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pakistan urges NK not to test nukes


Oct 8, 2005
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ISLAMABAD, Pakistan Pakistan on Wednesday urged North Korea to abandon plans to carry out a nuclear test, saying introducing atomic weapons to the Korean Peninsula would destabilize the region.

Pakistan and North Korea have long been suspected of missile cooperation and in 2004 a top Pakistani scientist confessed to leaking sensitive nuclear technology to North Korea.

"The announcement by the Democratic People's Republic of North Korea regarding its intention to conduct a nuclear weapons test is a matter of deep concern for Pakistan," the Foreign Ministry said.

"We urge the Democratic People's Republic of Korea to desist from introducing nuclear weapons in the Korean Peninsula which would be highly destabilizing for the region," said the statement.

Islamabad urged Pyongyang to "seriously engage" in efforts aimed at keeping the Korean Peninsula region free of nuclear weapons.

On Tuesday, North Korea triggered a global alarm when it said it would conduct a nuclear test sometime in the future to bolster its self-defense, saying it was compelled to because of an "extreme threat of a nuclear war and sanctions and pressure" from the United States.

In 2004, Abdul Qadeer Khan, considered to be the father of Pakistan's nuclear weapons program confessed to leaking nuclear technology to North Korea, as well as Iran and Libya. Pakistani officials denied any government involvement in the nuclear technology transfers.

Khan has been pardoned despite his confession because he is regarded as a national hero but he has been living under virtual house arrest at his home in Islamabad.

Last month, Khan underwent surgery for prostate cancer at a hospital in the southern city of Karachi where he is recuperating at his sister's home.
I dont think North Korea should have nuclear weapons. Even though they deserve it, more nuclear weapons are just simply a threat to the world.
Well why not i think NK should have or if that is bad then no one should be allowed to have why only few super powers to blackmail weaker nations.
I find these kinds of statements quite strange and funny

Pakistan condemns coup in Thailand

Pakistan urges NK not to test nukes
The selling of Pakistan to the interests of America, handing over muslims to america for dollers, humiliating our HERO, allowing foreign agents to operate freely you call that Diplomacy? Musharraf and his cronies have no shame.

Musharraf does not think for his nation but is told what to think by his Commander in Chief George W Bush.
Am I going to be barred from this forum? since lot of people dont like me here?
Am I going to be barred from this forum? since lot of people dont like me here?
No, you are not!
No one has ever been barred from this forum because of personal disliking.

You have strong pov's and sometimes they're controvercial but as far as I've read your (sometimes very long) posts, they are well within the limits.

But like Webby already said above, this is what a forum is all about. ;)
CIA has srings attached to Pakistan, and its making it dance....

Yar Rahman who are we to be lecturing Thailand on democracy and NK on nuclear tests. Whats our own record on these points. Are we the greatest democracy and is there a democratic government in Pakistan.

Secondly how much restraint did we show on nuclear tests
Mods im thinking of a couple bann on some terrorist here or should I say far right winged wanna-bee's :)
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