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Pakistan struggles to combat child rapes


Apr 30, 2013
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GUJRANWALA, Pakistan - In a rural village in Pakistan's eastern rice belt, two teenage sisters left for school one recent day on a muddy village path far too narrow for cars.

Within hours, they were dead, their bodies left face down along a swampy canal after they had been raped and shot multiple times, the medical examiner reported. By the next morning, their deaths were news across Pakistan, the latest in a grisly stream of sexual attacks on minors.

Activists estimate that less than 10 per cent of rapes in Pakistan result in convictions.

"They were identified by their clothes," Muhammad Nazir, the victims' uncle, said in an interview. "All we know for sure: They went from their house to school, and they were murdered."

For generations, rape was a taboo subject in this conservative Muslim society. As recently as a decade ago, the news about the 14- and 16-year-old sisters might never have travelled beyond this rural area, where rice fields stretch for miles and workers shape bricks from the spongy soil.

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/world/pakista...child-rapes-20131014-2vho6.html#ixzz2inw8Vdqq
I know you probably opened this in response to one of the many rape threads which so obsesses our neighbors , but you really should not stoop to their level man .
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