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Pakistan to go to War with India over Kashmir?

And the Pakistani state which tried to annex Kashmir which prompted the Maharaja to accede to India was not ?

It happened because of Jammu massacre of 1947 and Poonch rebellion and Maharajas determination to subjugate muslim population of kashmir , just like what Indian Hindu BJP/RSS goons are doing... Read proper history instead of doing gangu propaganda.

Pakistan has done nothing.we don't even have diplomatic support which is total failure of present government.also there is no desire to fight.this defensive policy and begging bowl has destroyed our roots.whatever we are doing right now is useless.saudia and China both are moving away from our camp and it's because of Khan policies.news of Kashmir are now slowly slowly vanishing.i think within 15 days,everyone will forget about kashmir.international community don't care about pakistan anymore but Pakistan always care about it's image for unknown reasons.example is kulbhushan.i think we have accepted our defeat and I think we should also move on.it is useless to talk about military action because we are facing a United and much bigger enemy and kindly look at our pathetic situation on afghan border,each day ttp attacks.it sums up everything.

@waz.. I wouldn't be surprised if he turns out a gangu larper.
The elected representatives of the state have not been consulted which was a requirement of Article 370 (3) also. Article 21. Deciding the future of a state and its people without consulting their elected reps. It is also against the federal structure of the constitution.

One thing is for sure, even if the amendment manages to to succeed in terms of the letter of the law, it does not succeed in terms of the spirit of the law. The courts may have something to say about that.

It's a complex issue and we can't decide it here. The judges are experts and they too will take their time.
370 is temperory provision mentioned in constituion
It's not fundemental rights where is the violation of fundemental rights ???
Same Constitution gives rights to Parliament to implement Laws into States of India through presidential order under article 356B

If constitent assembly is not there. Governor can act behave constitutional assembly through presidential order

Constituent assembly is don't exist in Kashmir since 1956.

It's all about interpretation of law
Courts can interpret itself what they want

For that congress govt did this various times in States when it was in power full majority

Paliament of India already made this law as Constitution by president order

Kashmir is now a UT from 5 Aug 2019
So now SC has to work withing laws of Constitution to treat Kashmir as Union Territory from now on

Executive will have it own interpretation is based on Law ministry under ministry of law and justice
Attorney journal will put up it's interpretation

Still decision need constitutional bench will take 5-6 years Aur even more (If govt drags )to make any altercation
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They are stupid
And why is that?

Heh, I love it when Indians actually believe that India will somehow survive a nuclear exchange with Pakistan while stating in the same breath that Pakistan will be completely destroyed. How are second strike/chance readily available for India and not Pakistan?
Its already amended by president order twice in the past by congress in 1954 and 1964
Kashmir assembly is not there governor is there representative
Under article 356b president has power
To consitutent parliament as Constitution assembly.

Probably you have not seen debate in our parliament all questions of legality being answered

Then article 35 will also be nullified that will ring alarm bells in other states that gives special status to citizens of states of north east.
Then article 35 will also be nullified that will ring alarm bells in other states that gives special status to citizens of states of north east.
North east comes under 371 not 370 all NE states are Full federal states comes under Constution of india
Nothing but Kashmir Case was different

I guess you have not read Read article 35

Article 35 in The Indian Constitution. Legislation to give effect to the provisions of this Part Notwithstanding anything in this Constitution, (a) Parliament shall have, and the Legislature of a State shall not have, power to make laws.

J&K comes under article 35a Which is part of 370 itself Which was temporary provision
Article 371A in Nagaland,
Article 371B in Assam,
Article 371C in Manipur,
Article 371F in Sikkim,
Article 371G in Mizoram...

