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Pakistani Industrial Revolution


Oct 26, 2006
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The new industrial revolution
Amir Husain

Technology is perhaps the single most important force driving progress for the human race, and for those beings yet to evolve that will one day be our evolutionary successors. While we distract ourselves with the linear implications of everyday events, major technological developments bring about exponential, framework-altering shifts that re-define the contours of our reality. Exactly such a new revolution is afoot as I write these words, and it promises to change the economic landscape of the world. Like the agricultural, industrial and information revolutions that came before, it will fundamentally alter the dynamics of production and democratise access to resources that were previously concentrated in the hands of a privileged few. I’m not referring here to the Internet, the web or even smart phones, but to a technology that finally marries the digital and the physical: 3D-Printing.

Some 10 years ago, a professor at MIT, Neil Gershenfeld, developed the idea of a “Fab Lab.” He saw that computer controlled fabrication technology was becoming relatively inexpensive. Originally invented in the 1980s by Scott Crump of Stratasys Inc, 3-D printing had been expensive and thus restricted to large corporations. But things were changing. It was becoming possible to fabricate almost anything you could build in a factory in the confines of a small room, solely with a few machines connected to a computer. An object would be designed on-screen with a CAD (computer aided design) application, and with some additional software and hardware magic, the computer controlled fabricators would actually build, cut or construct the desired object. Pixels on screen would be converted to instructions directing lasers, drills and plastic extruders so that what was imagined as an image would appear in the real world with the click of a mouse. Professor Gershenfeld wrote about these ideas and their potential in his 2005 book Fab, and launched pilot labs in India, Africa and other developing nations. Since then, the list of Fab Labs has grown, with a facility even operating in Afghanistan!

In 2005, the cost to assemble a Fab Lab ran anywhere from $100,000 to $200,000. Some of the hardware was not particularly easy to use, and good CAD software was pricey. As an infant technology with a limited user base, adopters did not have many places to turn to for the advice they needed. But today, things could not be more different. Personal, small-scale fabrication technology has become a major trend with high profile backers. Tim O’Reilly, the founder of the famed O’Reilly press, is one of the leading proponents of this movement through his Make magazine and Maker Faire franchises. Chris Anderson, former Editor-in-Chief of Wired magazine, has been another evangelist. His recent bestseller Makers sheds light on the grassroots DIY movement and the role fabrication technologies are playing in allowing physical product innovators to overcome the capital intensive nature of the traditional product development process.

But let’s connect this revolution to what’s happening in our own backyard. The reason this moment in time when 3-D printing is taking off is particularly exciting to me is because I’ve nurtured a long-time passion for this space. I remember eagerly awaiting Gershenfeld’s book when it was announced in early 2005. I bought a copy as soon as it arrived at my local Barnes and Noble and became enthused with the possibility of applying these ideas in Pakistan, particularly within the educational context. On a trip to Lahore, I shared the book with Raza Kazim, Founder of the Lahore-based Sanjanagar Institute. We discussed its applications in the work he was doing at the time. Sanjanagar had invested in an extensive machining facility for the purpose of producing Bhulley, a high quality audio system that cost more than two million dollars, and is a privately funded R&D project. In the 2003-4 time-frame, in collaboration with Hasan Rizvi at the Lahore-based software company, FiveRivers, I became involved with an open hardware project; architecting a tri-processor handheld computing platform called Sirius, which ran on the locally developed AlephOS operating system. This project generated a lot of community interest and won the support of academic luminaries such as Professor Muhammad Afzal at the Centre of Information Technology, Arid Agriculture University. The project received coverage in several newspapers, magazines, conferences and was pursued with interest by members of the academic and open source communities when we made the design openly available.

Given this exposure to open source hardware and my interest in 3-D printing, it was natural for me to be intrigued by RepRap, a self-replicating 3-D printer project being worked on by Adrian Bowyer at the University of Bath in the UK. Bowyer developed his project under a completely open model, providing designs on the project website and encouraging anyone to download and replicate his team’s work. Making use of the opportunity, we funded an experiment to see if a prototype could be built with parts and materials sourced locally. I figured this would be a wonderful resource to provide to colleges and universities, especially if such a device could be built, understood, maintained and eventually improved upon leveraging local skill. The first iterations did not meet with the success we had hoped for; we had numerous sourcing and fabrication challenges, which prevented a reliable unit from being completed. But giving up wasn’t an option. With technology, as with most other things in life, persistence is the name of the game.

