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Pakistani at japan airport

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Man, that guy is lucky that there is not much terrorist security threat in this region.

In any country with high terrorist risk, causing a disturbance in an airport is the fastest way to get shot.

And why was this guy screaming about "killing" his family?
Man, that guy is lucky that there is not much terrorist security threat in this region.

In any country with high terrorist risk, causing a disturbance in an airport is the fastest way to get shot.

In UK they wont shoot you, they will try to calm you down, even call interpreter, but if you refuse to listen and continue to physically obstruct their work, they will wrestle you to ground and detain you.

In India they wont shoot you, but you might get arrested depending on how threatening you are. After that it can range from simple release to real kick in butt and jail term depending on your star sign, wind direction, mood of the officer etc... :P
Tons of respect for the Japanese, if it was me, i would have punched him in the face.
Hence its proved that Japanese don take BS.... Japanese are well disciplined guys.
Very old video.Remember seeing this 2-3 yars back
How do you know this disgusting piece of **** was a Pakistani?
But the video didn't show the actual issue, if his anger was legitimate or was it just a BS. So we won't be able to predict. But if it was BS and if the Japs didn't take any action, then hats off to them!!In any other country, he would have been screwed.
I was a little pissed that you opened an account just to post some inflammatory video. But this stuff is hilarious. why would such a rabid mullah go to Japan of all places? There are more than 50 muslim countries for him to go and be himself.
He should show that 'Muslim puch' at some airport in US. Respect for the Japanese!
Like as per your Nageena-E-Pakistan (Zaid Hamid), Kasab was an Indian and his name was Amar singh...be in denial world...

Okay I know you love zaid hamid.... And i guess its more to do with indians obsession with white complexion :laughcry:. Anyways, why dont you provide a proof that this jerk was a Pakistani? If he is then I may want to pelt his house with rotten eggs and if he is not then the title will have to be changed. Oh look the OP Aunty has been banned.
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