These are some of the constitutional provisions in the Indian constitution which prevents outsiders to settle in these States, also these are still the STATES not Union territories but it seems Saffron fascists are only bothered by the Statehood of Kashmir and its Article 370, so it is not really about integration but colonization of Kashmir by Indian State. Snatching away the autonomy, abolishing the statehood, dividing the land and scraping the article 370 has nothing to do with assimilation but changing the demography of the only muslim majority Kashmir and quashing the democratic rights of its citizens.

The colonization of constitutionalism in 21st century saffron India.

Yes, but IMO it’ll be like a war by other means!! It’ll be in the coins valued by the Indian “Rich and Famous” elites with the wealth and mistresses perked in Dubai!! Remember, a cow has more value than a human being (from the wrong castes, religions, places etc.) in India, where not all human lives have the same values in monitory terms....
This time it is serious, no more just keeping the Indian troops busy but to kick them out. China might get involved too.
Whatever we do, we have to carry it out to it's logical conclusion. No ceasefires, no diplomacy, a fight to the death using all means.
We will never be allowed to live and progress in peace otherwise.
We take the steps we need to take and trust in God.
We have right on our side.
Whatever we do, we have to carry it out to it's logical conclusion. No ceasefires, no diplomacy, a fight to the death using all means.
We will never be allowed to live and progress in peace otherwise.
We take the steps we need to take and trust in God.
We have right on our side.

What’s the plan ?

Dialogue ?
Simultaneous war preparation ?
Food ration
Fuel ration
poWs rehabilitation
Raise 50 plus heavy infantry divisions ?
Liberated areas administration plan ?
Logistical plan ? 5M Pakistanis working ?
Manufacturing output ?
50M Pakistanis employeed to make trucks, ApCs? JF17s , tanks , ammo, anyictanks and manpads ?

How much debt the country is willing to take ? Human cost of 50% Pakistanis dying ?
Objectives ?? 3 months ? A year to achieve goals ?

Thinks about all the planning that goes in all out war .. I don’t think that plans exists as Pakistan never planned to fight beyond 1 month

Article 371A in Nagaland,
Article 371B in Assam,
Article 371C in Manipur,
Article 371F in Sikkim,
Article 371G in Mizoram...

These are some of the constitutional provisions in the Indian constitution which prevents outsiders to settle in these States, also these are still the STATES not Union territories but it seems Saffron fascists are only bothered by the Statehood of Kashmir and its Article 370, so it is not really about integration but colonization of Kashmir by Indian State. Snatching away the autonomy, abolishing the statehood, dividing the land and scraping the article 370 has nothing to do with assimilation but changing the demography of the only muslim majority Kashmir and quashing the democratic rights of its citizens.

The colonization of constitutionalism in 21st century saffron India.

I had no idea about other areas besides Kashmir.. thanks for sharing ... news to me... that tells us about the nefarious designs of India ..
. .
What’s the plan ?

Dialogue ?
Simultaneous war preparation ?
Food ration
Fuel ration
poWs rehabilitation
Raise 50 plus heavy infantry divisions ?
Liberated areas administration plan ?
Logistical plan ? 5M Pakistanis working ?
Manufacturing output ?
50M Pakistanis employeed to make trucks, ApCs? JF17s , tanks , ammo, anyictanks and manpads ?

How much debt the country is willing to take ? Human cost of 50% Pakistanis dying ?
Objectives ?? 3 months ? A year to achieve goals ?

Thinks about all the planning that goes in all out war .. I don’t think that plans exists as Pakistan never planned to fight beyond 1 month

I had no idea about other areas besides Kashmir.. thanks for sharing ... news to me... that tells us about the nefarious designs of India ..

Pakistan supported India's candidature to UN Security Council's non-Permanent seat 2 months back. It just shows how foresighted Pakistani Foreign Policy Establishment really is. 2 months after India got elected to UN SC, Modi withdraws Article 370 and 35A.

Rage in ZH's voice and caveat in the end, does point to something. IK should be careful now onwards.
Donot think so, Pak Army wants authority and no war. Pakistan must prepare for a nee befitting response.

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