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Pakistan is pearl in the eyes of Chinese: Scholar


Sep 12, 2008
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BEIJING, Oct 14 (APP): In the eyes of Chinese people, Pakistan is a pearl. The Chinese people treasure the great friendship between the two countries, said a prominent Chinese scholar. On National Day, an elementary school in Honan Province organized a fundraiser for the flood victims in Pakistan.The school principal sent a cheque of US$ 220 to Pakistan’s Ambassador to China Masood Khan, said a Professor at Tsinghua University Li XiGuang in a an article “Sino-Pakistani links stay solid in all weathers” published in English daily Global Times.

In his letter, the school principal wrote that he had been moved by Pakistan’s support and contributions around the Sichuan earthquake.

“As a journalism educator, I was deeply touched by this, which reminded me of my own experience as a student”, said professor Li.
He said during his visit to Pakistan early this year, he felt overwhelmingly that many Pakistani people love China more than Chinese love their own country.

Pakistan has proved to be China’s closest friend and the only political and military ally to stay consistent in all weathers.

“China owes its opening-up to the outside world to Pakistan” Li observed.

As a leader in the Islamic world, Pakistan helped connect China to the Arab countries and the rest of the Islamic world.

For example, after the Urumqi riots in 2009, Pakistani government made great efforts in explaining to the rest of Islamic world the Chinese viewpoint on the riots.

1971, Pakistan helped make the arrangements for Henry Kissinger’s visit to China and Nixon’s subsequent trip.

In 1987 when I was a journalist, I reported the visit by Professor Abdus Salam, a Noble Laureate from Pakistan. During Salam’s visit, he met Deng Xiaoping. During the meeting Deng Xiaoping expressed his full support of Salam’s idea of strengthening the scientific and technological ties among the third world countries.

Deng told Salam that scientists from the third world countries should feel self-confident and proud in serving their own countries with their scientific achievements.

“I am always proud of the Pakistani scientists’ achievements. I deeply admire Pakistani scientist and engineers for their hard work and talents in developing their country’s science and technology” he observed.

Like China, Pakistan is a developing country. But its people and the government give full support to its science and technology program even though people live in poverty.

Because Pakistan has strong defense science and technology, China feels very safe and peaceful in its frontier regions like Xinjiang and Tibet. There will be absolutely no stability in Xinjiang and Tibet without the solid brotherhood of Pakistan.

Pakistan is at the crossroads of the legendary Silk Road between China and the West.



By Li Xiguang

US President Barack Obama was quoted recently as telling a secret meeting in the Oval Office, "We need to make clear to people that the cancer is in Pakistan."

But in the eyes of the Chinese people, Pakistan is a pearl. The Chinese people treasure the great friendship between the two countries.

On National Day, an elementary school in Gongyi city, Henan Province organized a fundraiser for the flood victims in Pakistan. The school principal sent a cheque of 1,506 yuan ($220) to Pakistan's ambassador to China, Masood Khan, in the letter he wrote that he had been moved by Pakistan's support and contributions around the Sichuan earthquake.

As a journalism educator, I was deeply touched by this, which reminded me of my own experiences as a student.

I was 11 years old when my mother took me to see a doctor one day in 1971.

Sitting next to the doctor, I saw a copy of Reference News newspaper lying on his table. The lead story on the front page was about the Pakistani army fighting the Indian forces in what was then East Pakistan.

I was particularly attracted by the stories of how the Pakistani soldiers were using China-made tanks, guns and AK 47s in their fighting. From that moment, I decided to become a journalist when I grew up.

When we left the hospital, my mother went to a post office and subscribed to the Reference News for me.

In 1991, 20 years after the Pakistani army lost the war and Bangladesh, with Indian support, became an independent nation, I was on the road to Mohenjodaro and Kandarara with the late Pakistani archaeologist Husaan Dani reporting the great Pakistan civilization and its impact on China.

Almost another 20 years had passed when I went back to Pakistan early this year, where I felt overwhelmingly that many Pakistani people love China more than Chinese love their own country. Pakistan has proved to be China's closest friend and the only political and military ally to stay consistent in all weathers.
China owes its opening-up to the outside world to Pakistan.

As a leader in the Islamic world, Pakistan helped connect China to the Arab countries and the rest of the Islamic world. For example, after the Urumqi riots in 2009, Pakistani government made great efforts in explaining to the rest of the Islamic world the Chinese viewpoint on the riots.

In 1971, Pakistan helped make the arrangements for Henry Kissinger's secret visit to China and Nixon's subsequent trip.

In 1987 when I was a journalist, I reported the visit by Abdus Salam, the father of Pakistan nuclear science. During Salam's visit, he met Deng Xiaoping. During the meeting Deng Xiaoping expressed his full support of Salam's idea of strengthening the scientific and technological ties among the third world countries.

Deng told Salam that scientists from the third world countries should feel self-confident and proud in serving their own countries with their scientific achievements.

I am always proud of the Pakistani scientists' achievements. I deeply admire Pakistani scientist and engineers for their hard work and talents in developing their country's science and technology.

Like China, Pakistan is a developing country. But its people and the government give full support to its science and technology program even though people live in poverty.

Because Pakistan has strong defense science and technology, China feels very safe and peaceful in its frontier regions like Xinjiang and Tibet. There will be absolutely no stability in Xinjiang and Tibet without the solid brotherhood of Pakistan.

Pakistan is at the crossroads of the legendary Silk Road between China and the West. I understand that Obama has his own agendas in Afghanistan.

But I believe that any military policies and actions taking place in this region must serve the interests of the national security, national unity, social stability, economic development and regional cooperation among the three countries: Pakistan, China and Afghanistan.

The author is a professor at Tsinghua University and author of the coming book Intellectual dialogues of Tibet. xiguang@tsinghua.edu.cn

Sino-Pakistani links stay solid in all weathers - GlobalTimes
Thank You China too. Chinese have been always there to support us.

Pakistani brothers and sisters have also supported China always. Days before the Beijing Olympic, when free tibet slogans were heard across india, overseas Pakistani students came in support of China along with their Chinese brothers and sisters.


No Chinese should ever forget how Pakistanis supported China during those crucial days.
Hey one more thing have you guys noticed that all boards on highways i mean Motorways also mention distances and different destinations, direction in Chinese language too in Pakistan.

I dint notice it in Punjab or other areas but in KP i noticed this
I dint notice it in Punjab or other areas but in KP i noticed this

The alliance of China Pak dates back to 4000 years and is as strong as it can get!

Haters keep out!

Because KP being closer to China has considerable concentrator of Chinese truckers than Punjab. Its a common traffic practice world wide to have multi-lingual traffic signs as per the border.

Baluchistan has traffic signs in Farsi and Arabic too!
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