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Pakistan Motherland party launched


Jan 4, 2009
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Saturday, July 11, 2009
RAWALPINDI: A new political party, the Pakistan Motherland Party, has been launched with the vow to restore pride and dignity of Pakistan with collective vision to build the country as an economic power.

According to a press release, the leadership of the Pakistan Motherland Party belongs to middle and upper classes. Mohammad Akbar is the founder and co-chairman of the party. According to the outline of the party manifesto, it will focus on strengthening the economy on a war footing to strengthen Pakistan and restore its dignity by exploring natural wealth and bringing about agricultural and industrial revolutions.

According to the party’s manifesto, women shall be given maximum participation and representation in economic activities; the nation shall be united by implementing provincial autonomy promised in the 1973 Constitution; accountability shall be across the board without discrimination and political victimisation; media and the judiciary will be free; opposition shall enjoy the same respect as the ruling party; pride and dignity of the nation shall not be compromised at any cost. The foreign policy shall be independent and no foreign dictation shall be entertained.

Pakistan Motherland party launched

i hope they revelaed the name of the leaders....i hope we have some new faces...faces of the youth who love their country & dream of a better future!!! & are NOT CORRUPTED!!!
Lets wait for the details. Details about the leaders of PMP, details about their manifesto.....because the points mentioned in their manifesto at the moment have nothing novel in it.......and see how they are going to achieve their goals.

All the political movements/parties start with very promising statements but as they say, Pakistani politics is a salt mine every thing going into this mine becomes salt itself.

Instead of giving a mere general overview, it would be better for any new party to show this nation some prioritized clear cut objectives of what they are going to gain by what measures through what period of time. We are fed up with slogans and mere ambiguous terms like qoumi mafad, hamiyyat, ghairat, ummat e muslimah, khawateen ki azaadi aur hurmat and lot more.
The system in Pakistan is so corrupt that it wont let any new party to set its foot. Even if some people get elected in 10-15 years (minimum time for a national party), the bigger political parties would want to get them by hook or by crook.
Welcome to a new political party in this bullshit system of democracy (by the people, for the people and of the people) rather it should be (by the monarch, for the monarch and of the monarch)

Pakistan Zindabad - Pakistan will live long......Inshallah
well it is true no new party can set foot in POLITICS at this time EXCEPT...a party comprised of YOUTH.....does anyone know 70% of our population is below 28.....so that means the future leaders of pakistan are still young & are pissed at the state of affairs...as well as same faces running pakistan!!!

if a party wants to become popular & become storng it has to APPEAL to the youth charm the youth...get the youth involved!!!
Imran Khan is involving youth. And every body knows how is he leading this youth.

I don't understand that why youth becomes fodder for other peoples' wishes. Our youth can only be useful if it frees its mind of any outside intellectual influence from any person and start seeing the world with its own eyes. Insight got on rent from someone else never bear fruits, I think.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
RAWALPINDI: A new political party, the Pakistan Motherland Party, has been launched with the vow to restore pride and dignity of Pakistan with collective vision to build the country as an economic power.

According to a press release, the leadership of the Pakistan Motherland Party belongs to middle and upper classes. Mohammad Akbar is the founder and co-chairman of the party. According to the outline of the party manifesto, it will focus on strengthening the economy on a war footing to strengthen Pakistan and restore its dignity by exploring natural wealth and bringing about agricultural and industrial revolutions.

According to the party’s manifesto, women shall be given maximum participation and representation in economic activities; the nation shall be united by implementing provincial autonomy promised in the 1973 Constitution; accountability shall be across the board without discrimination and political victimisation; media and the judiciary will be free; opposition shall enjoy the same respect as the ruling party; pride and dignity of the nation shall not be compromised at any cost. The foreign policy shall be independent and no foreign dictation shall be entertained.

Pakistan Motherland party launched


What is new about the manifestoÉ
Someone better start getting those youth to vote or else the PPP and PML(N) governments wil keep on playing Musical chairs in the National assembly not so long ago a youth party from the middle class was formed called MQM we all know where that ended up.
Well good thing since we are tired of PPP and PML for now.

All of you wait as we know there is lot of engineering in our political system.
I will never support a party which speaks of provincial autonomy and stupid are those who believe that it is going to lessen our problems, infect it is going to creat divide and hedach for the center.
Autonomy should be given to people not to princial heads. the only way to move toward democracy is local bodies govt. instead of provincial govt. District heads running their own districts.
In present senario one person have domicile of of many cities, hence is voting un-noticed at various places in general elections.
More and more parties will only strengthen PPP which in reality does not represent the majority and recent election results was one example.
^^^^ I agree with you, I believe in one thing that Shrif and Bhutto family are like the speed bumps in our success, What some agency need to do is or i wish Musharraf should have done back in 2003-04 on his peak time that he should off killed Benazir zardari and his kids he should off killed Sharif family. Now i know my these remarks are very hard and harsh but because of these people we people sufferd and died. These 30 to 50 people are holding Pakistan back. They have surved us and they did very poorly. Again they want to come back to politics and hold us even more back. Every one knows as long as these basterds are around or their kids we will suffer even more. Benazir died her husband popped up, if he dies his son or daughter will pop up same goes fo nawaz and his family. They are fudel. As long as they are around our another 60 years i don't see any bright. We need these new parties so big giants can be replaced. As long as provincial autonomy is concerned. I say 50/50 if it were USA it's good but with Pakistan's case the answer is NO since this will only become politicalized.
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