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Pakistan VS UAE

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Super Falcon

Jul 3, 2008
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United Arab Emirates
reason why i opened this thread becoz we pakistanis living here in uae everyday use to live and die by these arabs they use to tell us every day that we are pakistanis and we are like animals i want to know how much powerfull we r in war against them i also know with a unconventional war they r prey of seconds for us but i want to know how much looses we take and we give them in conventional war i hope and im sure it will never happen anyway i also know many members in this forum has same feeling as me plz be on war between the two countries

if i have done something wrong please forgive me
reason why i opened this thread becoz we pakistanis living here in uae everyday use to live and die by these arabs they use to tell us every day that we are pakistanis and we are like animals i want to know how much powerfull we r in war against them i also know with a unconventional war they r prey of seconds for us but i want to know how much looses we take and we give them in conventional war i hope and im sure it will never happen anyway i also know many members in this forum has same feeling as me plz be on war between the two countries

if i have done something wrong please forgive me

God left these people a long time ago, I feel your frustration.
In the Quran, God mentions these desert-dwellers and their quest to reach the sky. But rest assure that God has something in wait for them because of their arrogance and betrayal of his commands.

When Allah's (SWT) Messenger, upon him be peace and blessings, was raised as a Prophet, the same kind of racism, under the name of tribalism, was prevalent in Makkah. The Quraish considered themselves in particular, and Arabs in general, superior to all the other peoples of the world. Allah's (SWT) Messenger came with the Divine Message and proclaimed that no Arab is superior over a non-Arab, and no white is superior over black and superiority is by righteousness and God-fearing alone (Surat Al-Hujurat, 49:13). He also declared that even if an Abyssinian Black Muslim were to rule over Muslims, he should be obeyed.

Allah's (SWT) Messenger eradicated the problem of racial or colour discrimination so successfully that superiority is not by birth or colour or blood, but by God-fearing and righteousness.

The message of Islam is for the entire human race. According to Islam, Allah (SWT) is the God of the entire world and the Prophet Muhammad (saw) is a messenger for the whole of mankind. Islam unites the entire human race under one banner without any kind of discrimination.

Allah (SWT) says in Surat Al-Hujurat, "O Mankind! We have created you from a male and female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know one another. Verily, the most honorable of you in the sight of Allah is he who has most Taqwa among of you. Verily, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware." Noble Qur'an (49:13)
Please do not take it personal but it is a bit pathetic , Personal conflicts can trigger a war between two BROTHERLY countries i dont think so , keep your personal issues out of such discussions its just a request & everyone knows how Powerful you are , you dont have to tell them.Use your power in a right way .!!

Brother if you will do the same as they do , tell me what would be the difference between you and them?

Pakistan would never EVER fight with Arabs or Muslims but we shall unite them under our Flag and stand is 1 force to reckon with.

May Allah keep Muslims United.Amen
If a Missile war, Pakistan will win, If its Other ways 50-50 Chance, There Airforce is well equipped and strong and There army I dont know, Pakistan surely has an edge over them
Dear super falcon not every arab or person from uae calls Pakistanis as animals but there are many arabs who like to press us Pakistanis nerves..secondly if such a nation calls you you such and such first off pack your bags and run back to Pakistan but before you do that my advise would be to punch on behalf of Pakistan..
Dear super falcon not every arab or person from uae calls Pakistanis as animals but there are many arabs who like to press us Pakistanis nerves..secondly if such a nation calls you you such and such first off pack your bags and run back to Pakistan but before you do that my advise would be to punch on behalf of Pakistan..

and me :yahoo:
dear canaan it was meant for those special arabs who love calling others as animals not all arabs are like them as i explained it earlier..are you one of those i don't think so but still i am wondering lol:whistle:..
IF its about airforce than UAE will give us tought time.
I have lived several years in Arab. I have seen the ill-treatment of Aarabs to other Non-Arabs, particularly Asians. But then there are Arabs which go beyond usual to help the Non-Arabs, as well. I have personal and first hand experience of both the situations.

The problem is that these Arabs still live n "Past Glory" like most other muslims. This make them arrogant at times. Rather than curing the malaise, they direct their anger and frustration wrongly. The easy targets are the expatriate community and among them the Asians. Most of these Asian, Non-Arab migrant do not speak or understand Arabic and so are easy targets.

The answer is not a WAR with them but rather educating them with patience!

2 wrongs never make a right my friend! they arabs might be racist but by what you are doing you are being equally racist! they are being humiliated by the world because they started thinking of themselves as superior! today they have money & power yet the world uses them abuses them but doesn't respect them!

besides blaming them look at what our people are doing to get such bad reputation in the world! stealing,robbing conning people! so yes e are equally to be blamed not just them!
As a fellow Muslim, I have to agree with the past glory syndrome a lot Muslims seem to suffer from.
It sucks when every great technological achievement, you will have pompous Muslim arses who hold their chests high and say, "Ah but you see, Al Jazeri laid the ground-works for that."
And if some non-Muslim invented it, their response usually revolves around the fact that we taught them how to use soap.

Arabs are a strange lot. They can be barbarically cruel and also incredibly generous. They regard themselves as superior to any other race, yet they will always eat at the same table as their servants.

But, there are many cases of Asians being used as little more than slaves.
Call me idealist, but they need to reread that book that was written 1400 years ago.
This thread should be renamed to " Analysis of Pakistan and UAE Military capabilities"

we can discuss more better if it is renamed . What do you think Falcon?
Well inter-arab racism is alive and well, heck intra-arab racism too for that sake. So the problem is not confined to asian or african minorities. Inter-asian and inter-african racism is also alive and well. It seems instead, that locals always blame migrants for their short-comings.
UAE does not stand a chance against PAKISTAN.... heck whole united arabs were nullified by israel itself... pakistan can repeat the same if situation demands....
feel free to disagree:cheers:
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