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Pakistan Strong Response on Indian Threat by Zaheerul Hassan

Zaheerul Hassan

Jun 17, 2009
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Is India really heading for nuclear war? Is she trying to divert world attention from her domestic communal violence, regional terrorism and brutality against minorities? Is she making efforts to stop emerging new states of Maoists and Kashmir? Is Indian leadership have been asked to go for war against China and Pakistan by her master (USA)? Can she afford war on two fronts? Has she prepared herself for the aggression? These are those questions which are longing in our minds after reading the Indian Army Chief General Deepak Kapoor recent statement. On last day of year 2009 he said that India is capable of fighting a two-front war with Pakistan and China. His statement came after the Manmohan Singh visits of USA and Russia. Moreover, Israel Army Chief Lieutenant General Gabi Ashkenazi also carried out Indian visit in December 2009. He called on Indian Navy Chief Admiral Nirmal Kumar Verma, Air Force (IAF) Chief, Air Chief Marshal P V Naik and Army Chief General Deepak Kapoor. Israeli visit has been carried out just after one month of his counter part visit to Israel. Earlier too on November 22, 2009 General Kapoor Indian Chief warned Pakistan that a limited war under a nuclear overhang is still very much a reality at least in the Indian sub-continent.
Pakistan's has shown serious concerns over Indian chief threat. On January 6, 2009 Pakistan political and military leadership decided not to adopt any soft posture towards India. Pakistan President, Mr. Asif ALI Zardari too earlier said that India should not underestimate Pakistan. According to an electronic channel President of Pakistan while talking to a media group revealed that Pakistan has always taken positive steps in making cordial relations with India but later always displayed negative attitude in normalization of relations.
Defence Committee of the Cabinet (DCC) meeting has been held under the chairmanship of Pakistani Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gillani. In this connection DCC decided to bring Pakistan’s diplomatic and military policies in line in response to Indian aggressive stance towards the country. Earlier 125 Crops Commanders has also been held in Rawalpindi .The Corps Commander Conference has been chaired by Pakistan Army Chief of Staff Army Chief General Ashfaq Pavez Kayani. ISI chief Lieutenant General Ahmad Shuja Pasha has also attended conference. The DCC and Corps Commanders Conference made a plan to strengthen Pakistan’s strategic and conventional capabilities. The committee was also briefed on the latest security situation in the troubled areas by the top military officials. Sources revealed that the leadership also analyzed the likely repercussions of post suicidal blast against CIA Base at Khost (Afghanistan). The participants of the meeting agreed that the final decision regarding a military operation in North Waziristan would be taken only after assessing ground realities. The leadership has discussed the measures undertaken to eradicate the militancy and showed satisfaction over the operational preparedness of the Army.
In fact the Indian threat cannot be taken as normal and routine political statement because New Delhi is preparing and enhancing her capabilities since couple years. Her preparedness and hegemonic design can push this region in nuclear war. The world community must take notice of it and ask India to resolve regional issues and let Pakistan to pay more attention on global war against terrorism. Otherwise, Indian threat to Pakistan will force Islamabad to move her forces from western to eastern border. American leadership should know that if Pakistan decides to move her forces to western border then the move of troops would ultimately damage the war against terror. In short current prevailing security situation dictates that Pakistani civil and military leadership would not going to accept any solo USA flight on her western front in future.
Anyhow , according to “The Jerusalem Post’ Israel and India enjoy close defense ties and in 2008 year Israel overtook Russia as the number one supplier of military platforms to India. Now, India is interested in working with Israel on submarine-launched cruise missiles, ballistic missile defense systems, laser-guided systems, satellites as well as unmanned aerial vehicles. She is trying to enhance her nuclear capabilities despite occurrence of number of incidents at nuclear plants. The nuclear deals with Washington and India plans to increase its army from 1.13 million to 2 million in the next couple of years are clear cut examples of her war phobia. In this regards, in recent years, Indian armed forces acquired military products from Israel ranging from unmanned aerial vehicles to truck-mounted cannons. According to the press reports India was amongst ten military spenders of the world and Pakistan was no where. Indian defence spending in 2008 was 30 billion of dollars which has been increased about 20% in 2009.
General Kapoor is in the habit of pocking his nose in the internal problems of neighbouring countries. In this context he also said that the Maoists combatants should not be integrated in the Nepal Army. New Delhi also tried to stop Nepal from extending relations with China. Similarly her interference in Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka are now an open secret. Sri Lanka defeated
The Maoist chief had lashed out at Kapoor’s statement, saying that his remarks were “naked” interference in Nepal’s internal affairs. It is also worth mentioning here that Nepali leadership has very cordial relations with China and Pakistan. Chinese leadership has also visited Nepal recently and ensured them that India will not be allowed to use Nepali territory against Beijing. Indian always blamed China and Nepal for supporting Maoist movement. In fact Indian leadership knows that Maoists and Kashmiri movements are on its peak and soon separate state of Maoists and Kashmir on the world map. The political and security experts are in the opinion that General Kapoor statements reflect Indian hostile intent, hegemonic design and jingoistic mindset of inhaling regional states. But Indian leadership is out of step with the realities of the times. Indian government probably does not know that her Army Chief is challenging two nuclear states instead of controlling corrupt generals of his army.
Concluding, I must say that General Kapoor statement would be taken as serious threat to China and Pakistan. India would not be on world map, if kapoor going to implement his strategy of fighting two fronts simultaneously. Pakistan top political and military brasses have timely warned India about the perils of her planned misadventure. New Delhi must know that Pakistan cannot afford limited war. Though, she has second strike capability but not likely to wait. She will definitely go for first strike. I would be leaving the results of nuclear on the imagination of General Kapoor. At end, I suggest to Indian government to chain Gen Kapoor otherwise inhabitants of South Asia might face nuclear war because of his irresponsible statements. India rulers should sack the general since he has become wild and lost mental balance.
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