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Pakistan seeks probe into Lance Naik's torture, killing


Nov 9, 2009
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United Kingdom

In the recent crisis during which one Pakistani soldier was martyred by intruding Indians while two Indian soldiers were killed by unknown assailants, the Indian media is hypering up the issue by claiming that the bodies of Indian soldiers were mutilated by Pakistani soldier without providing an iota of evidence. Furthermore it has flatly refused a Pakistani proposal of a UN investigation into the incident. However if one goes back a few years, India's ugly face is laid bare by exposing how the Indian security forces gruesomely tortured and killed a Pakistani Ranger.

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan on Saturday called upon the world community to use its influence on India for carrying out an inquiry and punish those who fraudulently lured and captured a Pakistani Ranger, Lance Naik Maqsood, and brutally murdered him after intense torture.

"It is evident from the condition of the mutilated body that they subjected the deceased to intense torture by burning his skin with cigarette *****, shooting him in the leg and beating him physical before he was killed," said military spokesman Maj-Gen Rashid Qureshi while addressing a press conference here.

He said that Pakistan would lodge a protest with the UN as well and expect that a probe would be conducted in the matter. On the occasion, a video film of Shaheed Lance Naik Maqsood, which depicted his body conditions, was shown to international and local journalists.

The autopsy report, said Maj-Gen Qureshi, indicated that there were 14 injuries inflicted on the body of the fraudulently-captured Pakistani Ranger, who was shot through his chest after intense torture in violation of human rights.

"In the name of humanity, the world should ask India to carry out inquiry and punish those involved in this ghastly act of human right abuse," said Maj-Gen Qureshi, who is also the presidential spokesman.

The incident of dragging late Maqsood by 8 to 10 Indian BSF personnel took place last Wednesday. "The body of Lance Naik Maqsood of Pakistan Rangers -- who was fraudulently lured in and captured by the Indian army, while he was trying to recover the camels, which had strayed into no man's land -- was handed over to Pakistan on Thursday," said an official announcement here on Saturday.

"Lance Naik Maqsood was trapped and forcibly dragged away by the Indian army in Fort Abbas Sector. From the autopsy, it has been ascertained that he was brutally murdered. It is evident from the condition of the mutilated body that the deceased was subjected to intense torture; his skin was burnt with cigarette *****, he was shot in the leg and given physical beating, before being killed," the statement further said.

The claim, said an ISPR announcement, by the Indians that Lance Naik Maqsood was killed during exchange of fire is belied by the facts that he was shot from point-blank range. "The incident is a clear violation of Geneva Convention. This brutal act speaks of Indian cunning duplicity and barbaric approach towards human rights," it added.

After receiving the body of the deceased, Pakistan Rangers later buried the martyr with full military honours. The first fire exchange on the international border at Bahawalpur-Rajasthan sector took place last Wednesday, when India using heavy artillery and mortars and claimed that Lance Naik Maqsood was killed in cross exchange.

The video film, which showed mutilated body of the deceased Lance Naik, was a hard proof of what was done by Indian BSF personnel with the Pakistani ranger. His entire body was inflicted with torture, probably electric shocks were given, something probably red chillies were shoved in his eyes, dark-blue spots were seen on the body which was a clear establishment of torturing and gun-shot which pierced through his chest.

The film reflected that dark-blue spots were seen on the legs, front of the body, his face, eyes, ears and where not. It was a clear case of violation of Geneva Convention. The doctor, who explained the nature of torture, said that the deceased was killed 15 to 30 hours before he was handed over to Pakistan and intense torture was inflicted on his body. "So much so, his finger-tips were burned and hand and legs were tied," said the doctor.

Maj-Gen Qureshi said that in exchange of fire, around 8 to 10 Indians were killed, though the Pakistani ranger was at zero-line and had not entered into the Indian side for recovering the stray camels.

He said an Indian BSF assistant commandant was killed, and he confirmed contacts between director-general military operations (DG MOs) and a flag meeting between the area commanders following the incident.

Such incidents, he said, like exchange of fire on the international border and Indian spy-plane intruding in to 10 miles of Pakistan air space could have spilled over impact and could spark off bigger exchange. "Pakistan Army traditionally does not believe in such crimes," said Qureshi.

