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Pakistan possesses various ICBMs which have a range of 9000+ kilometres

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Nov 27, 2011
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LAHORE: Earlier on April 26, 2012 when news broke of Pakistan testing its new Intermediate Ballistic Missile Hatf-IV (Shaheen-1A), Terminal X contacted Brigadier Ateeq ur Rehman, Director PR for the Pakistani military's Inter-Services Public Relations regarding the range of the latest variant. This scribe was informed that the range has not been disclosed for various reasons.

Later today, a Pakistani military source for TX made an important disclosure: the mysterious range everyone was guessing for the Shaheen-1A is not 2500 kilometers or 5000 kilometers as some exaggerated, it has a maximum range of just 1500 kilometers. According to the official, there were two main objectives of this short test:
Enhance accuracy for pinpoint attacks
Inclusion into the league of nations which have developed intermediate ballistic missiles.
The official stated that Pakistan's deterrence is foremostly against any aggressive Indian adventurism that can turn the region into an inferno. In the official's opinion, India carried out the recent Agni-V ICBM test to send an indirect signal to its rival China, whom it has strong reservations against for various reasons.

It was also revealed by the official that India's military establishment has not shared the actual range of the Agni-V ICBM which happens to be 8000 kilometers, not 5000 kilometers as falsely broadcast in the mainstream media.

"Pakistan possesses various ICBMs which have a range of 9000+ kilometres", said the official, "But they will be revealed and tested when there is a need for it. At the moment, Pakistan is silently observing the Eastern Theatre of Operations spearheaded by the US and its increasing presence in Europe, the Pacific Ocean and South Asia. Add to that Indian frolicking and the coming US-Israel drills in the Middle East... and when the time comes, those who should know, will know, Pakistan also has targets beyond India... way beyond India".

He added, "A wise group does not consider the Agni-V test as a threat for Pakistan but rather for China, and China is smart enough to deal with it. The military establishment is not really considering ICBM tests soon since we consider silence as the ultimate weapon. It might be that Israel signaled India to provoke Pakistan into doing an ICBM test and exposing their exact range so that an international conspiracy against the country's nukes could be initiated as is being currently done against North Korea. Far from being slapped with sanctions, India instead received appreciation from the US, NATO and Israel for its recent test".

And, as this scribe repeated the million dollar question, 'Any ICBM tests in the pipeline?'

"Well, yes.. My vote is not for it though".

Exclusive: Pakistani security official discusses the Shaheen-1A test ~ Terminal X
Hmm, coincidentally or not this information is the same as I heard from my source. Agni V's real range was 8000 km and pakistan's missile's test was not more than 2000 km.
Hmm, coincidentally or not this information is the same as I heard from my source. Agni V's real range was 8000 km and pakistan's missile's test was not more than 2000 km.

Thats true indians did hide the actual range as they dint wanna make a public uproar to get justifications for that range but all the defence pundits knows the range ..But its of no use against Pak as that could have been achieved by a mere 3000-4000 range missile but the point is Pak has not only the capability but has already made the required work to conduct a 9000 km plus missile but awaits approval from various levels from within and out of country to conduct that test as its forsure gonna ring siren bells in washington and israal leave alone delhi...
Hearsay again..
The range on the Shaheen 1-A may go to 1500 only by reducing payload to a small degree.
I would rather not comment on the ICBM part...
since this thread is soon about to have some smart alec people from India posting demeaning comments...
Terminal X sounds shady i dont think ant military offical ll give out ICBM news so easily.

do you guys know Pak sent its first rocket rehbar 1Rehbar-I - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia into space in 1961 and india was able to do so 2 years later in 1963..it proves the edge we have over indians regarding rockets and missiles thats another thing we cant showoff all we have owing to certain factors as i mentioned in my last post..But guys I have my own resouces which cant be disclosed on an open forum like this but we do have missiles ready to be tested with ranges b/w 9000-1000 km and time will tell...and the learned circles around the globe know it
Thats true indians did hide the actual range as they dint wanna make a public uproar to get justifications for that range but all the defence pundits knows the range ..But its of no use against Pak as that could have been achieved by a mere 3000-4000 range missile but the point is Pak has not only the capability but has already made the required work to conduct a 9000 km plus missile but awaits approval from various levels from within and out of country to conduct that test as its forsure gonna ring siren bells in washington and israal leave alone delhi...

You mean some other country will tell us when to test our ICBM??
Hearsay again..
The range on the Shaheen 1-A may go to 1500 only by reducing payload to a small degree.
I would rather not comment on the ICBM part...
since this thread is soon about to have some smart alec people from India posting demeaning comments...

Oscar, people will only believe what they want to believe. To the extent of repeating any fiction ad infinitum, till they are convinced that the truth cannot be anything else.

And the real truth? What truth??
It might be that Israel signaled India to provoke Pakistan into doing an ICBM test and exposing their exact range so that an international conspiracy against the country's nukes could be initiated as is being currently done against North Korea.

Damn sure it is just the fertile imagination of the scribe and not a military man's comment.Too much idiocacy and imagination to be that of a military man's. OTOH if this was indeed a military man's comment , I am just lost for words.
pak had the ability to test a nuke around 16 years earlier(1982-1983) before she actually tested few ...Same goes with our long range missiles they are ready but yet awaits approvals which depends on international circumstances..

pak will be sanctioned and cut from world if we test one today so well have to wait for the right time as you can see even india dint dare to openly express the exact range though india is internationally enjoyin much smoother waters..
Thats true indians did hide the actual range as they dint wanna make a public uproar to get justifications for that range but all the defence pundits knows the range ..But its of no use against Pak as that could have been achieved by a mere 3000-4000 range missile but the point is Pak has not only the capability but has already made the required work to conduct a 9000 km plus missile but awaits approval from various levels from within and out of country to conduct that test as its forsure gonna ring siren bells in washington and israal leave alone delhi...

Its not about having the capability..we have it, I know of it as well.
But having capable rocket motors, guidance , construction materials and concepts(stage separation physics, timings, body design etc) is different from actually mating it into a package.
Its all there, and then its not.
as its forsure gonna ring siren bells in washington and israal leave alone delhi...

We would not have any problems at all if Pakistan tests its ICBM, just like Agni 5 is not Pak oriented we know the ICBM's PAK would test would not be India specific, please go ahead and test it when you think the time is right and can handle international pressure.
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