Almost eight years after I put Professor Gershenfeld’s book down with a glint in my eye, fully convinced that computer controlled fabrication was destined to be the ‘Next Big Thing’, that reality has come to pass. Today, pundits everywhere agree that personalised manufacturing will change the world. When Chris Anderson claims that 3-D printing is “bigger than the Internet” it is not just technologists who pay attention, analysts on Wall Street do too. As for our story, I am happy to report, things have turned out well. Earlier this year, we launched OpenWorks (www.openworks.cc), a company focused on the ‘Internet of Things’ market. Fuelled by exciting technologies like 3-D printing, embedded systems and sensors, and staffed with an incredible team of engineers led by LUMS alumni and Chief Architect, Azam Shahani. The company has already completed delivery of innovative products to the Singaporean, Australian and US markets. Through the company’s TechJango.com online store, we have made a vast array of products available. And this list will soon include the JangoBot 3-D printer, manufactured by OpenWorks.

In years to come, advanced manifestations of personal fabrication technology will make physical objects almost as easy to replicate as bits and bytes have been in the Internet age. Designs will be shared, shipped across the wire in the blink of an eye, modified by communities, downloaded and ‘printed’ at a moment’s notice. Inexpensive devices, already available for a few hundred dollars, will produce a mind boggling array of objects that represent a substantial percentage of the inventory of today’s department stores. With increasing precision and choice in materials usage, personal fabrication will become an integral part of our lives. As this happens, many businesses will be displaced. Just as MP3s killed off the Walkman, the CD player, record stores and much of the recording industry, personal fabrication will likely take out huge swaths of traditional manufacturing, retail and its associated supply chain. But in doing so, it will create a new way, a far more interesting, dynamic and compelling way, of doing things
. New technologies displace the old, but we are adopting them faster than ever before. New innovations become such an integral part of our lives that we soon wonder how we ever got by without them. 3-D printing will soon be in that category. And it will be a shift worth watching closely.

The writer is an inventor and technology entrepreneur involved with businesses in the US and Pakistan
Brilliant work. Here is a list of this Team's projects


Electric Guitar with integrated iPad (Entertainment)

A US-based customer asked us to design and build an innovative, all-in-one electronic recording studio. We took the neck from a Fender Telecaster, designed and built a custom guitar body featuring a dock and cavity that houses an iPad and includes electronics we developed from scratch. The finished product allows users to play songs on the guitar, instantly record and re-master them, add other synthesized instruments, record vocals simultaneously, integrate inputs from MIDI devices and upload them to the cloud or social media sites without ever connecting a cable. Custom electronics developed for this project include a high-fidelity analog wireless link between the guitar and amplifier and a Lithium-Polymer (LiPo) charger for the integrated battery.

Hive Monitoring System (Agriculture)

This projects sits at the intersection of "The Internet of Things" and "Big Data". We developed a hybrid that includes Wi-Fi and GPS based sensors to monitor the weather, humidity, light, weight of the bee-hive and numerous other variables. All of this data is transmitted wirelessly to a central server that runs software developed by OpenWorks. The server application integrates with Amazon AWS Cloud Services to store, process, analyze and display the data. We are also developing native mobile applications for Android and iOS that will allow the monitoring of large numbers of bee-hives in the field.

Bluetooth-based Soccer Performance Optimizer

One of our US customers wanted us to develop an intelligent shoe insert (pad) that would help improve player performance. We developed a lightweight device that can be easily attached to any sports shoe where it monitors numerous aspects of a soccer player's performance. The data is transmitted to a mobile application which includes charting and analysis tools displaying the position, strike vector and "Gs" associated with each kick.

We developed the device, the data analysis algorithms, wrote the software and produced the foam-based pad housing. Research, development and production were completed in five months.

Posture Correction Device (Medical Electronics)

We developed a miniature medical device with an on-board accelerometer and microcontroller that implements code we wrote to detect incorrect human posture. The device can be provided to patients by ortho specialists or physical therapists in order to help them resolve back trouble. The device vibrates to alert users when their posture falters. This project was completed from start to finish, including the design and development of a 3D printed casing and a custom belt to allow the device to be worn, in just under 3 months.

