005, wow reality was there,
your anything not going to work out & not going to make fool any one,
Gooooooooooo & cry to mama
I admit, i dont have any proofs as such .... but the original post just does not sound right. I mean, i had never heard about it (And im fairly well read ... with couple of doctorates in family) and the language in the citation just does not sound right.

Well the CV looks very detailed to me (includes his National ID and Passport number). Not written by him?

I did a lot of google. Could not find any reference to him by any credible scientific source. Even the books he claim's to have authored are un-tracable.

I agree. But his CV sounds too pompous.

1- so atlast mr stumper admits that he has no prof against dr. hafi
2- he is not a professor of english language, so stop saying that his english is not good
Still waiting for a link.
Man, this is embarrassing for those who just read the thread and jumped up and down because he is a pakistani. Now, that you did not get any info, your best defence personal attack against those who r skeptic.

If I was a pakistani scientist, It will be really sad for me.
sorry mistake.... Remember this one, it was nice answer to you,
Dont burn your self
(OK what i concluded from your comment upon pr web is that by tomorrow you can also pay to pr web & let them publish the news for being you the new president of Singapore; ....Is it so?)

so a salute to new president of singapore........hahahahh
we must start a new discussion " his excellency the president of singapore sir mr stumper.
great short mian
mr stumper needs some sympathy. because it looks that he has no other work to do but only trying to make this news a fake.
wish you best of luck mr stumper
i feel that mr stumper is someone very close relative of dr. hafi and have some family jealousy type matter with him. must see a psychologist as soon as possible
i know that man personally. i met him in gale, tsunami affected town of srilanka. he is a devoted personality towards mankind, poor and disabled people. the name of his org was MAVSO international. my wife was 7 month pregnant and had great pain due to running. he treated her and she was well in 2 days. he distributed a lot of medicine in our area before they moved to another area. i kept going to meat him and i also did offer my services to him. he stayed there fo more than 6-7 months and all that time he worked for troubled people of tsunami.
so i can assure all you people that this man is true to human cause.
so please find any other topic may be some film actress to abuse and waist your time.
Lt. Charles swift is known as WINGS OF JUSTICE

Prof. Ali shalal is known as MAN BEHIND THE HOOD

Making history with a lot of courage.
These two men really fucked at face of lie and cruelty.
Dont have any problem's that i cant zip myself. I was just trying to point out that the researcher looks /Null to me.

Stumper then you should study more and more and you should visit informative websites rather visiting adult or prohibited website because you are under age currently
So many new ids created just to post on this thread
salawal salah
sara frost
the rock
I think mods should check their ip..The way of writing is similar in all These except "the rock".
Nelson mendala known as Man of Courage

LT charles swift is known as WINGS OF JUSTICE

Prof. ali shalal is known as MAN BEHIND THE HOOD


prof. hafi known as Human for Humanity
Still waiting for a link.
Man, this is embarrassing for those who just read the thread and jumped up and down because he is a pakistani. Now, that you did not get any info, your best defence personal attack against those who r skeptic.

If I was a pakistani scientist, It will be really sad for me.

Grow up. What is there to be embarrassed about? That people welcome scientific contributions? Any news can be bombarded by sceptics. I dont care who is right here but the fact is that you dont have any evidence to prove your claims. The whole point of this forum is to discuss news from various sources. If he is fake then prove it and facts will be established.

The supporters are understandably reacting positively to the news article. Only you should be embarrassed about missing the point of an online forum.
5- Aurangzeb Hafi’s investigative philosophical inquiry into almost all-farious orbs of multisubject milieus, ‘The Sea of Mirage in Eyes of The Water’, mainly written in Urdu and partially translated in English, French, Sinhala and Persian, has been referred to be cited and hailed in categorical scholarly classics. The uniqueness of pragmatically reflecto as well as refrecto-communal format of philosophical articulation in a classically argumentative poetical configurative and scholastic manner, has been manifested to be the hecto-embracing analytical testament of the arena issues. The thought-provoking philosophical script, that unfolds the ‘deliberated contextualized falsifications’ in a reciprocal ironic way, has been marked as the Analytico-critical Literary Thematic Testament of The Decade.
10 Personalities Declared As Global Thematic Icons Of The Decade 2001-2010.
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