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Pakistan should recognize Kosovo and Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus

Should Pakistan recognize Kosovo and Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus?

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Oct 20, 2008
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United States
On February 17, 2008 Kosovo declared Independence. On February 17, 2011 the young nation of Kosovo celebrated it's third birthday. So happy third anniversary and birthday to Kosovo!

I think Pakistan should recognize and establish diplomatic ties with Kosovo and Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

If Pakistan recognizes the TRNC it will be the first nation to do so, reassuring support for Turkiye, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is Turkiye's Kashmir. In doing so Turkiye should put it's absolute support for Pakistan in Kashmir (AFAIK they already support Pakistan's stance on Kashmir).

International recognition of Kosovo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The poll is about what Pakistanis think regarding this issue, please don't participate in the poll if you don't meet that requirement otherwise that will mess up the opinion poll, hope you understand.

Other than that everyone can offer their opinion via posts as always.
It says on your link however.

On 15 May 2008, Russia, China, and India released a joint statement where they called for new negotiations between the authorities of Belgrade and Pristina.[4]

As China is on the list, I assume so will Pakistan also stay on the list that dont recognise them.
No, there is no need to accept Kocovo & TRNS, not right time, if Pakistan went to do it then Russia also put question to consider Abkhazia & Sout Ossetia.
We have no need to step in this issues.

We need Russia more than Turkey and if Pakistan going to make decision over Abkhazia & South Ossetia then we can get benefits more useful then any other.

We have Afghan problem and Russian increasing influence again in region can't be ignore.
So it will not be wise to think over this issue at this moment.
Pakistan is already in the process of recognising Kosovo. The last known official discussion took place in 2009.

Recognition of Kosovo by Pakistan just a matter of time

Vienna-January 28, 2009

Kosovo Foreign Minister, Mr. Skender Hyseni has had series of meetings in Vienna with representatives of some countries. The meetings are held as part of contacts to aim rapidity of recognition process of Kosovo Republic as an independent and sovereign state.

Today, FM Hyseni has met with Pakistani permanent representative assigned to Vienna, ambassador Shahbaz, whom he talked to in relation to the international process of Kosovo recognition, as well for other developments in Kosovo during the last months.

FM Hyseni has requested from ambassador Shahbaz to pass the massage of Kosovo people and its institutions to Pakistani Government in order to be recognized by this country.

Ambassador Shahbaz declared that Pakistani has always watched closely the developments in Kosovo, especially the long negotiation process led by the president Ahtisaari. He emphasized that people and government of Pakistan have supported and support Kosovo on its path.
‘It is just a matter of time when Pakistan will make its final step, on taking the decision to recognize Kosovo. Pakistan is conducting intensive talk to its neighbors in regard with this issue, as well with other members of the Organization of Islamic Conference, concluded ambassador Shahbaz.
Accepting a country will not make our ties with another country stronger at the moment. We need better politicians that have a likable personality, it sounds too simple to be true but just having the right man (or woman) can make all the difference.
Maybe they should also recognize the uighur dominated regions as well.
There is a reason that Kosovo isnt recognized by many countries. and btw, you dont want to mess with Russia, they are a UNSC member and still manage a considerable clout in the intl diplomacy arena.
the best think for pak will be to show sensitivities to the people of the region and request Russia through intl channels to deal with them peacefully. it will show your good will to the people as well as show your maturity in leaving others internal matters alone.
Pakistan should and try to sell it's arms and JF Thunders to the newly born country if it hasn't done so already Pakistan needs as many friend as it can get small or big
bosnia and kosovo were not looking for 'islamic states', they were western nationalists, created by americans, so best is to follow pakistan's interest, so pakistan cant risk something for someone unnecessarily which is alien to her..
No, there is no need to accept Kocovo & TRNS, not right time, if Pakistan went to do it then Russia also put question to consider Abkhazia & Sout Ossetia.
We have no need to step in this issues.

We need Russia more than Turkey and if Pakistan going to make decision over Abkhazia & South Ossetia then we can get benefits more useful then any other.

We have Afghan problem and Russian increasing influence again in region can't be ignore.
So it will not be wise to think over this issue at this moment.

Russia can not be trusted. Russia will support India's interests in the region not Pakistan's. The only two countries that Pakistan can give its 100% support and trust to is China and Turkey. Turkish PM told Pakistan's PM Gilani that he is worried about foreign interference in Pakistan (especially America's interference in Pakistan) and he cares for Pakistan as Pakistan is his second home, Gilani brushed that comment away by saying "nothing bad will happen to Pakistan" so Turkish PM cares more about Pakistan's interests than Paksitani PM Gilani does. Pakistan should support both China and Turkey.
you dont want to make smaller friends at the expense of making bigger enemies!! it doesnt make sense.

Fear mongering, that's what your doing. US, EU, Australia along with Turkiye have recognized Kosovo. Just because Pakistan recognizes Kosovo doesn't mean Russia is all of a sudden going to become an enemy, do you have any idea what an "enemy" is? Besides Russia isn't going to allow Pakistani recognition of Kosovo to thwart it's relations with Pakistan.

Besides it's not like the Pakistani-Russo relations are golden there just mediocre and diplomatic. Again, your just fear mongering.

So from now on Pakistan shouldn't do things Russia doesn't like? Russia sells weapons and has joint defense agreements and has significant relations with nation(s) hostile to Pakistan; and your worried about upsetting the Russians.... How pathetic.
Sari zindigi ^%&^^y uthaty guzar gai pakistan ki. No wonder! Naukar hamesha naukar hi rehta hai!.
No, there is no need to accept Kocovo & TRNS, not right time, if Pakistan went to do it then Russia also put question to consider Abkhazia & Sout Ossetia.
We have no need to step in this issues.

We need Russia more than Turkey and if Pakistan going to make decision over Abkhazia & South Ossetia then we can get benefits more useful then any other.

We have Afghan problem and Russian increasing influence again in region can't be ignore.
So it will not be wise to think over this issue at this moment.

our relations with Turkiye are time-tested and we should support them as they have always supported our stated standpoints on such pressing issues.

however, we have issues that are even more important and closer to home which need to be addressed

as for Cyprus, we already recognise it as a Turkish Republic

it's been like this for quite some time now

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
bosnia and kosovo were not looking for 'islamic states', they were western nationalists, created by americans, so best is to follow pakistan's interest, so pakistan cant risk something for someone unnecessarily which is alien to her..

Pakistan has stood by Bosnia for quite some time now and Bosnians highly appreciate the role played by Pakistan in promoting peace there. Their actual system of governance was never of concern to us; that is their internal matter.
I dont see the harm is recognzing TRNC. The Turks have helped us alot! And we should keep our loyalty towards them.

But Kosovo? What have the Albanians/Kosovians done for Pakistan? Nothing at all.(I dont care about their religious beliefs)
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