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Pakistan’s Civilian Strategy


Mar 31, 2007
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Pakistan’s Civilian Strategy

The Thing Tank industry in the US is worth $80 billion or even more. It is profitable to be Isalamphobic. Anti-Pakistanism pays well. As we said before, pick a rock any rock, and one will find an “expert” on Pakistan writing stuff about the country gleaned from newspapers and other magazines. The situation is just like Edward Said described it in his seminal work titled “Orientalism”. Orientalism describes an Eastern country based on Western conceptions and then offers solutions to those false assumption. Some authors have an agenda, specially the ones employed by think tanks which are backed by certain lobbies. The Western media fails to see the reality in Afghanistan and Pakistan or has blinders on. Other authors are beguiled by news stories from Bharat. Some are just plain stupid and don’t know Pakistan from any other country. They could be writing about Jordan and would use the same jargon.

One makes peace with enemies. There is no point in making peace with friends–peace already exists there. Pakistan is attempting to bring about a Pan-Afghan peace solution in Kabul. Islamabad is working the groups and trying to offer a face saving exit to the US, ISAF and NATO.

Authors like Mehlaqa Samdani, writing for the Neocn magazine which used to be called the “Plan for a New American Century” (PNAC) just make us news as they feel fit. It was people like Samdani who have brought the US to the brink. Samdani and the like hear the word “Taliban” and the immediately jump the gun. The situation in Afghanistan and Pakistan is a bit more nuanced. Names do not imply the same pedigree. Monikers do not display the true agendas. The problem with authors like Samdani are they they fail to differentiate between the TTP and the Afghan Taliban. This fatal error allows them to make blunderous generalizations about Pakistan and Afghanistan.

The TTP has been repeatedly repudiated by the Afghan Taliban, and there is no link between them. The TTP is an enemy of the government of Pakistan. Their aim remains elusive and borders on insanity. They are no demands from the TTP and they rain terror in civilians at random and at the most vulnerable section of Pakistani society. The TTP is a foreign sponsored outfit with a horrid record of terror against Pakistani civilians. The Afghan Taliban do not carry out attacks outside the country. Their aim repeatedly published in many places remains the end to occupation. The Afghan Taliban, good or bad continue to control 90% of Afghanistan. They do not need any safe havens anywhere else. The entire country belongs to them.

Everyone wants peace in Afghanistan.. Islamabad is attempting to bring all the players together in Afghanistan. This is what the neighbors and the world wants. This is what the Afghans want. This is what Pakistanis want to.

Pakistan is attempting to fights its own terrorists which are aided and abetted by Bharat (aka India). The TTP has been decimated in Swat and Southern Waziristan, though pockets remain and they still have the ability to rain terror on innocent civilians. The TTP has no ethics. It simply kills for the sake of killing. It and its masters have to be eliminated.

Pakistan faces terrorism from the TTP and from the air also. Drone bombs kill innocent civilians everyday. Pakistanis face a “911″ everyday. The PPP and the PMLN are calling an anti-terror conference which is supported by the troika of power in Pakistan. Many analysts and some religious parties say that the terror campaign has been waged as a result of the US drone bombings. They also claim that there was no terror bombings before the drone bombings. A statistical analysis and correlation survey run by the Pakistan Patriot shows a clear correlation between the two.

Bharat has cultivated terrorists and sent them to Tibet, Sikkim, Bhutan, Nepal and Lanka. Bharat today sponsors terror in Bangaldesh’s Chittgong Hill tracks. It sent them to East Pakistan under the moniker of Mukti Bahni and it send them to Pakistan today under the nomenclature of the TTP and the BLA. Bharat has been rewarded for its terrorism against all its neighboring states by the West in the form of a Civilian Nuclear deal. 40% of Bharat is run by the Naxal insurgency which is no-mans land to Bharati troops. Bharat’s national proclivity, it seems, is to resolve domestic and international disputes through violence.

