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Pakistan: The New Egypt on the Indus


Nov 21, 2015
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Pakistan: The New Egypt on the Indus​

Pakistan’s caretaker setup — intended to be a period of transition — will probably instead be a period of transformation.

Arif Rafiq

Anwaarul Haq Kakar and Asim Munir

The Pakistan Army has placed its man, Anwaarul Haq Kakar, as the caretaker prime minister. (Image Credit: Inter-Services Public Relations, Senate of Pakistan)

Pakistan’s National Assembly was dissolved on Wednesday, just days ahead of the end of its five-year term. Constitutionally, general elections must take place within 90 days. But it’s unclear whether they will take place in that time period — or ever.

In its final weeks, the outgoing assembly passed a series of laws that enhance the de jure powers of Pakistan’s de facto paramount institution: the army. And the coalition of parties, known as the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM), instead of fulfilling their constitutional mandate to select the caretaker prime minister to oversee the elections, let the army make that choice.

Last year, the PDM — as the opposition — allied with the army to depose then-Prime Minister Imran Khan. Then, as the government, the PDM conspired to remove him from the political process.

The PDM has gotten what it’s wanted with Khan now in prison. But its deal with the army is proving to be a Faustian bargain. The “democratic” coalition has handed the keys to the country to the army chief, General Asim Munir. He may never give them back. Instead, he is likely to seek to reshape Pakistani politics with two models in mind: Balochistan and Egypt.
Pakistan’s caretaker setup — intended to be a period of transition — will probably instead be a period of transformation.

The Balochistan Model​

On Saturday, the Pakistan Army placed its man, Anwaarul Haq Kakar, as the caretaker prime minister. Kakar is an ethnic Pashtun from the northern part of Pakistan’s Balochistan province. Though a senator till Sunday, he has no political capital of his own. He owes his political stature to the army.

In Balochistan, ethnic nationalist and Islamist parties dominate. Kakar is a Pakistani nationalist who favors a strong center and army. That’s the role he was deployed for in Balochistan. That’s what he was trained for.

Kakar attended the National Security Workshop of Pakistan’s National Defense University, which is run by the Pakistan Army. The army uses the workshop to educate civilians — including journalists — on issues related to national security, including the insurgency in Balochistan. The workshop has also served as a vehicle for the army to cultivate a generation of commentators and think tank scholars who can amplify its talking points and worldview in the public domain.

Kakar is no raging nationalist. Articulate and sober, he’s been an effective talking head, promoting the army’s views through a platform known as the Voice of Balochistan. More importantly, he’s also entered into the political fold, serving most recently with the Balochistan Awami Party (BAP) — a group engineered by the Pakistan Army to displace the province’s political elite.

Kakar’s rise comes as we are seeing the Balochistanization of Pakistan. Nationwide, Pakistan is now experiencing what was largely relegated to Balochistan, at least in terms of scale: brute force and rampant enforced disappearances targeting the political class met with the indifference or silence of the courts and media, and a political process heavily stage-managed by two- and three-star generals to create the veneer of consensus-based civilian rule.

Kakar’s ascent means the acceleration of the application of Balochistan rules to all of Pakistan. The army will use him to push forward major economic transactions, including the sale to Saudi Arabia of the Pakistani government’s stake in Reko Diq, one of the world’s largest untapped copper mines.

The problem for the army is that this model hasn’t worked in Balochistan, where an insurgency — driven to a large extent by resource nationalism — festers. And it won’t work at the center.

The Egypt Model​

In July 2013, Egypt’s army chief General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi deposed the country’s president, Mohamed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood-linked Freedom and Justice Party.
The next month, hundreds of anti-coup protestors were killed by state security forces in what was known as the Rabaa massacre. The popular politics of Tahrir Square came to an end. Nearly six years later, Morsi died in a prison cell under dubious circumstances.

An ailing economy played a major role in the narrative used to justify al-Sisi’s seizure of power. And for much of the period since he took on the role of president, al-Sisi has been portrayed as an economic reformer with a grand vision — a builder like Muhammad Ali Pasha.

But Egypt today is an economic basket case. Under al-Sisi, Egypt has seen persistent double-digit inflation and multiple International Monetary Fund programs.

Al-Sisi has wasted public resources, including on the construction of a new capital city. The Egyptian military’s role in the country’s economy has surged under al-Sisi, cannibalizing opportunities for more productive investment from the private sector.

As of 2019, the Egyptian military “manage[d] approximately one-quarter of total government spending in housing and public infrastructure,” according to Yezid Sayigh, a top expert on Egypt’s political economy.
Sayigh writes that al-Sisi has “shown his contempt openly for the civilian agencies of his own state” and “feels he can only trust the military to do the job on time, within budget.”

