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Pakistan’s Impending Defeat in Afghanistan


Apr 8, 2007
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Ashley J. Tellis

Commentary, June 22, 2012

Irrespective of how the coming security transition in Afghanistan pans out, one country is on a surprising course to a major strategic defeat: Pakistan. Every foreseeable ending to the Afghan war today—continued conflict with the Taliban, restoration of Taliban control in the southern and eastern provinces, or a nationwide civil war—portends nothing but serious perils for Islamabad. But judging from Pakistan’s behavior, it appears as if this fact has eluded the generals in Rawalpindi.

Pakistan’s Enduring Aim

Ever since the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, Pakistan has had one simple strategic goal on its western frontier: ensuring that Afghanistan remains a stable but subordinate entity deferential to Pakistan’s sensitivities on all matters of national security. Such deference was sought for a host of reasons. Islamabad wanted a guarantee that Kabul would not reignite the dispute over the countries’ common border (the Durand Line) and would not seek to mobilize the region’s Pashtun populations in support of either absorption into Afghanistan or the creation of a new nation. The Pakistani leadership also aimed to ensure that Afghanistan would not enter into close geopolitical affiliations with other, more powerful countries, such as the United States or India, in order to increase Kabul’s autonomy from Islamabad.

Amid the chaos that emerged after the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan, Pakistan settled on supporting the Afghan Taliban as its strategic instrument for securing Kabul’s compliance with its objectives. Although the Taliban were not always dependable surrogates on these matters, they appeared better than other Afghan rivals, and hence Islamabad—despite its denials—has stuck by them to this day.

Whatever the intended benefits of this strategy, it has alienated both the broader Afghan populace and the government in Kabul, which now views Pakistan as a habitually hostile neighbor. It has also undermined the U.S.-led international stabilization effort in Afghanistan, as well as hopes for a peaceful security transition—not to mention infuriating Washington, which now views Pakistan as a perfidious partner. And it has provoked heightened regional rivalry involving Afghanistan’s neighbors, especially Iran, India, the Central Asian republics, and Russia, all of whom are determined to prevent a Pakistani-supported Taliban takeover of Afghanistan.

Worst of all, Islamabad’s strategy promises to fundamentally undermine Pakistani security. Every one of the three possible outcomes of the Afghan security transition leaves Pakistan in a terrible place.
Destined for Failure

The most likely consequence of the security transition is a protracted conflict between the government of Afghanistan and the Taliban that continues long after coalition forces have ceased active combat operations. These relatively low, but still significant, levels of violence would tax Afghan national security forces, distract the central and provincial governments, threaten the security of the average Afghan, and generally retard Afghan stabilization and reconstruction.

While such problems would be serious—though perhaps manageable for Kabul—they would by no means be favorable to Pakistan. A continuing insurgency in Afghanistan will further inflame passions in Pakistan’s own tribal areas and, given the links between the Afghan and Pakistani Taliban, will intensify the threats to Pakistan’s own internal stability at a time when the country’s economic condition remains parlous and its relations with the West precarious. Most problematically, this outcome would deepen the estrangement between Afghanistan and Pakistan, induce Kabul to be even less accommodating of Islamabad’s concerns, and push Afghanistan into a tighter embrace of Pakistan’s rivals.

The more serious, though still middling, outcome of the security transition could be a de facto partition of Afghanistan arising from a steady increase in Taliban control that is limited to the Pashtun-majority areas in the southern and eastern provinces. Beyond undermining Kabul’s effort to preserve a unified Afghan state, this consequence would put at risk the international community’s contributions toward reconstruction in Afghanistan.

If Islamabad is satisfied by such a result, it should think again. Although the Taliban’s reoccupation of its heartland might appear to produce a barrier region controlled by Islamabad’s proxies, its worst consequences would not be limited to the inevitable meltdown in Afghanistan-Pakistan relations. Rather, the chief concern is the chaos that would ensue from Kabul’s military efforts (almost certainly aided by Pakistan’s regional rivals) to regain control of these territories—a chaos that would inescapably bleed into Pakistan’s frontier regions.

Even if Afghanistan were to eventually fail in these operations, the outcome would be deadly for Pakistan. Any Taliban control of southern and eastern Afghanistan would lay the geographic and demographic foundations for resuscitating the old Pashtun yearnings for a separate state, a “Pashtunistan” that would threaten the integrity of Pakistan. Given the current resentment of the Taliban leadership toward its Pakistani protectors, Rawalpindi should not to be consoled by the prospect of a Pashtun buffer along Pakistan’s western borders.

The last and most dangerous potential outcome of the security transition in Afghanistan would be the progressive Taliban takeover of the south and east en route to a larger attempt to control all of Afghanistan. This would be a replay of the tragic events Afghans faced between 1994 and 2001, and would plunge the country into a Hobbesian civil war. All Afghan minorities as well as Pakistan’s larger neighbors would be implicated in a cauldron intended to prevent Islamabad from securing its desired “strategic depth” at their expense.