Anyone has any ideas what one could sell with a consumer available 3D printer? Like 20k€ price. Apart from worthless plastic trinkets? This is a serious question. I'm seriously considering buying something like that and try to be part of the "Next Big Thing".

Thanks for any replies. :)
The age of discovery
Dr Atta-ur-Rahman
Saturday, June 29, 2013

For Pakistan to emerge from the huge mountain of debt we need to give the highest priority to transitioning to a knowledge-based economy. For this we need to invest massively in education, science, technology and innovation so that entrepreneurship can flourish. Multibillion dollar industries are being developed in technologically-advanced countries, based on fantastic discoveries being made in university research institutes and company research laboratories. A few examples are given here.

A new revolution in electronics is around the corner. It all started with a discovery by Swiss scientists at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) – a new wonder material they called ‘molybdenite’ (Molybdenum disulphide, MoS2). It was found to have many advantages over silicon which is normally used in electronics, and also over a carbon-based material ‘graphene’.

Molybdenite is an excellent semiconductor and can be made in very thin sheets that can be employed to manufacture tiny efficient transistors, light emitting diodes (LEDs), computer chips and solar cells (Nature Nanotechnology,7, 4888, 2012)Journal name:. Your windows may be used as video screens and your clothes with electronic circuits based on molybdenite printed on them may also be used as smart phones. It all sounds like science fiction but may soon become a reality.

The Swiss discovery has been further developed by Tomás Palacios of MIT and postdoctoral student Yi-Hsien Lee. They have developed a chemical vapour deposition process to make large sheets of molybdenum disulfide that can be used to make two-dimensional materials with built-in electronic circuitsDOI:. The material can be potentially employed to manufacture flexible electronic devices – opening up possibilities of manufacturing computerised clothing, roll-up computers and electronics that can interface directly with human tissue.

It may also be possible to spray these materials into walls or windows and convert them into large computer or TV screens. So anything could become an interactive digital display and you may be able to connect to the internet through the clothes you wear (MIT News, 23 August 2012)!

Stem cell technologies promise to help patients with damaged kidneys or hearts or those suffering from diabetes and other diseases. Indeed medical research is leading to novel drugs and surgical devices that are showering the pharmaceutical companies with tens of billions of dollars profits annually. The remarkable progress made by the Indian pharmaceutical industry in the last two decades should be an eye opener for us.

Scientists at Carnegie Mellon University have developed a retinal implant that promises to restore eyesight to the blind. It comprises a computer chip that converts camera images into electrical impulses that the brain can understand and decode. Incredibly small cameras are used that are fitted on a pair of glasses. The digital information captured by the camera is sent by a thin wire to the back of the patient’s eye where they stimulate the nerves in the retina, thereby allowing some visibility to be restored.

Another exciting discovery has been a growing understanding into the underlying causes of obesity, which is the cause of heart disease in many cases and results in hundreds of billions of dollars of expenditure on national health services. It has been found that a virus (adenovirus 36) is responsible for obesity in children and probably in adults, and work on the development of a vaccine against obesity is in full swing.

Can we ever have vaccines that will prevent heart disease, just as we have vaccines against many other diseases? Researchers at La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology in California have been able to identify the type of immune cells that are responsible for inflammation of the artery walls and which can lead to the narrowing of the arteries due to the build-up of plaque. Now that they know what type of immune cells are involved in the process of inflammation, plans are underway to develop a vaccine against heart diseases.

About 130-170 million persons worldwide are infected by hepatitis C. Hepatitis is a common viral disease found in Pakistan and many other countries with poor quality water supplies and substandard sanitation services. In an exciting development, Michael Houghton and co-workers at the University of Alberta have developed a vaccine from a single strain of hepatitis C that was found to be effective against all known strains of the disease. They found that the vaccine developed led to the production of a broad range of cross-neutralising antibodies.

Another multi-billion dollar industry is concerned with biosensors. These are devices that can be used to detect bacteria, viruses, contaminants in foods such as pesticides, and they are finding thousands of other applications. For instance a major problem in hospitals is the existence of viruses and bacteria that cause serious infections among patients.

