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Pakistan top brains join the army compare to the other countries


Jan 19, 2009
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I wants to start this thread regarding pakistani top brains joining the armed forces instead of other fields is this the case is it good or bad ?
How do you know top brains are only joining Army and not other organizations..How do you think KRL, NESCOM and other government organizations are working?
these are only three sectors boss can u name any thing else we needs to develop other institutions also
I studied in two best colleges lahore as far as i think most of the good students wants to goin armed forces we needs to improve other sectors that will give the bright student another option
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How do you know top brains are only joining Army and not other organizations..How do you think KRL, NESCOM and other government organizations are working?

Why so rough on the guy? he raises a valid point. What else is there for skilled Pakistani youngsters to look forward to, except military or defence organizations? Very little, indeed. Well, ofcourse, there is telecommunication and some software engineering, which is what every tom, dick and harry ends up doing. But I hardly see anyone growing up saying "I want to be a telecom engineer or programmer".

But, this topic has been discussed before, with detailed discussion of the "Brain Drain" in Pakistan. Opening too many threads has become a bit of a game here. Look at me, since I joined in January, I've only opened maybe 5 new threads total in some 500+ total posts. And guess what, I've never gotten in trouble with any of the mods.
How do you know top brains are only joining Army and not other organizations..How do you think KRL, NESCOM and other government organizations are working?

Speaking of joining NESCOM, can anybody help me out with this? I mean, it is one of the dreams of my life to work for NESCOM but the problem is that I virtually know nothing about how to get there. I've tried searching the internet, but even there no information is available ( no NESCOM website, no nothing). Can any knowledgeable member help me with this and let me know how to join NESCOM and where is their office here in Karachi? Thank you.

Oh and by the way, I would become a computer engineer in about 6 months time. :victory:
Well this is new.

First, i would like to clear that the Army need soldiers not scholars. So it is VERY normal that 'brains' are not selected during ISSB. There have been many guys who i am sure were brainies, but they were rejected in ISSB, and later i found out that they were not selected as Army felt that they can work for Pakistan in a better way of they DONT join the military for the obvious reasons.

Military need a specific standards of intellect, if you are HIGHER or lower then that, you'll not make it into the Armed Forces.

Second, what to you mean by that there is no place for our youngsters in the cvilian sector? How many guys out of your class actually joined the military? May be one or 2 at the most, where did the remaining go? Got absorbed in the civ sector. There is lot of opportunities in the civ sector, BUT, only and only if you are among the BEST. With a C grade in MSc even if someone would o tripple MSc, he is not getting a guud job. A simple example: there are doctors who earn 1000s a day (even their fee is like 1000 each visit) and there are doctors who dont even mange to get a job ib Civil Hospital! The reasons is of The Guud, the Bad and Ugly!!

Lastly, since when Arrned Forces has been favored due to the salary scales?
well on benefits our army is on top of the world u can compare boss and he reason of this thread is to discuss please come with some solid stuff I am hoping like leaking of british MP expenditure some body leaks our officers true wealth
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sir its plots and other stuff just compare the home taking of a 22 scale civil officer and 21 scale journal or any army officer with its equalient officer in civil why dont make a csd for the poors of pakistan

i actually didn't understand what you said. i'll reply to what i understood; As for the CSD please do a long march as it is not Armed Forces' job to make CSDs for the people. Why dont you suggest the State Bank to make its own CSD sorta thing.

Lastly, no more plot bullsh!t!! had enough of it. Read the thread about the Military pay scales for my replies.
Speaking of joining NESCOM, can anybody help me out with this? I mean, it is one of the dreams of my life to work for NESCOM but the problem is that I virtually know nothing about how to get there. I've tried searching the internet, but even there no information is available ( no NESCOM website, no nothing). Can any knowledgeable member help me with this and let me know how to join NESCOM and where is their office here in Karachi? Thank you.

Oh and by the way, I would become a computer engineer in about 6 months time. :victory:
Links, that is what you need. Ask your Professors, generally they have links with people working in different places. They can hook you up with somebody working in NESCOM.

Your dream of working in NESCOM….. better put it to rest for your own good. I have worked in KRL, and several dear friends mistakenly joined DESTO. It is not possible for me to give you details (still bound by regulations), but at least I can say you will regret. As Xeric correctly pointed out, Military does not accept Scholars, they need soldiers. Unfortunately, that mindset also exist in R&D facilities established and/or working under the Armed Forces/MoD. Your best shot will be to establish your career independently, and work for the Armed Forces as a consultant. Or join Army as a regular officer and move into Corp of Engineers. You will get all good opportunities to further your studies (provided you show promise and why PA should invest in your studies) and than you can work in NESCOM. You will have advantage of being in 'uniform' which is otherwise a BIG disadvantage in above mentioned institutes working as a civilian.
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Hay wont any one Join State Bank of Pakistan? We've improved A LOT! SBP's slogan is "Our strenght comes from our people".A good paymaster and public service platform. I'm lov'in it:smitten::victory:
Well this is new.

First, i would like to clear that the Army need soldiers not scholars. So it is VERY normal that 'brains' are not selected during ISSB. There have been many guys who i am sure were brainies, but they were rejected in ISSB, and later i found out that they were not selected as Army felt that they can work for Pakistan in a better way of they DONT join the military for the obvious reasons.

Military need a specific standards of intellect, if you are HIGHER or lower then that, you'll not make it into the Armed Forces.

Second, what to you mean by that there is no place for our youngsters in the cvilian sector? How many guys out of your class actually joined the military? May be one or 2 at the most, where did the remaining go? Got absorbed in the civ sector. There is lot of opportunities in the civ sector, BUT, only and only if you are among the BEST. With a C grade in MSc even if someone would o tripple MSc, he is not getting a guud job. A simple example: there are doctors who earn 1000s a day (even their fee is like 1000 each visit) and there are doctors who dont even mange to get a job ib Civil Hospital! The reasons is of The Guud, the Bad and Ugly!!

Lastly, since when Arrned Forces has been favored due to the salary scales?

Sir how many doctors got 1000 a visit and and i hope the best thing will be applied in our forces all the above civil sector people works hard for 30 t0 40 year on average and then they can think of getting a small house in big city in current situation they have to work after retirement to have a good standard of living they dont get a 1 commercial plot 1 residential plot and SD house on it this i think this is for major rank and after every 10 year military take over will also gave them a chance to be vice Chancellor or head of the institutions
now people will ask they pay for plots what they pay a honest 20 scale worker will be happy to pay sir this class system is not good for our country future
i actually didn't understand what you said. i'll reply to what i understood; As for the CSD please do a long march as it is not Armed Forces' job to make CSDs for the people. Why dont you suggest the State Bank to make its own CSD sorta thing.

Lastly, no more plot bullsh!t!! had enough of it. Read the thread about the Military pay scales for my replies.

I should have chance to give my point language please if state bank got 50% of budget i would love to i think sir plot is your weak point
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Dude the plots are not free.You have to pay for them in installments.My grandfather who retired as a Colonel was also offered plot when he was a Major but he declined the offer (had to feed 6 children so he did not have money to spare on Installments )and he worked for some company for 10 years after retirement (13,000 Rs month Salary) to run his house.It's not like all Army officers are ultra rich as you describe.The only rich people in Army are Generals.
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