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Pakistan to launch observatory satellite next month

250 to 300 kg satellite what you think it will be expensive to lunch and full fill our need? It we want to launch then sould b fully loaded satellite
Bilal - IIRC is for missile proliferation but not applicable for space launch vehicles. Your point is valid why not pursue civilian sector; there is a huge window of opportunity.

@Bilal Khan (Quwa) is correct.

There is an understanding with "powers" that we will not try to pursue the ICBM road.
The technology for a SLV and ICBM are almost the same.
So why raise alarms then ?
The PakTES-1A will accompany the PRSS-01 on China's Long March SLV. Basically, SUPARCO is saying that it designed and built the PakTES-1A. I still need to confirm/recall which of the PRSS-01 and PakTES-1A are the synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and electro-optical (EO) sensor.

The PakTES-1A will carry a low-to-medium resolution EO payload. The EO payload has been developed by SUPARCO in collaboration with the Space Advisory Company (SAC) of South Africa since no facilities existed in Pakistan which had the technology to develop the payload indigenously.
As far the the SUPARCO's claims of indigenous development are concerned, they must be taken with a pinch of salt since it is common knowledge that SUPARCO simply does not have the technical capability to develop satellite systems indigenously.
I have also found that previously, the PakTES-1A was intended to be launched on its own and was thus slated to be heavier and more capable. However, to cut down on costs, SUPARCO has decided to launch PakTES-1A as a co-passenger to the PRSS and has settled on a less capable configuration.
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Great news & a job well done by our engineers & researchers.
China to build remote sensing satellites for Pakistan and Venezuela
December 5, 2016
Chinese space scientists will construct and launch two remote sensing satellites for foreign countries over the next two years, according to state-owned newspaper China Daily.

China Great Wall Industry Corp, the country's only authorized firm for international space collaboration, will launch Venezuela's second remote sensing satellite next year and Pakistan's first remote sensing satellite in 2018, said Fu Zhiheng, vice president of Great Wall Industry.

"Preparation work for the Venezuelan Remote Sensing Satellite 2 project is proceeding according to schedule," Fu told China Daily. "The contract for the Pakistan Remote Sensing Satellite 1 project was signed earlier this year and will be fulfilled in 2018."

The two satellites are being developed by the China Academy of Space Technology, Fu said.

The Venezuelan Remote Sensing Satellite 2 is the third Chinese satellite designed for the South American country, following the Venesat-1 communications satellite that was launched in 2008 and the Venezuelan Remote Sensing Satellite 1, launched in 2012.

The Pakistan Remote Sensing Satellite 1 is the second Chinese satellite to be used by Pakistan. Earlier, China developed the PakSat-1R communications satellite that was launched in 2011.

Remote sensing satellites are used for weather forecasting, observing Earth, surveying land resources or monitoring oceans.

Fu noted that some other countries that already use Chinese satellites are in talks with Great Wall Industry to expand their fleets.

China has previously exported 11 satellites to nine countries, including Bolivia, Nigeria and Laos.

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Made in China, launched by China, operated by China.
illtetrate,ignorant indiot..
do you understand the meaning of "indigenous"?
if you do than go read again or let me make it simple for you due to your ignorance it's a "swadeshi" satellite made in Pakistan..
but i still expect ignorant replies from you because you are always founded in cow mata urine drunk state so a literate reply isn't expected from you..
and yah just like your brahmos:
made in russia,launched by russia but hey don't cry you have painted it too lol..:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:..
why? Makes no sense. Be bold my friends. If there is nothing sinister, it will be welcome to all to observe launch this way it does not register. civilian programs if kept seperate have their advantages.
Some people are born sissies... if the powerful person asks them to bow, they prostrate....so the guy you replied to is just one such example...right now there is no budget for SLV project but as soon as funds become available, it will be revived.
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If pakistan have to develop space program, then they have to catchup with India with launch for european or US customers like ISRO do now....

That's the turning point to call as space super power...
Irrelevant , and off topic post reported.
This loser always have to bring India to every post that is discussing about pakistan.
@waz @Jungibaaz @The Eagle
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IIRC ... didn't Pakistan unilaterally commit to not pursue ICBMs? @Oscar @The Deterrent ... are we just too tainted at this point to even pursue a parallel civilian rocket program for SLVs?
Yeah, that's true, no ICBMs. Replacing the "C" with an "R" will neutralize all present and foreseeable threats.

As I've said before, the SLV program is on the way again. It will be purely for satellite delivery, no nukes. This time it is not a makeshift solution, rather a whole family of liquid-fueled vehicles will be developed, gradually. Given that, and the low-priority status of the project, it will take a while to get it done.
Yeah, that's true, no ICBMs. Replacing the "C" with an "R" will neutralize all present and foreseeable threats.

As I've said before, the SLV program is on the way again. It will be purely for satellite delivery, no nukes. This time it is not a makeshift solution, rather a whole family of liquid-fueled vehicles will be developed, gradually. Given that, and the low-priority status of the project, it will take a while to get it done.
I have my doubts. A space program is not just launching a couple of satellites every year.
It requires major investment both technical and financial. Something few countries can afford.
For a economy like Pakistan , it doesn't make sense.
The countries with active launch facilities are USA, Russia, European Union, China, Japan,India.
Even a country like UK does not have a launch program because the local market is not large . Same for Japan ,which also just keeps itself active but does not expand it's launchers because of a small market.
What Pakistan can do is start developing remote sensing and then the heavier communication satellites at home. UK has a good industry based solely on satellites.
No need to compete with India on everything.
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