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Pakistani mother enrolls in first grade


There should be a specialized educational program for adults in need of primary and secondary education. You don't put a grown woman in a first grade class to educate her. In spite of this noble goal this is still nonsense because the system is going about it the wrong way.

The solution is specialized educational programs for adults, the way adults and children learn can be different , a program which specializes in primary and secondary education for adults is needed.
good and all but 1st grade? from what i remember 1st was mostly nap and some 1+1 up to 5+5, maybe third where the multiplication starts?

In first grade I had to learn my multiplication tables up to 13:cheesy:

There should be a specialized educational program for adults in need of primary and secondary education. You don't put a grown woman in a first grade class to educate her. In spite of this noble goal this is still nonsense because the system is going about it the wrong way.

The solution is specialized educational programs for adults, the way adults and children learn can be different , a program which specializes in primary and secondary education for adults is needed.

There is actually a specialized education programme for adults in Pakistan, called Taaleem e BalighaN, you must have heard about it. Hopefully, she is transfered to any school or institution carrying out this programme, where she could be comfortable with her learning endeavors.
there is actually a great lesson in this that you can seek knowledge and wisdom whenever and from wherever.Mostly older people tend to reject gud advice and gud opinions and suggestions from younger people just because they think they know it all but you can learn a good thing from a child and can also study alongside childs for more knowledge.take some guts to do it.:tup:
This news is Great News!:tup::tup::tup:
She should be saluted for taking such a bold step. Believe you me, it must not be easy for her to sit among small children in a class room. Even women around her (even the uneducated ones) may make fun of her.

i salute her wisdom and courage for recognising a problem and acting to solve it!

Of course her husband and family members deserve to be commended because they could have (if they wanted to) ground her hopes in to the dust. But they did not. :tup:

Educating a man uplifts one person.
Educating a woman (or girl) educates a generation.

May there be more like her! Rukhsana Batool is a role model for our mixed-up times.

Feminist Bull****. There is no difference between educating a man or a woman. Have you ever seen a literate man whose kids are illiterate?
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