The problem, however, has been that al-Sisi “doesn’t mean he actually has an economic vision.” Sayigh argues that Egypt’s ruler, like most generals, “doesn’t understand how the economy works, how to get it going, how to generate jobs and growth, how to increase revenue in a sustainable way.”

Many Pakistanis will find this familiar. And those who don’t soon will.

Today, senior Pakistan Army commanders play a lead role in “facilitating” foreign investment in the Special Investment Facilitation Council or SIFC. Speaking like a head of government, General Munir promises “an investor-friendly system that avoids unnecessary delays and provides easy terms and conditions for business.”

But like its Egyptian counterpart, the Pakistan Army can’t be an engine of reform because it is committed to maintaining its inefficient, parasitic role in the country’s economy.

Ultimately, the army may succeed in ensuring its political dominance in the country by keeping an independent-minded leader out of power by any means necessary.

Though in recent years Congressional Democrats have gotten some of U.S. military aid to Egypt suspended, al-Sisi largely remains insulated from penalty as he’s seen as a vital strategic partner in the Middle East. And he’s cultivated support from Gulf Arab states opposed to the spread of Islamism, though they’re tired of giving him handouts.

Pakistan’s generals hope a rekindled alignment with the United States will also protect them from being penalized for their power grab. Since last year, Pakistan has armed Ukraine through Western intermediaries, providing Kyiv with vital artillery as firepower proves to be scarce.

There’s now indication Pakistan is no longer simply transferring old inventory to Ukraine (via third parties), it’s also now supplying newly-manufactured ammunition to Kyiv. Rawalpindi’s arms transfers to Kyiv are no one-time deal.

Pakistan’s generals are also preparing for a rapid-fire sale of state assets to Gulf Arab states. They are replicating Egypt’s failed economic model — one that has parallels with the initial years of the rule of General Pervez Musharraf.
But for Pakistan Army, maintaining its political hegemony is its bottom line. Whereas it had attempted to do so since 2008 through more indirect means, its efforts are now less subtle.

In recent days, voices aligned with the army have trashed the entire political class and called for an “apolitical cabinet for an indefinite period.”

In other words, Mr. Kakar and Gen. Munir may be around for a very long time.

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Pakistani Generals ( in reality FA pass insecure little boys, who want to qualify as angrez ) are absolute dumdums ...
they have ruined each and every institution and plundered almost all budget on american behest.

they have corrupted and even killed their own, on american behest.

and there is no doubt, the lack of courage and even a hint of self respect will keep them under american thumb.

their only career KPI, is a dick measuring contest on basis of whom did the americans talk to amongst them.
Army trying to be like the CCP - minus the actual good things about the CCP

Are we going to see economic stabilisation and growth? Are we going to see the many major and minor issues addressed directly? No
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More doom and gloom for Pakistan and its people in coming years if this failed Egyptian model is implemented in Pakistan or the Balochistan Model.

It's a daylight robbery, they are eyeing the Rekodiq copper and gold reserves, that will take at least 5-8 years just for the exploration, with no dime coming and billions of USD's needed in the initial stage.

And the agri Land grab, plus other ventures with Army at the central role.

Kakar is here to replicate the Balochistan model, there are rumors of Sadiq Sanjrani, the Senate head, who is involved in Saindak copper mining and getting the commissions and its share will be the next President.

And people of Balochistan will be left high and dry, the profit going to a select few new political elites like Kakar, Sanjrani and gobbled by China and KSA the rest, and of course the Army. Some leftovers might come to people of Pakistan.

But hopefully will be failed with the success of the people, the Awam. In democracy, it's the 'Jamhoor' the people who are at the heart of a state, a country, and not catering for an elitist capture, the feudals, the generals and the capitalists, the status quo.
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False comparison, Egyptian military establishment actually cares for Egypt's development, growth and long term strategic interests...

Whereas the traitor colonial sepoys only care for how to be good compliant slaves of amreeka and angrez bahadur and will actively seek out and destroy anyone that wants to make Pakistan an independent, vibrant, economically viable and advanced nation.

Pakistan: The New Egypt on the Indus​

Pakistan’s caretaker setup — intended to be a period of transition — will probably instead be a period of transformation.

Arif Rafiq

Anwaarul Haq Kakar and Asim Munir

The Pakistan Army has placed its man, Anwaarul Haq Kakar, as the caretaker prime minister. (Image Credit: Inter-Services Public Relations, Senate of Pakistan)

Pakistan’s National Assembly was dissolved on Wednesday, just days ahead of the end of its five-year term. Constitutionally, general elections must take place within 90 days. But it’s unclear whether they will take place in that time period — or ever.

