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Pakistan Missile Arsenal & Range

Already Inducted
1. S-125 Neva/Pechora
S-125 Neva/Pechora - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2. Akash Missile
Akash missile - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

3. S-300
S-300 (missile) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

4. Trishul
Defence Research and Development Organisation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Python (missile) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

6. PAD and AAD
Indian Ballistic Missile Defense Program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Under development

1. PDV
Indian Ballistic Missile Defense Program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2. Barak-8 /MR-SAM Program
Barak (missile) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

3. MBDA Maitri SAM
Defence Research and Development Organisation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Future Options :

1. India has been offered the deadly S-400 and Patriot SAMs.

2. India is Possibly developing MR SAM with Israel

3. India is also visualizing to develop s Land based SAM , Basd on the Successful Astra BVR Missile.

dude This thread is about pakistani Missiles and their rang , why u bring hell of indian junks here.. And next time dnt quote wiki as we all knw A 5 year child can easily edit it.
dude This thread is about pakistani Missiles and their rang , why u bring hell of indian junks here.. And next time dnt quote wiki as we all knw A 5 year child can easily edit it.

Well these Junks are used to stop Pakistani Garbage .
Thanks for suggestion next m used only rupeenews.

And by the way m not came here for trolling just go and check last page m just reply to some ones post .
Israel Jericho 3 Nuke Missile has range of 5000km (see Vid) and carries
1 Mega tonne Nuclear bomb thats 1000 times stronger than the Hiroshima bomb

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The problem for Israel is not whether they have potent nuclear capability or not, the problem is that how many nuclear hits can it take? Given it's short geographical depth and width (it's a small country) any hit is likely to prove catastrophic.

Also Jericho-III is not operational and is under development. But it is a grim warning of what can be in store for us in the future, as we fall well within it's range. We should be giving this a very high priority as we are the only likely target for it. Why would Israel want to attack Europe or India. Only other country which is pursuing a nuclear program within it's range in the middle east is Iran and they don't have any nukes yet. China for now, is beyond Israel's capability at the moment. So logically it leaves only us who could be their potential enemy in the future.

We must speed up our work in this regard.

Just my 2 cents.
I meant the ones developed by pakistan ..

Dude dont u know we bought all these missiles from china .
so i think no one is developed by Pakistan . unlike ur indegiously developed brahmos or agni :blah: :blah: u know we are far behind in the missile field .

but ur ppl says tht our missile program is more advanced thn urs , but i dont believe thm coz they are indians.:cheers:
^ thanks for accepting about ur missile program unlike other member:).

Btw INDIAN programs also based on foreign help but russia did't help us any time due to usa unlike china, so you lucky on this but now pressure on our missile program reduced hence recent succes in user trails
The problem for Israel is not whether they have potent nuclear capability or not, the problem is that how many nuclear hits can it take? Given it's short geographical depth and width (it's a small country) any hit is likely to prove catastrophic.

I could not agree more on Aliyusuf statement even exploding an atomic bomb will be too extreme as this would kill Palistinains and acheiving the zionists goal.
Israel Jericho 3 Nuke Missile has range of 5000km (see Vid) and carries
1 Mega tonne Nuclear bomb thats 1000 times stronger than the Hiroshima bomb

YouTube - WARNING Israel's nuclear weapons can now reach the UK

Very hypocritical of the Europeans, had Pakistan built a Nuclear capable missile with Europe in its range every European country would sever its ties with Pakistan!

Israel a while ago said that if anything happens to it, it will drag Europe and the whole world down with it!
I could not agree more on Aliyusuf statement even exploding an atomic bomb will be too extreme as this would kill Palistinains and acheiving the zionists goal.

they are already killing thousands of Palestinians without nuks, so why they need 5000 km range nuk capable missile to kill Palestinians :coffee:
I could not agree more on Aliyusuf statement even exploding an atomic bomb will be too extreme as this would kill Palistinains and acheiving the zionists goal.

Why would Israel use atomic weapons to kill palestinians. They can very easily do so even using wintage World War-1 rifles, if they really wanted to do so.

And what "zioist goal"?? Can u elaborate?

I think Zaid Hamid came to your dreams last night. I can understand that.
My dear,
this thread is about pakistani missiles and their range. Why you bring israeli missiles here?

Dude, if you can't undertsand is to why I brought in Israeli Missile
then there is no point of you posting here as you have lack of Knowledge of Pakistan global political issue on her missiles, or if you do why post this ?

they are already killing thousands of Palestinians without nuks, so why they need 5000 km range nuk capable missile to kill Palestinians :coffee:

Why would Israel use atomic weapons to kill palestinians. They can very easily do so even using wintage World War-1 rifles, if they really wanted to do so.

And what "zioist goal"?? Can u elaborate?

I think Zaid Hamid came to your dreams last night. I can understand that.

Since when or where have I implied that Israel will nuke Palestine where ? .

I could not agree more on Aliyusuf statement even exploding an atomic bomb will be too extreme as this would kill Palistinains and acheiving the zionists goal.

here's the orginal post. I swear some people should come out of this pindu aroma that the keep surrounding themself with and start learning to read.

I don't KNOW who Zaid is, but i can guess hes the guy that sleeps with sulemani keeda and made keeda his b*ch

and whats zioist goal
Please learn english before posting here and quit your trolling !
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