Pakistan has been a front line state for America more than once. In the 8os Islamabad bore the brunt of Soviet and Bharati bombs when Afghanistan was being liberated from the clutches of the USSR. Pakistan’s biggest terror event was in Bhri Bazaar when KHAD, RAW and the KGB exploded a bomb in a market killing 300 innocent shoppers in Karachi. Most of the other acts of terror were directed at mosques, imam baras, and hospitals. That was then as it is today. Then the US walked away and left Pakistan to deal with eh worlds refuse which the US had brought to Pakistan. The US walked away, and the Pakistanis were left to deal with what is known as the Kalashnikov culture.

The vibrant Pakistan society has agitated for rights, revised the constitution, given rights to the provinces, and made a new contract with the provinces. New provinces have been created and new ones are being created. All this through the worst war which was imposed on Pakistan in 2001.

While the US was inviting the antecedents of the Tlaiban to the White House as the Mujahideen—Pakistan was facing the scars of war. While the Reagan’s henchmen were extolling the cause of waging wars against the Goless Soviets and inflaming religious fervor, Paksitan was facing terror from the Soviets on the one hand and from Bharat on the other.

It is pedagogical to note that when the USSR was defeated the bombs and the terro stopped, only to start again when the US invaded Afghanistan and then again when it began the crone bombings.

Writers like Samdani either cannot comprehend these simple historical facts, or feign selective amnesia or simply have an agenda in which case their Anti-Pakistanism is bought and paid for by the lobbies.

Pakistan’s National Assembly and Senate has repeatedly called for a halt to the drone bombings, and have asked the US to withdraw the mercenaries running around Pakistan. All these have been ignored, jeopardizing the credibility of the civilian government.

The Prime Minister, the President and the Chief of Army Staff are totally in sync and the civilian leadership makes the decisions in consultation with the agencies and the army. As the US withdraws from Afghanistan, it is no longer in a position to dictate to Pakistan. Pakistan has its own foreign policy and relations with China, Russia, Iran and Afghanistan. President Obama is not the viceroy of Pakistan. A few dollars does not buy Pakistani sovereignty. The US aid package is puny and represents only 3% of the Pakistani budget. Most of the aid (more than 50%) is given to US contractors anyway. 25% is lost in administrative expenses. Only 25% makes it to Pakistan to be doled out to the Ambassador’s favorite NGO. What Pakistan really needs is a Marshall Plan and a ability to Trade with the US. Stiff American tariffs impose destructive sanctions on Pakistani textiles. The US has been promising an FTA for a decade but it has not come through. The Reconstruction Opportunity Zones (ROZ) languish in Congress.

The Bharati line is that there are no good of bad Taliban, kill them all. This was the Bush line. It has landed the US in a pickle where the Taliban (good or bad) own 90% of the country. Lectures on who to make peace deals do not solve Afghanistan, it only send body bags back to the USA.

Most Pakistanis, the entire Pakistani Army, the Pakistan intelligence agencies know that the civilian attacks in Lahore and other places are foreign inspired. There is ample proof published in local and international papers. Writers like Samdani deliberately do not want to report on it–simply to obfuscate the picture and perpetuate mimetic warfare forever–against “Eurasai” and to “Oceana” etc. Pakistan’s NACTA (National Counterterrorism Authority) cannot take action against foreign powers who send the mercenaries across the border. The Supreme Court is totally independent and has hounded even Mr. Zardari.

The Civilian leadership in Pakistan has crafted a brilliant foreign policy. It worked with the military leadership and both are in total sync. The Pakistani leadership has brilliantly outsmarted the enemies, made peace with the internal players, formed a government of national unity (with a friendly opposition), exterminated terrorists from Swat and Waziristan, offered the provinces more powers, devolved the government, turned the US around on Afghanistan, and formed an international consensus on Afghanistan. Terror in Pakistan will end when the drone bombings stop and when the US leaves Afghanistan.
I have to agree, the american logic is milking money out of everything so sooner or later people are not following ethics and knowledge but trail of money with disinformation. Such has bought demise of US society
Bharat has cultivated terrorists and sent them to Tibet, Sikkim, Bhutan, Nepal and Lanka.

