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Pakistan officers taught anti-US courses: WikiLeaks

Jet Fire


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May 6, 2011
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ISLAMABAD: A leaked US diplomatic cable says that senior Pakistani military officers are taught anti-American courses at a prestigious defence university in the heart of the capital.

The cable, published in Dawn newspaper on Wednesday and obtained by WikiLeaks, is likely to fan concerns about loyalties within the military after Osama bin Laden was found living in a garrison city, possibly for years.

Then US ambassador to Islamabad, Anne Patterson, wrote the cable in late 2008 in reference to the National Defence University in Islamabad.

Pakistan officially allied with the United States after the September 11, 2001 attacks in its war on the Taliban and al-Qaida, but has long been accused of playing a double game in supporting Islamist militant networks.

"Lecturers often 'teach' their students information that is heavily biased against the United States," she wrote.

Instructors, she said, "often had misperceptions about US policies and culture and infused their lectures with these suspicions".

She said some students shared those "misconceptions" despite sending their children to study in Britain and the United States.

In contrast, "students and instructors were adamant in their approval of all things Chinese," she wrote.

Cash-strapped Pakistan has relied on $18 billion from the United States since the September 11, 2001 attacks, when Pakistan officially ended support for Afghanistan's Taliban and agreed to work with Washington.

Patterson was left recommending increased opportunities for colonels and brigadiers "receiving biased NDU training" to hear alternative views of the United States and for an exchange programme for instructors.

Pakistan's military leaders were humiliated by the discovery that the head of al-Qaida, the world's most-wanted man had been living, possibly for years, near the country's top military academy two hours' drive from Islamabad.

Pakistan officers taught anti-US courses: WikiLeaks - The Times of India
Looks like the lessons of hatered are not only taught in paksitani madarasa and schools but also at every institution.:disagree::disagree:
LoooooooooooLLL bhartis at their best !!!
If true I LOVE PAKISTAN ARMY :pakistan:
What nonsense and utter garbage.. every defence university teaches against potential dangers, US being the number 1 of them.
I would seriously doubt if any defence universities even those of closes US allies were teaching all about love and harmony with US..if one wants to stir words and create shockwaves its not a difficult task!

How can one not beware of US evil intentions when CIA operates covert mullah agents in friendly countries? Now its an open fact that during the transition of Saudi monarchy after death of king fahd, a dozen of destablizing attacks perpuated by so called Al-Q were done with CIA backing in possible greed to push the kingdom in anarchy and annex the oil rich areas. The disabled son of King fahd was already prepared to be throned as the rules of oil rich sharqia and an elite team of commandos waited instructions to invade and secure oil installations.
There is a good number of foreign officers; who attend this institution.
There is always a good representation from USA and UK.

Do you really think, that they'd be teaching these courses like the thread starter is trying to paint ?

or may be Anne Peterson is trying to highlight that the local Officers have some misconceptions about USA which show in their lectures.

This is VERY VERY different from TEACHING an anti USA course.
Anne Patterson, when in Pakistan, was wondering why the locals are so anti-america and so pro-china, when both U.S. and China are non-muslim countries, so she came up with this story without facts.
Unbiased mass media empire :lol:-- bring the original cable from the wikileaks website -- put up or shut up !


Anti-Americanism rife in Pakistan army institution: Wikileaks | Reuters

Anti-Americanism rife in Pakistani military - Arab News


Here 1 British, 1 Arab and 1 American source reporting the same thing. Feel that ain't enough? You can try logging onto wikileaks via google.. which is temporarily down

Now stop quoting my posts, my little insecure pakistani :wave:
ISLAMABAD: A leaked US diplomatic cable says that senior Pakistani military officers are taught anti-American courses at a prestigious defence university in the heart of the capital.

The cable, published in Dawn newspaper on Wednesday and obtained by WikiLeaks, is likely to fan concerns about loyalties within the military after Osama bin Laden was found living in a garrison city, possibly for years.

Then US ambassador to Islamabad, Anne Patterson, wrote the cable in late 2008 in reference to the National Defence University in Islamabad.

Pakistan officially allied with the United States after the September 11, 2001 attacks in its war on the Taliban and al-Qaida, but has long been accused of playing a double game in supporting Islamist militant networks.

"Lecturers often 'teach' their students information that is heavily biased against the United States," she wrote.

Instructors, she said, "often had misperceptions about US policies and culture and infused their lectures with these suspicions".

She said some students shared those "misconceptions" despite sending their children to study in Britain and the United States.

In contrast, "students and instructors were adamant in their approval of all things Chinese," she wrote.

Cash-strapped Pakistan has relied on $18 billion from the United States since the September 11, 2001 attacks, when Pakistan officially ended support for Afghanistan's Taliban and agreed to work with Washington.

Patterson was left recommending increased opportunities for colonels and brigadiers "receiving biased NDU training" to hear alternative views of the United States and for an exchange programme for instructors.

Pakistan's military leaders were humiliated by the discovery that the head of al-Qaida, the world's most-wanted man had been living, possibly for years, near the country's top military academy two hours' drive from Islamabad.

Pakistan officers taught anti-US courses: WikiLeaks - The Times of India

They are taught real truth about UNITED SNAKES OF AMERICA but they should also implement it in its true spirit and kick some Americans
ISLAMABAD: A leaked US diplomatic cable says that senior Pakistani military officers are taught anti-American courses at a prestigious defence university in the heart of the capital.

The cable, published in Dawn newspaper on Wednesday and obtained by WikiLeaks, is likely to fan concerns about loyalties within the military after Osama bin Laden was found living in a garrison city, possibly for years.

Then US ambassador to Islamabad, Anne Patterson, wrote the cable in late 2008 in reference to the National Defence University in Islamabad.

Pakistan officially allied with the United States after the September 11, 2001 attacks in its war on the Taliban and al-Qaida, but has long been accused of playing a double game in supporting Islamist militant networks.

"Lecturers often 'teach' their students information that is heavily biased against the United States," she wrote.

Instructors, she said, "often had misperceptions about US policies and culture and infused their lectures with these suspicions".

She said some students shared those "misconceptions" despite sending their children to study in Britain and the United States.

In contrast, "students and instructors were adamant in their approval of all things Chinese," she wrote.

Cash-strapped Pakistan has relied on $18 billion from the United States since the September 11, 2001 attacks, when Pakistan officially ended support for Afghanistan's Taliban and agreed to work with Washington.

Patterson was left recommending increased opportunities for colonels and brigadiers "receiving biased NDU training" to hear alternative views of the United States and for an exchange programme for instructors.

Pakistan's military leaders were humiliated by the discovery that the head of al-Qaida, the world's most-wanted man had been living, possibly for years, near the country's top military academy two hours' drive from Islamabad.

Pakistan officers taught anti-US courses: WikiLeaks - The Times of India

In american schools, universities and specially at military academies anti-Islamic, anti-Pakistani sentiments are being nurtured. Americans never had any respect for the sovereignty of Pakistan while openly aiding Pakistan's mortal enemy India. When at the Pak military academies these facts are mentioned uncle sam complains that anti-american sentiments are being nurtured. In other words, america will play it dirty with Pakistan but no one can mention that, Pakistan must see uncle sam as a friend even after planning to destroy Pakistani nukes.
Anne Patterson, when in Pakistan, was wondering why the locals are so anti-america and so pro-china, when both U.S. and China are non-muslim countries, so she came up with this story without facts.

Were the Pakistani's anti-US before US started their drone attacks? Curious question, brah..
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