In its final weeks, the outgoing assembly passed a series of laws that enhance the de jure powers of Pakistan’s de facto paramount institution: the army. And the coalition of parties, known as the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM), instead of fulfilling their constitutional mandate to select the caretaker prime minister to oversee the elections, let the army make that choice.

Last year, the PDM — as the opposition — allied with the army to depose then-Prime Minister Imran Khan. Then, as the government, the PDM conspired to remove him from the political process.

The PDM has gotten what it’s wanted with Khan now in prison. But its deal with the army is proving to be a Faustian bargain. The “democratic” coalition has handed the keys to the country to the army chief, General Asim Munir. He may never give them back. Instead, he is likely to seek to reshape Pakistani politics with two models in mind: Balochistan and Egypt.
Pakistan’s caretaker setup — intended to be a period of transition — will probably instead be a period of transformation.

The Balochistan Model​

On Saturday, the Pakistan Army placed its man, Anwaarul Haq Kakar, as the caretaker prime minister. Kakar is an ethnic Pashtun from the northern part of Pakistan’s Balochistan province. Though a senator till Sunday, he has no political capital of his own. He owes his political stature to the army.

In Balochistan, ethnic nationalist and Islamist parties dominate. Kakar is a Pakistani nationalist who favors a strong center and army. That’s the role he was deployed for in Balochistan. That’s what he was trained for.

Kakar attended the National Security Workshop of Pakistan’s National Defense University, which is run by the Pakistan Army. The army uses the workshop to educate civilians — including journalists — on issues related to national security, including the insurgency in Balochistan. The workshop has also served as a vehicle for the army to cultivate a generation of commentators and think tank scholars who can amplify its talking points and worldview in the public domain.

Kakar is no raging nationalist. Articulate and sober, he’s been an effective talking head, promoting the army’s views through a platform known as the Voice of Balochistan. More importantly, he’s also entered into the political fold, serving most recently with the Balochistan Awami Party (BAP) — a group engineered by the Pakistan Army to displace the province’s political elite.

Kakar’s rise comes as we are seeing the Balochistanization of Pakistan. Nationwide, Pakistan is now experiencing what was largely relegated to Balochistan, at least in terms of scale: brute force and rampant enforced disappearances targeting the political class met with the indifference or silence of the courts and media, and a political process heavily stage-managed by two- and three-star generals to create the veneer of consensus-based civilian rule.

Kakar’s ascent means the acceleration of the application of Balochistan rules to all of Pakistan. The army will use him to push forward major economic transactions, including the sale to Saudi Arabia of the Pakistani government’s stake in Reko Diq, one of the world’s largest untapped copper mines.

The problem for the army is that this model hasn’t worked in Balochistan, where an insurgency — driven to a large extent by resource nationalism — festers. And it won’t work at the center.

The Egypt Model​

In July 2013, Egypt’s army chief General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi deposed the country’s president, Mohamed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood-linked Freedom and Justice Party.
The next month, hundreds of anti-coup protestors were killed by state security forces in what was known as the Rabaa massacre. The popular politics of Tahrir Square came to an end. Nearly six years later, Morsi died in a prison cell under dubious circumstances.

An ailing economy played a major role in the narrative used to justify al-Sisi’s seizure of power. And for much of the period since he took on the role of president, al-Sisi has been portrayed as an economic reformer with a grand vision — a builder like Muhammad Ali Pasha.

But Egypt today is an economic basket case. Under al-Sisi, Egypt has seen persistent double-digit inflation and multiple International Monetary Fund programs.

Al-Sisi has wasted public resources, including on the construction of a new capital city. The Egyptian military’s role in the country’s economy has surged under al-Sisi, cannibalizing opportunities for more productive investment from the private sector.

As of 2019, the Egyptian military “manage[d] approximately one-quarter of total government spending in housing and public infrastructure,” according to Yezid Sayigh, a top expert on Egypt’s political economy.
Sayigh writes that al-Sisi has “shown his contempt openly for the civilian agencies of his own state” and “feels he can only trust the military to do the job on time, within budget.”

The problem, however, has been that al-Sisi “doesn’t mean he actually has an economic vision.” Sayigh argues that Egypt’s ruler, like most generals, “doesn’t understand how the economy works, how to get it going, how to generate jobs and growth, how to increase revenue in a sustainable way.”

Many Pakistanis will find this familiar. And those who don’t soon will.