The detection of such organisms, even if present in low numbers, is therefore a very pressing issue. An exciting advancement in this field has been the development of highly sensitive biosensors that can detect even very tiny virus particles. A commonly used biosensor is that used for measuring blood glucose.

An ultra-sensitive biosensor for detection of even very tiny viruses has been developed by Professor Stephen Arnold at the Polytechnic Institute of New York University. Conventional virus detection techniques require weeks for analysis but the biosensor developed by Prof Arnold allows the detection to take place inexpensively within minutes.

The biosensor has been named the ‘Whispering Gallery-Mode Biosensor’ after the famous Whispering Gallery under the dome of St Paul’s Cathedral in London. This is so because the idea for developing such a sensor occurred to him while Prof Arnold was listening to a violin concert, and he thought about how the sound would change if certain particles were to stick to the violin strings.

In this strange and wonderful world of discovery, we have to prepare our young population for the world of tomorrow through massive investments in education, science and technology. The question is: will the new government act differently than its predecessors?

The writer is the former chairman of the Higher Education Commission and currently president of Pakistan Academy of Sciences.Email: ibne_sina@hotmail.com
Thats what is the need, and it the industrial revolution started long time ago in Pakistan in it.
The new industrial revolution
Amir Husain

Technology is perhaps the single most important force driving progress for the human race, and for those beings yet to evolve that will one day be our evolutionary successors. While we distract ourselves with the linear implications of everyday events, major technological developments bring about exponential, framework-altering shifts that re-define the contours of our reality. Exactly such a new revolution is afoot as I write these words, and it promises to change the economic landscape of the world. Like the agricultural, industrial and information revolutions that came before, it will fundamentally alter the dynamics of production and democratise access to resources that were previously concentrated in the hands of a privileged few. I’m not referring here to the Internet, the web or even smart phones, but to a technology that finally marries the digital and the physical: 3D-Printing.

Some 10 years ago, a professor at MIT, Neil Gershenfeld, developed the idea of a “Fab Lab.” He saw that computer controlled fabrication technology was becoming relatively inexpensive. Originally invented in the 1980s by Scott Crump of Stratasys Inc, 3-D printing had been expensive and thus restricted to large corporations. But things were changing. It was becoming possible to fabricate almost anything you could build in a factory in the confines of a small room, solely with a few machines connected to a computer. An object would be designed on-screen with a CAD (computer aided design) application, and with some additional software and hardware magic, the computer controlled fabricators would actually build, cut or construct the desired object. Pixels on screen would be converted to instructions directing lasers, drills and plastic extruders so that what was imagined as an image would appear in the real world with the click of a mouse. Professor Gershenfeld wrote about these ideas and their potential in his 2005 book Fab, and launched pilot labs in India, Africa and other developing nations. Since then, the list of Fab Labs has grown, with a facility even operating in Afghanistan!

In 2005, the cost to assemble a Fab Lab ran anywhere from $100,000 to $200,000. Some of the hardware was not particularly easy to use, and good CAD software was pricey. As an infant technology with a limited user base, adopters did not have many places to turn to for the advice they needed. But today, things could not be more different. Personal, small-scale fabrication technology has become a major trend with high profile backers. Tim O’Reilly, the founder of the famed O’Reilly press, is one of the leading proponents of this movement through his Make magazine and Maker Faire franchises. Chris Anderson, former Editor-in-Chief of Wired magazine, has been another evangelist. His recent bestseller Makers sheds light on the grassroots DIY movement and the role fabrication technologies are playing in allowing physical product innovators to overcome the capital intensive nature of the traditional product development process.

But let’s connect this revolution to what’s happening in our own backyard. The reason this moment in time when 3-D printing is taking off is particularly exciting to me is because I’ve nurtured a long-time passion for this space. I remember eagerly awaiting Gershenfeld’s book when it was announced in early 2005. I bought a copy as soon as it arrived at my local Barnes and Noble and became enthused with the possibility of applying these ideas in Pakistan, particularly within the educational context. On a trip to Lahore, I shared the book with Raza Kazim, Founder of the Lahore-based Sanjanagar Institute. We discussed its applications in the work he was doing at the time. Sanjanagar had invested in an extensive machining facility for the purpose of producing Bhulley, a high quality audio system that cost more than two million dollars, and is a privately funded R&D project. In the 2003-4 time-frame, in collaboration with Hasan Rizvi at the Lahore-based software company, FiveRivers, I became involved with an open hardware project; architecting a tri-processor handheld computing platform called Sirius, which ran on the locally developed AlephOS operating system. This project generated a lot of community interest and won the support of academic luminaries such as Professor Muhammad Afzal at the Centre of Information Technology, Arid Agriculture University. The project received coverage in several newspapers, magazines, conferences and was pursued with interest by members of the academic and open source communities when we made the design openly available.