Referring to the military stand-off between India and Pakistan, Maj-Gen Qureshi said that Pakistan had got no indication of troops withdrawal by India. The steps announced by New Delhi regarding withdrawal of its warships and lifting of ban on Pakistani over-flights etc were cosmetic, he said. "President General Pervez Musharraf has already announced that no one has crossed over the LoC, and this view has been confirmed and accepted by the world leaders," he said.

He said that India amassed its forces on the borders and "there is no indication of their pull-back to peace-time locations." "What's going on inside held Kashmir is the freedom struggle.""There must be a dialogue on the Kashmir problem and this issue needs to be resolved under the UN resolutions," he said. India is badly mistaken that by massing troop and forces it could coerce Pakistan, he said, adding that any incident of a kind which took place at the international borders could spark a war. He denied Pakistan and India having any other contact except the one on Tuesday when the two DG MOs talked to each other.

Pak Army soldier Lance-Naik Maqsood's body brutally tortured by Indian Army:



Today again firing from Indian side...
a Hawaldar embraced shadahat.....
Ok Pakistan Called Upon World Community to Investigate India on its claim.....I want to know How many did Responded:p:rofl:

I thought Atleast there higher then mountain deeper then Ocean friend China will help them in this Investigation......But Damn :bunny:

Is situation pe Ek Dialouge pesh hain

"Bade Be abroo ho ke nikle tere koonche se":lol:

Your spineless government declined international probe.
wht else we can expect from this indian unprofessional media they are soo funny i enjoy their news channels alot when am free :D

Topic: Gud work Pak Army, next time if indians try to even injured one kill all of them dont let them run (just like they did now & in past)..we are with u...:tup:
Your spineless government declined international probe.

Have been repeating the same point but will do so again and again - Pakistan and India have an agreement in 1971 not to involve any third parties including UN and deal with the issues between themselves. So it is not spineless but it is based on a principle. It is Pakistan which does not want to honor that agreement.
Apparently, Pakistan woke upto the fact that the body of PA soldier was tortured only when India accused it of torturing IA soldiers & 4 days after the incident occured :lol:

What will u Expose dude?? We were the one who gave proper burial to 100s of PA soldiers in PAKISTANI FLAGS when there own countrymen disowned there body in Kargil, i am 100% sure that this respect we wouldn't have even showed to our own martyrs. Mind u this proper burial was given at a time when news were coming that IA soldiers were being tortured by the PA personnel.

You missed the trick, OP has clearly mentioned this incident happened few years back... Perha tau karo posting see pehle :sick:

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Pakistani soldier 'tortured to death'
Have been repeating the same point but will do so - Pakistan and India have an agreement in 1971 not to involve any third parties including UN and deal the issues between themselves. So it is not spineless but it is based on a principle. It is Pakistan which does not want to honor that agreement.

He was the one bringing it up acting like the international community declined to probe when it was actually your government and I know why. It would be dumb of GOI to agree but still your government is spineless. :lol:
Post No 1 is as old as 2002.

Why is it being posted without links ?
Your spineless government declined international probe.

We don't Allow Strangers to poke there nose in our personal matters....So India rejected UN probe

FYI this is INdia,not UK ..your vassal state..go cry somewhere else
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He was the one bringing it up acting like the international community declined to probe when it was actually your government and I know why. It would be dumb of GOI to agree but still your government is spineless. :lol:

It is like two children making a pact to keep things between themselves but one child wants to run to elders - so take your pick who is spineless here.
It is like two children making a pact to keep things between themselves but one child wants to run to elders - so take your pick who is spineless here.

Well in the eyes of many of your countrymen GOI is spineless because they have not declared war so me calling them spineless shouldn't be such a big deal. GOP was being clever when it suggested that, they never expected India to agree but now India will look bad should it escalate things further which is why GOI is calling for calm but at the same time IA shelled some Pakistani positions and another soldier was killed.
Well in the eyes of many of your countrymen GOI is spineless because they have not declared war so me calling them spineless shouldn't be such a big deal. GOP was being clever when it suggested that, they never expected India to agree but now India will look bad should it escalate things further which is why GOI is calling for calm but at the same time IA shelled some Pakistani positions and another soldier was killed.

Hi no body cares about Pakistan or its opinions anymore in the world. Money talks, bullshit walks. Right now whatever India sells, they will buy it. Might not openly endorse it, but will be silent and turn a blind eye to the two guys pouting at each other.

But I absolutely agree with you that the current Govt is a panty wearing pansy hopelessly into the aman ki asha thing. Peace by itself is not a bad thing..but there are lines that need to be drawn.
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