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Pakistan to give access to Russia to warm Water

An alliance between Russia, China, Pakistan, India and Iran will change the world forever. This alliance will force Afghanistan to join and American adventure in CARs will have a significant blow.

NATO will be gone forever and they might go to US-Mexico border...

India and Pakistan in one alliance??? :what::what:
An alliance between Russia, China, Pakistan, India and Iran will change the world forever. This alliance will force Afghanistan to join and American adventure in CARs will have a significant blow.

NATO will be gone forever and they might go to US-Mexico border...

Agreed. We have the economy, men power, geostatistical advantage which the NATO allies don't have. Collectively, we also have more nukes. We can easily watch eachother's backyard.
Well, it is unlikely that this kind of alliance will be formed. However, China, Russia and Pakistan can and will form an alliance including CARs. But this is the last thing Europe and Amrika will accept and before that, they will either cry or bolster their presence; perhaps, by attacking another country in the region.

Amrikan monopoly will be gone forever if this happens.
Alliance between ind-Pakistan? hahhaa........ not till Kashmir issue is resolved.

Naturally an alliance would mean the resolution of the Kashmir issue that would be most favorable to the people Kashmir.

Anyway I don't see why this cannot happen your nations have some of the greatest minds, why not bring them together and make this planet a better place for Human kind.
So give me some credible news source where Russia invited Pakistan to join SCO.

Less dependence on Amrika means less pressure and exposure.


Russia hails Pakistan’s engagement in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and supports its intent to become a full-fledged member in the SCO.

A statement to this effect was made by Presidents Dmitry Medvedev and Asif Ali Zardari after their talks in Moscow on Thursday.

Separately, the two men called for the cultivation of ties between Russia, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Tajikistan.

Stressing the importance of maintaining stable peace in Afghanistan, they also urged more efforts to tackle terrorism and drug trafficking in the region.

The SCO brings together Russia, Kazakhstan, China, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

Russia hails Pakistan
Re: Pakistan to give access to Russia to warm Water
Oh yes, China will have competition from Russia and that will do a lot good overall to Pakistan.

reminds of india in 1700s. Any foreign power invited creates areas of influence and divisions
Pakistan has plenty to offer if with the help of china they be able to make worthy roads hitting central Asian routs i.e connecting KKH to Kazakhstan. Even China will be a beneficiary big time.

so why the hell we waste time in 1979 to 1989.

i'm not privvy to the details, but i'm assuming this man didn't tell Russians to bring their boots and armour in as well, to piss in our Mosques and crush any opposition with iron fist. . .

it's silly to compare the two....if this is a sound business proposal both sides should review it and if we gain from it then sure why not? We have Gwadar and due to the criminal neglect of the nincompoops running the country -- nincompoops who are not fit to run brothel, let alone a nation --- the potential hasnt been tapped.

we need to start taking advantage of what we have and using it.....the gains would be monumental
you simply cannot expect russia to stay silent and neutral whilst the americans are destroying pakistan.

the russian reaction to the raymond davis affair was encouraging, they are perhaps one of the most responsible nations in the world, putin is a good statesman.
so why the hell we waste time in 1979 to 1989.
That wasn't a WASTE,,, at that time our own survival felt an impending threat,,, so it was correct decision for that time...

Now we are under threat again & this is right move for today's time...
All these "problems" are Jew-Controlled-American in origin,,, once this Jewish-Controlled EVIL is gone from here we will be at peace,,,

You have been going to Stormfront.org too much!

Pakistan's problems lie in the 60+ year old struggle against India over Kashmir. Remove that factor then, despite a few frictions, 'South Asia' will be a true South Asia with free trade, movement of people, cultural exchange, and, yes, even common threat perceptions. This kind of alliance is going to happen--cultural imperatives are too strong--we just have myopic leaders in both India and Pakistan who are trying to score points at each other by clinging onto the American and Chinese sugar daddies.
One day, just like what the Europeans now realize--after butchering each other for centuries, we too will realize that we were foolish and let others take advantage of us. I am damned sure about that. I say this because even if India and Pakistan vanish as the states we see them now the people will be there. These billion+ cannot be moved. And they will ONLY live in longterm peace with each other if there is peace and justice in the region.
All these "problems" are Jew-Controlled-American in origin,,, once this Jewish-Controlled EVIL is gone from here we will be at peace,,,

Please don't tarnish the religion based on negative aspects in regards to some of their followers, they're are plenty of decent Jewish folks and your comments would be highly insulting towards them.

Brother drop these feeling, who needs jews as enemies when our own people do that job, perfectly. This blaming of the West and Israel has to stop and our public should hold our leader's accountable for any wrong doing instead of cursing foreign elements.
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