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Pakistan Marines


Oct 3, 2005
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United States
‘Role of Pak Marines vital in safeguarding sea frontiers’
By By our correspondent
A batch of Pakistan Marines passed out 78 weeks of rigorous training from the Marines Academy, PNS Qasim, Manora on Monday.

Vice Admiral Mahmood Ahmad Khan, Commander Coast of the Pakistan Navy, reviewed the passing out parade as the chief guest.

Speaking on the occasion, he said that highly adverse environment of marshy lands, muddy areas and extreme weather has made the role of Pak Marines very important and unique in nature.

The chief guest said that Pak Marines besides significantly contributing towards defence of the Pakistani sea frontiers are also effectively carrying out duties of defending eastern borders of the country.

He said that for this purpose, a large set up of Air Defence Battalion is being established in the Marine Corps. “Furthermore, to harmonise Pak Marines with the modern day defence requirements, latest equipment is being acquired for the force,” he added.

The Vice Admiral urged the passing out marines to acquaint themselves with the best use of available arms and weapons and achieve professional excellence to meet the challenges of fast changing security environment.

‘Role of Pak Marines vital in safeguarding sea frontiers’
DUDE can you tell me that what types of latest equipment they acquired for their Navy. i guess that may be new AK. 47 or G3 or might be MP5...am i right.
I am not the Army guy. Blain should know if he came to know about it.
ok sir but for Pakistan Army the latest equipment includes brand new AK 47 or g3 or at the extreme mp 5 or sniper. i don't know why they are still using those damn old weapon technology. y they are not moving forward to more latest technology or y they are not doing research in this field
Keyser, recently highlighted in the gallery to switch from one gun to another would require logistics problem. We are looking at 7th largest army in the world, and we need to be careful about what to choose, we need to look at the bullets size, guns effectiveness, etc..

I think Pakistan Army is switching to indeginiously developed guns by POC (confirm??) which is equivalent of MP-5?
ya bt you know that they guns which we are using are not orginally developed by us we adopted them from germany, usa or russia. i think there should be seperate research and design department in POF.
ya that mp5 sub-mechine gun, thats not an end.
We are Switching to Weapons like Styer AUG, M4, M16 etc, but it will take time bcoz adopting a new weapon is not an easy task.

ya that mp5 sub-mechine gun, thats not an end.
It is not simply Mp5 it is MP5A3 specially used & designed for Navy.

ya WILCO you are but i am talking about developing our own technology...might be in future we may be able to do that....hope for the best.
ya WILCO you are but i am talking about developing our own technology...might be in future we may be able to do that....hope for the best.
We are working in it hopefully in future you will hear this good news.

Pakistan Marines are being developed along the lines of USMC. AFAIK, the ranks are similar to what are used in the Army.

POF is developing and hopefully going into production with the 5.56 mm replacement for the G-3 (the rifle is under trial currently). Its is essentially a variant of HK-33 (5.56mm) with integrated sight and provisions for UBGL (which is envisioned to be provided to multiple jawans at section level to increase the firepower). The Pakistan Marines are currently equipped along the lines of Pakistan Army infantry. Rhinemetal MG-3, HK G-3s, MP-5s, RPGs, Mistral etc. are on inventory.

Also the picture of Naval troops with MP-5 is that of SSG/N and not the Pakistan Marines. The SSG/N has been involved in VBSS operations as part of the GWOT.

Do you know how large of a force is going to maintained - short term and long term?
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