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Pakistan says Taliban leader will talk to U.S!

Why not, perfect man for the job, infact Mr. Hamid Gul thinks:

Mullah Omar is not even a terrorist!!!! And round and round we go once again.

This is a trap for America, you ask me!!!!

u sound really annoyed. dont you??:agree:
btw americans are seein this as an opportunity. few days back they were tellin us to cut our contacts with afghan taliban leaders. funny isnt it? everything is wrong if it doesnt benefit them.

wats even more funny is Gen. Hamid Gul ('Godfather of taliban') is back in the game...:rofl:
Yes that is all well and good news for the region. But isn't it bit fishy when the concession for doing so is against India. Why India? Why not more money? Why not more help for development of infrastruture in the SWAT area?

The reason is the ISI and Army has always stayed in contact with the taliban.

To me this is the perfect time to act because Pakistan Military has shown a great stride to fight this talibans without any adequate equipments to do so. And just today the refugee is told to go to back to there homes, since all the area are cleared of talibans. Pardon me for being skeptic, but it sounds like the "Wide wide world of sports" to me!!!!

did u ever wonder wat will this concession be??? nothing more than a pro pak or atleast neutral gov in afghanistan. and wat happens in its neighbour hood is every country's genuine concern.
btw americans are seein this as an opportunity. few days back they were tellin us to cut our contacts with afghan taliban leaders. funny isnt it? everything is wrong if it doesnt benefit them.

wats even more funny is Gen. Hamid Gul ('Godfather of taliban') is back in the game...:rofl:

I believe Hamid Gul has played a vital role in destroying the once prosperous Afghanistan. He in tandem with Zbigniew Brezinski destabilized the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan (an ISI + CIA op). Zbigniew Brezinski was pulling strings of the then Carter administration. He later admitted (?) that "we didn't want Soviets to invade Afghanistan, but we made the conditions that made it likely they will (invade)". Probably Hamid Gul, Gen Zia-Ul-Haq etc. thought that by gaining US affection will help them in their motives against India.

But for some reason the US-Pak interference in pre-Soviet Afghanistan is not discussed in Pakistan. hat part of history is suppressed in Pakistan, I'd say.

***Democratic Republic of Afghanistan = Afghanistan before Soviet invasion.
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^^prosperous Afghanistan???
wat would that have been? under USSR?
Well, I'd say skeptic9 is Indian version of Zaid Hamid.Yeah, lets make India proporous by invading it LOL.
^^prosperous Afghanistan???
wat would that have been? under USSR?

You may not have heard but once Afghanistan had a very stable and functional govt. It's hard to believe, I know.

edit: ok, now I get it.

You assumed that I was saying Soviet occupied Afghanistan was prosperous :lol:
Actually I am saying it was just before that event.

Soviet friendly Afghanistan Dem Govt. was overthrown by CIA and Pakistani involvement and it's only then the Soviets invaded it.
^^that was when it was ruled by Northern Alliance? NA was no better than taliban. u really should go back in history. and u can claim all u want about pakistan destabalisin aghanistan which then lead to soviet intervention. wat god gifted ppl soviets were who came to save a nation and not due to their own expansionary designs. was it the same for other countries in central asia which were invaded?
^^that was when it was ruled by Northern Alliance? NA was no better than taliban.................

Soviets didn't come to Afghanistan to "save" it; but to keep a non-hostile govt. in power. And I never said that NA was the best thing that could have been there at that time. My point is Afghanistan was not even nearer to the conditions it is in now. And US wanted to draw Soviet attention into Afghanistan, and some elements in Pakistan helped them in bringing it to reality; without even considering what will it bring to the Afghans.


My modest opinion was that both Soviets and US didn't care what happen to Afgans , that's quite understandable..isn't?

But without Pakistani complicity with the CIA the Soviets would have never invaded Afghanistan at first place. Likes of Hamid Gul are still trying to ignore a big question that's still unanswered to the Pakistanis/World. Why he helped Brezinski with his Afghan-Soviet conspiracy?
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To all Indian members,

All countries maintain ties with rogue groups through their intelligence agencies. These contacts are utilized in order to get benefits for the respective country. Also remember one’e hero may be a someone else’s villian, an example is Bhagaht Singh and company.

Pakistan’s ISI is able to maintain contact with Taliban despite the military action against Pakistani Taliban is part of their job as an intelligence agency. RAW has influence over Northern Alliance and anti Pakistan elements in Afghanistan so Pakistan has the right to counter that influence.

If RAW was able to offer the same solution then all of you would be jumping up and down in celebration!

Remember, countires can gain short term influence in Afghanistan but no long term influence will be conceeded!

Sooner you learn to live with that fact the better it is!!

As far as Pakistan’s anti-India stance is concerned, work with Pakistan to solve the Kashmir issue and our attitude will change.
Well all this makes it very clear that Taliban and ISI are in bed. What more proof is needed?

Pakistani said that we will bring Taliban’s leader on tables for talks with US not that Pakistani are in control of Taliban’s in Afghanistan. Pakistan acting as third party.
Why not, perfect man for the job, infact Mr. Hamid Gul thinks:

Mullah Omar is not even a terrorist!!!! And round and round we go once again.

This is a trap for America, you ask me!!!!

Same Mullah Omar was hero when US got its work done during afghan Russia war.

I do n t get it why Indians are crying (I get it Indian then can n t do terror attack inside Pakistan).
US stuck in the mess they are the one who really want this deal. infect US can n t say in Afghanistan for ever. US is planning to leave Afghanistan in 2 years. With this deal done there will be peace in Afghanistan.

Thanks for adding the video I showed on page 2 of this thread to your first post, smart move it enriches the information within the thread by putting the video up front.
From end of 2008 Talaban and NATO were busy to finalize the deal.This news is only surprise who trusted western media which from last seven years declared talaban are terrorist bla bla---

India , Bush and Musharaf tried their best to defeat mullah omer but miserably failed.India funded TTP to creat terrorism in Pakistan, wanted to take revenge of kashmiri freedom struggle.

Musaraf tried his best to get support of ex ISI Hamid gul but he refused.I salute him

I hoped deal between Afghan mujahdeen will be sucessful, there is no other way out , now problem is only how to safe face value of US infront of family of nation:rofl::rofl::rofl:
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