Ok so can you please tell me the name of terrorist groups in the above mentioned nations.
^^RAW, but if you bother to read the paper you may not need to ask this question
Terror in Pakistan will end when the drone bombings stop and when the US leaves Afghanistan.

No. This is the usual extremely hollow and flawed argument that has grounds in nothing but bigotry, hate-mongering, xenophobia and sympathies for the Taliban and other militants.

The US leaving Afghanistan in a hurry will create mess.

The US leaving Afghanistan will not lead to elimination of terrorist attacks inside Pakistani soil. This has been stated by our sane person in the media and every rational member here, time and again. Militant groups seeking their socio-politico-ideological goals that have roots in toxic religious dogma would not in any possible way cease to operate if the US were to return.

However terrorist apologists in their infinite love for the ideological goals of militants seem to think that if the US were to magically return back from Afghanistan then TTP will stop blowing up schools and will stop killing our security forces. Swat Taliban would have somehow never risen had the US returned back early. LI will somehow cease their attacks on LEAs. Jundullah will magically stop their attacks and SSP will not conduct any terrorist operations.

Death to every terrorist and life imprisonment for sympathizers and apologists. There is no place for two-bit scums to taint the memories of >30,000 people who have died in this war.
Bharat has cultivated terrorists and sent them to Tibet, Sikkim, Bhutan, Nepal and Lanka. Bharat today sponsors terror in Bangaldesh’s Chittgong Hill tracks. It sent them to East Pakistan under the moniker of Mukti Bahni and it send them to Pakistan today under the nomenclature of the TTP and the BLA. Bharat has been rewarded for its terrorism against all its neighboring states by the West in the form of a Civilian Nuclear deal

india also sent the terror to mars,moon etc..and isro is planning to send some on sun also.one thing here
pak was also desperate abt u.s pak deal,but couldnt get it.i want to know where the pak sent the terror fo which they were asking 4 the deal.
if u cant get something then blame others.

baki aap ki marji,aap article paro na paro
A good read indeed,
what is more painful is that we have Hamdani in USA, and Hamdani like creatures here also.
Every one barely past puberty feels at right to "voice opinion".

Once the position in Afghanistan is cleared and in our favor, TTP and the rest will die their own death for the following reason:

1. If they are inspired by or ideologically aligned to Afghan Taliban; then once Afghan Taliban declare their position w.r.t Pakistan the TTP will be in a ideological dilemma.

2. Even if the TTP try to carry on, their weapon supplies and logistics will be severely cut short since we will have some influence with our western neighbors.

3. With USA and NATO gone, the Indian will have a tough time to carry out their mischief. Heck I'd be surprised if the pagans even survive in the north of Afghanistan.

As suggested in the article we need a strong media policy to expose the truth and rally the Pakistani nation.
We need a vigilant society which is not hyper sensitive to even hear the word "Taliban".
A good read indeed,
what is more painful is that we have Hamdani in USA, and Hamdani like creatures here also.
Every one barely past puberty feels at right to "voice opinion".

Once the position in Afghanistan is cleared and in our favor, TTP and the rest will die their own death for the following reason:

1. If they are inspired by or ideologically aligned to Afghan Taliban; then once Afghan Taliban declare their position w.r.t Pakistan the TTP will be in a ideological dilemma.

2. Even if the TTP try to carry on, their weapon supplies and logistics will be severely cut short since we will have some influence with our western neighbors.

3. With USA and NATO gone, the Indian will have a tough time to carry out their mischief. Heck I'd be surprised if the pagans even survive in the north of Afghanistan.

As suggested in the article we need a strong media policy to expose the truth and rally the Pakistani nation.
We need a vigilant society which is not hyper sensitive to even hear the word "Taliban".

^^ what does this suppose to mean? :mod:

and Salman108, you are spot on.
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