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‘Pakistani law does not guarantee journalists’ safety’

Why should journalist be gurantted safety.
all they do is waste others time and put up baseless accusation leading to someones/govt damage.

For all I care they can die in a ditch. lol
Sir, My only concern is with your hypocrite behaviour which you seem to ignore -
Your basis for accusing me of being a hypocrite was your contention that Israel murdered a journalist a dozen years ago. Since the person cited wasn't a journalist, your contention was 100% wrong. By your own admission, you care nothing about the safety of Pakistani journalists. So why are you still here, if not to divert from the thread topic? Why should your fellow Pakistanis respect you?

Why should journalist be gurantted safety.
all they do is waste others time and put up baseless accusation leading to someones/govt damage.
For all I care they can die in a ditch. lol
See, now @TheNoob is on-topic!
Your basis for accusing me of being a hypocrite was your contention that Israel murdered a journalist a dozen years ago. Since the person cited wasn't a journalist, your contention was 100% wrong. By your own admission, you care nothing about the safety of Pakistani journalists. So why are you still here, if not to divert from the thread topic? Why should your fellow Pakistanis respect you?

See, now @TheNoob is on-topic!
Stop typical b.s my only concern is your lack of empathy and your genuine disregard to the worts crimes carried out by invaders. You post articles on Pakistan as if invaders have no room for improvement and they came straight from heaven with pure blood bulshit.

I have never seen any article from you which raises and questions the atrocities by your illegitimate state rather you're more concerned about a country that has no ties with your illegitimate state, hypocrite eh?

Why should we listen to a person who has deep disregard for human life ?

As I said come clean to point your finger at other, shoving off the dust under the mat doesn't hide the ugly truth
Hi, Stop typical b.s my only concern is your lack of empathy -
Perhaps you believe that killing these journalists and invoking Israelophobia will delay your day of reckoning a bit longer?

There have been leaders who have invoked anti-Semitism/anti-Zionism to divert their populace from pressing domestic issues. In Syria it worked for three generations. Then the populace decided they had had enough of such deceits and accompanying murder and robbery: they protested, and when the government started bombing them they took up arms. Many - perhaps most - of the regime's supporters have died since.

Is that the fate you seek for you and your family? Or are you confident you can escape with your loot to a "safe" haven outside Pakistan before the axe falls?
Perhaps you believe that killing these journalists and invoking Israelophobia will delay your day of reckoning a bit longer?

There have been leaders who have invoked anti-Semitism/anti-Zionism to divert their populace from pressing domestic issues. In Syria it worked for three generations. Then the populace decided they had had enough of such deceits and accompanying murder and robbery: they protested, and when the government started bombing them they took up arms. Many - perhaps most - of the regime's supporters have died since.

Is that the fate you seek for you and your family? Or are you confident you can escape with your loot to a "safe" haven outside Pakistan before the axe falls?

can you stop diverting the real topic please. Tell me what makes you so right to criticize Pakistan by posting such articles when an illegitimate state carries out atrocities in Palestine !

So instead of focusing on issues that are beyond your captured borders, how about starting charity at home.

You were one who started hypocrisy by deliberately posting articles on Pakistan as if Illegitimate states is free from any flaw
Hi, can you stop diverting the real topic please. Tell me what makes you so right to criticize Pakistan by posting such articles when an illegitimate state -
I see two main problems with the "let he who is without sin cast the first stone" approach to ignoring crimes and problems in society:

1) It can be manipulated by unsupportable smears against the accuser vomited from the mouth of the criminal. In Pakistan lies about Israel are so prevalent, well-known, and susceptible to being destroyed by facts, logic, and context - that the Emperor has no clothes - that Pakistan's H.E.C. claims exposing them is a crime against the State.

2) Shooting the messenger doesn't solve problems but leaves them to fester. The patient grows sicker. Eventually the accumulation of pus causes the body to burst.
Pakistan lies about Israel are so prevalent, well-known, and susceptible to being destroyed by facts, logic, and context - that the Emperor has no clothes - that Pakistan's H.E.C. claims exposing them

So you have problem with the Pakistani government blocking Israeli cultural activities in Pakistan a state which Pakistan does not recognise.

But then how do you justify the outrage many many people felt when the American pledge of allegiance was said in Arabic in a school in New York. Is Arabic not one the official languages of Israel ? The school admin had to apologize for this

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...blocking Israel...American pledge of allegiance...Arabic -
Blah, blah, blah. Another vote for Pakistan to take the road to Syria! What is to be done with such mad people? I say confront them and shame them as publicly as possible - but then again, I don't have to worry about getting my throat slit twenty minutes later and the police not investigating it afterward, do I? The sort of thing that's happening to journalists, yes?
Blah, blah, blah



Ok life is not a bed of roses for journalists in Pakistan. Agreed. Since we are talking journalists. What happens to journalists who try to bypass the Israeli military censor in Israel ?
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Journalists and Lawyers, these two communities in Pakistan, if anything happens to them they act like this was the very first time and that they would really get a relief.
I see two main problems with the "let he who is without sin cast the first stone" approach to ignoring crimes and problems in society:

1) It can be manipulated by unsupportable smears against the accuser vomited from the mouth of the criminal. In Pakistan lies about Israel are so prevalent, well-known, and susceptible to being destroyed by facts, logic, and context - that the Emperor has no clothes - that Pakistan's H.E.C. claims exposing them is a crime against the State.

2) Shooting the messenger doesn't solve problems but leaves them to fester. The patient grows sicker. Eventually the accumulation of pus causes the body to burst.

What I see is sheer form of hypocrisy. Its OK for illegitimate to capture land and kill innocent Palestine that's like a national policy enshirned. No wonder your illegitimate pm openly made fool of himself by saying that Palestinian were responsible for Holocaust not the germans. This shows the hatred that is rampant in your society for poor helpless plaestine. The hatred is how your illegal existence is thrived and justified.

Instead of teaching some humanity to your fellow killers you come here and point your finger at us. That means you openly support and approve then killing of innocent poor helpless children.

Keeping them ain open air prison is fine for you, depriving them of basic need in this 21 century is OK for you and yet you have the audacity to preach ! And then you wonder why in question your biased and blind mentality. The fact you do not admit to any of it means you're no different to your fellow genocidal killer soldiers with no respect to humanity.

Ofc how would you when your scripture says that all non Jews eqaute to animal and are not pure blood or chosen one, this is the real cause of hatred that is shared among your country men.
If journalists keep playing the role of whores & bitches for foreign powers, then they not will be safe.
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