Today, senior Pakistan Army commanders play a lead role in “facilitating” foreign investment in the Special Investment Facilitation Council or SIFC. Speaking like a head of government, General Munir promises “an investor-friendly system that avoids unnecessary delays and provides easy terms and conditions for business.”

But like its Egyptian counterpart, the Pakistan Army can’t be an engine of reform because it is committed to maintaining its inefficient, parasitic role in the country’s economy.

Ultimately, the army may succeed in ensuring its political dominance in the country by keeping an independent-minded leader out of power by any means necessary.

Though in recent years Congressional Democrats have gotten some of U.S. military aid to Egypt suspended, al-Sisi largely remains insulated from penalty as he’s seen as a vital strategic partner in the Middle East. And he’s cultivated support from Gulf Arab states opposed to the spread of Islamism, though they’re tired of giving him handouts.

Pakistan’s generals hope a rekindled alignment with the United States will also protect them from being penalized for their power grab. Since last year, Pakistan has armed Ukraine through Western intermediaries, providing Kyiv with vital artillery as firepower proves to be scarce.

There’s now indication Pakistan is no longer simply transferring old inventory to Ukraine (via third parties), it’s also now supplying newly-manufactured ammunition to Kyiv. Rawalpindi’s arms transfers to Kyiv are no one-time deal.

Pakistan’s generals are also preparing for a rapid-fire sale of state assets to Gulf Arab states. They are replicating Egypt’s failed economic model — one that has parallels with the initial years of the rule of General Pervez Musharraf.
But for Pakistan Army, maintaining its political hegemony is its bottom line. Whereas it had attempted to do so since 2008 through more indirect means, its efforts are now less subtle.

In recent days, voices aligned with the army have trashed the entire political class and called for an “apolitical cabinet for an indefinite period.”

In other words, Mr. Kakar and Gen. Munir may be around for a very long time.

Of course

It's same moursi had no universal support same way how Imran Khan doesn't

Democracy means a majority ruling is acceptable to a minority

It only works if both majority and minority is okay with it

Doesn't work if they aren't

Everyone will remember Asim munir, zial ul Haq and ayub khan as savior and will forget leaders like Imran Khan Fatima Jinnah, mujeeb and bacha Khan as traitors

At least Egypt-on-Indus sounds better than Afghanistan-on-Indus.
For now not in 20-30 years
I won't be surprised if afgahnistan is well positioned in future due to its resources
Are we going to economic stabilisation and growth? Are we going to see the many major and minor issues addressed directly? No

Not 'No'. 'Yes'.
There is no more room for errors. Last favors from foreign powers have been given to avoid a 'default'. An abyss awaits Pakistan unless drastic steps are taken. And hence the very strictly controlled 'Hybrid' model is emerging in which the PPP and the Noonies are also being largely marginalized!! The 'Project Imran' failed specatularly and the blame lies with the military above all for that. They and Nawaz had yet another conflict in mid 2010s and Imran was brought in but the didn't realize the 'Dimmy' part of the 'Immy'. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. The Generals responsible for that screw up should be in a prison cell next to Imran right now but we know that won't happen.
1. Egypt isn' t doing well.
2. U.S. interests don't require a particularly strong Pakistan atm
Not well but better

People will take Better if they are fed enough propaganda

And that's what I predict ...since like Egypt being rich in oil, suess and tourism

Pakistan is also rich in minerals, agriculture, water and energy (yes we have triple the amount of gas/power and huge hydro resources coming up as compared to bengaldesh, vietname and Japan etc)

Countries with such resources don't implode suddenly unless a huge population gets disgruntled with the state ..central punjab is happy every one else will get along by stick or carrot
They are replicating the tried and tested model in Balochistan to Pakistan proper.

The so called Egyptian model was a Pakistani model from the start, which Egypt copy pasted. The Egyptian model works because US Aid is pumped on a consistent basis along with oil.

The model would not work in Pakistan for a variety of reasons. Balochistan which is rich in mineral resources isn’t ripe for investment. Rest of Pakistan barely has any significant natural resources. So the next logical step was to usurp prime agricultural land.

Its not like its in the middle of the sea. Plus, the Pakistanis for better or worse have seen the establishment naked in its true form. In essence a critical mass has been achieved whereby establishment cannot control all of Pakistan nor the public can control the establishment. Its a stalemate, a fatal one that threatens the state’s survival.
Beg to differ....

Egypt is the product of the Kibr and Kufr of the Firaun....

Pak is the product of the Iman and Ihlas of Jinnah....

Kufr continues, Zulm doesn't....


The Egyptian model works because US Aid is pumped on a consistent basis along with oil.

Egyptian model works because Egypt actually does development.
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