Given this exposure to open source hardware and my interest in 3-D printing, it was natural for me to be intrigued by RepRap, a self-replicating 3-D printer project being worked on by Adrian Bowyer at the University of Bath in the UK. Bowyer developed his project under a completely open model, providing designs on the project website and encouraging anyone to download and replicate his team’s work. Making use of the opportunity, we funded an experiment to see if a prototype could be built with parts and materials sourced locally. I figured this would be a wonderful resource to provide to colleges and universities, especially if such a device could be built, understood, maintained and eventually improved upon leveraging local skill. The first iterations did not meet with the success we had hoped for; we had numerous sourcing and fabrication challenges, which prevented a reliable unit from being completed. But giving up wasn’t an option. With technology, as with most other things in life, persistence is the name of the game.

Almost eight years after I put Professor Gershenfeld’s book down with a glint in my eye, fully convinced that computer controlled fabrication was destined to be the ‘Next Big Thing’, that reality has come to pass. Today, pundits everywhere agree that personalised manufacturing will change the world. When Chris Anderson claims that 3-D printing is “bigger than the Internet” it is not just technologists who pay attention, analysts on Wall Street do too. As for our story, I am happy to report, things have turned out well. Earlier this year, we launched OpenWorks (www.openworks.cc), a company focused on the ‘Internet of Things’ market. Fuelled by exciting technologies like 3-D printing, embedded systems and sensors, and staffed with an incredible team of engineers led by LUMS alumni and Chief Architect, Azam Shahani. The company has already completed delivery of innovative products to the Singaporean, Australian and US markets. Through the company’s TechJango.com online store, we have made a vast array of products available. And this list will soon include the JangoBot 3-D printer, manufactured by OpenWorks.

In years to come, advanced manifestations of personal fabrication technology will make physical objects almost as easy to replicate as bits and bytes have been in the Internet age. Designs will be shared, shipped across the wire in the blink of an eye, modified by communities, downloaded and ‘printed’ at a moment’s notice. Inexpensive devices, already available for a few hundred dollars, will produce a mind boggling array of objects that represent a substantial percentage of the inventory of today’s department stores. With increasing precision and choice in materials usage, personal fabrication will become an integral part of our lives. As this happens, many businesses will be displaced. Just as MP3s killed off the Walkman, the CD player, record stores and much of the recording industry, personal fabrication will likely take out huge swaths of traditional manufacturing, retail and its associated supply chain. But in doing so, it will create a new way, a far more interesting, dynamic and compelling way, of doing things
. New technologies displace the old, but we are adopting them faster than ever before. New innovations become such an integral part of our lives that we soon wonder how we ever got by without them. 3-D printing will soon be in that category. And it will be a shift worth watching closely.

The writer is an inventor and technology entrepreneur involved with businesses in the US and Pakistan

But does Pakistan passes any Law against those industries who have in-efficient machines installed that eats up electricity. Actually Pakistan needs modern machinery.
Anyone has any ideas what one could sell with a consumer available 3D printer? Like 20k€ price. Apart from worthless plastic trinkets? This is a serious question. I'm seriously considering buying something like that and try to be part of the "Next Big Thing".

Thanks for any replies. :)

dont know price
3D Printing Service UK | 3D Printers | 3D Printer UK | 3D Print Model
This one is 700 GBP, preorder but dont know when they will deliver
3D Printer Kit - Velleman K8200 : Printers : Maplin Electronics
The new industrial revolution will begin with nano tech and not 3d printing.
This is the most critical part Pakistan and Pakistani Govt should introduce, the Pakistani Industrial Revolution on a grand and organised scaled backed by proper Media and Marketing campaigns.

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