A cataclysmic conflict of this sort would be the worst kind of disaster for Pakistan. It would not just provoke major refugee flows that would further undermine Pakistan’s difficult economic condition. It would also integrate the violence and instability currently persisting along Pakistan’s western frontier into a vast hinterland that opens up even greater opportunities for violent blowback into Pakistan itself. The disorder that such a scenario portends would not only put paid to any Pakistani dreams of “strategic depth”—assuming this concept was sensible to begin with—but it would end up embroiling Pakistan in an open-ended proxy war with every one of its neighbors.
Time to Reconsider

None of the plausible outcomes of the security transition advances Pakistan’s goal of creating a stable Afghanistan that would be sensitive to Islamabad’s core security concerns. Without doubt, Pakistan deserves secure borders and peaceful frontiers. Yet its own strategies—supporting insurgency and terrorism against its neighbors—have undermined its objectives. If Pakistan’s continuing behavior is any indication, it does not yet appear to have grasped this fact.

An unhappy ending to the security transition is practically guaranteed by Islamabad’s unwillingness to press the Afghan Taliban’s Quetta Shura to pursue reconciliation with Kabul and its reluctance to even call publicly upon the Taliban leadership to seek peace. On top of that is Pakistan’s continued reticence to clarify its preferred outcomes from the reconciliation process and its unproductive haggling over transit compensation for NATO shipments into Afghanistan.None of this convinces Afghanistan and the wider region that Pakistan means well. It may be true that Kabul will suffer most of all from Pakistan’s actions. But the generals in Rawalpindi ought to remember that their country too is facing strategic defeat if the international community fails in Afghanistan.

Pakistan ill wishes of keeping Afganisthan under her control and treating it like a her backyard will not be successful...Already Pakistan's history of supporting taliban is back-firing badly... Pakistan should leave Afghanistan alone for good or for bad !!! Let Afghanis work for their country independently & decide for their future... :agree:
It would be interesting to see how the traditional rivalry between the so-called Northern alliance and Taliban will pan out this time around. Pakistan should strive to have good relations with both groups and not make the mistakes made last time by antagonizing the Northern Alliance.:cool:
Best thing to do is be good to both sides, and not to interfere in their business otherwise they will come back to bite.
Best thing to do is be good to both sides, and not to interfere in their business otherwise they will come back to bite.

so India should bug off that land, or get burnt.
Is this guy high? Pakistan need not win in Afghanistan. USA on the other hand has to win. Pakistan's view of Afghanistan has always been - if it is ours well and good, otherwise at least it will be screwed up for everyone else. So Pakistan has nothing to loose. They have already lost it with the fall of Taliban.
i have a question for pakistanis. what do ordinary pakistani people think is the best outcome for Pakistan in regard to what is happening in Afghanistan? it appears they share a long border and all that crap keep overflowing into Pakistan.

would ordinary Pakistanis rather see a peace treaty between Pakiatan and the Taleban and work as allies as in the past?
Indian author what else can we expect from this article
:lol: Wat an new type of article from india, as worlds says , indians are entertainers.
I disagree with Tellis for several reasons. One, Pakistan would be defeated in Afghanistan only if it was fighting there - it is the NATO and ISAF fighting there, not Pakistan. ..........Comment by Nicholo Machiavelli
Plz, Its for ill informed infected dreamers.
Well its in Afghanistan's favor not try to provoke Pakistan again while asking for durand line & live peacefully its up to afghans
& this is wht Pakistan want a stable friendly afghanistan....

we have seen the interferance of big & comparitively powerful countries in small (as the bangladesh-india case) countries & its result always backfire, so Pakistan should keep both northern alliance & Taliban happy.
i have a question for pakistanis. what do ordinary pakistani people think is the best outcome for Pakistan in regard to what is happening in Afghanistan?
You must understand that the ordinary Pakistan has no say whatsoever in the Afghanistan imbroglio. This is the prerogative of the Pakistan Army Generals who lay down the ground rules and policies in relation to Afghanistan and India. The Pakistan government has no say in these matters.

Unfortunately for the men in uniform it is the end result that counts and not the means. But the end result here in relation to their doctrine of 'Strategic Depth' in Afghanistan is unraveling and falling apart. Army Generals should be kept away from framing policies concerning relations with other nations per se which must be left to the democratically elected government of the day.
Pakistan cannot lose in Afghanistan they aren't inside of Afghanistan. That statement alone deserves a face palm and the writer should be discredited. Pakistan does not care who is in power in Afghanistan, all they care about is that whoever is in charge doesn't antagonize their western border with claims to the durand line as that would surely make them enemies. The pushtunistan mentioned in the article deserves another face palm as all Pushtu in Pakistan are proud members of Pakistan. See afghan border incursion of 1962 and you will see whose side the tribesman were on.

There is no such thing as Pakistani imperialism.

He is a troll don't mind him.

he was asking from Pakistanis & as usual an indian poke his ugly nose where it is not required, since when u idiots represents Pakistanis? goo and solve the prob of ord indians who are striving for basic neceseties.

Indians on this forum think they are Pakistani representatives. They believe they are the voice of the voiceless. :lol:
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