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Pakistan is not afraid of Modi’s win

U asking me Bro?
Go teach this flap to numerous members on this forum who have opened so many threads on Indian Secularism, Communalism, Modi the Demon, etc etc.
And many of them are not even any article based but personal view based Threads. What do u understand by this attitude?
U want me to post those threads too??

Afraid ? I am sure not !

Giving too much importance ? I think we are , something I said in my first post .
Afraid ? I am sure not !

Giving too much importance ? I think we are , something I said in my first post .
Arre Bhai. Even I very clearly specified in my 1st post that APART from Seniors and intelluects of PDF..........others are talking senseless. I think its ur onus to lead the thotprocess of Pakistanis and mould them for others. In simple words educate them with logic. U guyz can even start thread for that discussion.
At the end of the day it's BJP, which in the past contributed to acknowledge Pakistan's nuclear status and test some new missile systems, we surely hope Modi lives up to all the tall claims and Indian expectations, so Pakistan can bring some more surprises to any mis-adventure. :D
As long as Pakistan keep peace from their side, they don't have to.
Keeping all ur gibberish aside.........Plz answer below videos. Arent this viewed by Pakistanis? Of there is an alien race to which these channel cater to?

Sure, the Indian election is over so Modi and the Indian election is a hot topic so naturally its being discussed all over the world.

And there are the analysts who go to every channel. So dont hide behind the TRP of newz channels.


As a typical Pakistani u will reject anything an India say just to quench ur Egoism but it wud be foolish to ignore ground realities.

Not really, the mere fact that more Indians have joined PDF compared to Pakistanis tells me who is obsessed with who. How many Pakistanis have joined Indian Defence Forums? :cool: Thats a metric you sure have conveniently ignored.


He sure is being discussed because Pakistani Strategists have to come up with a strategy to deal with India under Modi. It is not only in Pakistan but around the world Modi is being discussed because India is an important global player.
Raza Rumi, you should be afraid of living in Pakistan in the first place let alone Modi who has better things to do in life than thinking about Pakistan.
he has already fled pakistan(an opinion piece posted here in his support), but he is among sane voices there and I rarely find anything disagreeble in what he says. He is quite right here too.
Raza Rumi again proves why he is called the Doucebag of Pakistan. He is hallucinating.
I pity this guy, hasn't he fled Pakistan for fear of being killed or being blown up? he is a shia if I am not wrong.
I pity this guy, hasn't he fled Pakistan for fear of being killed or being blown up? he is a shia if I am not wrong.
Or if he was a Dalit in India, he would be eating his own excrement and washing it down with urine.
Is it in Indians psyche to attack, discuss or lay comments on the OP/ Author rather than discussing topic on hand.
Indian population is estimated at about 1.2-million and with approximately 20% Muslims; this makes about 200-million Muslims in India implying that India has more Muslims than Pakistan.

Modi has won on the economic and governance agenda. That would without doubt be priority of the new BJP government. If Modi is successful in bringing about an economic boom in India; Indian Muslims would certainly prosper, albeit to a lesser degree than their Hindu & Sikh compatriots. Therefore, realistically speaking BJP government may not be as much of a disaster for the Indian Muslims as one would expect based upon Modi‘s abysmal treatment of Gujarati Muslim population.

Modi has strong RSS links and a man is known by the company he keeps. It is almost certain that Modi would very tough on Pakistan. I can say with conviction that another Bombay type action by the jihadist would more than likely result in an attack on Pakistan and possibly full-scale war.

Modi's victory is partly due to his pro corporate agenda. One would expect increased trade and better relations between China and India. Pakistan is another matter and it is doubtful that butcher Modi will grant any trade concessions to Pakistan. Therefore we should forget about our membership of SAARC as long as Modi remains at the helm of Indian affairs.

For an anti-mullah & anti extremist liberal such as I, only good thing that could come out of it would be that Nawaz Sharif will be forced to take strong action against Taliban and pro extremist groups primarily to clean up Pakistan’s international image as a ‘Nest’ of terrorism.

Finally, like it or not, India is our neighbour and we should respect what Indians have decided. Even though I personally don’t see anything but trouble in store from our eastern borders; we would have to learn to live with the situation.

Should we be afraid? Certainly not. But we must be doubly prepared for all eventualities and try to improve our relations with Iran & Afghanistan as well as with the West. To counter Indian attempt at Pakistan's diplomatic isolation, if nothing else.
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why do pakistanis take everything else other than their own country so seriously ????

You are the first to answer. What you are doing here?. When You Point Your Finger at Somebody Else, Four Fingers are Pointing Back at You.
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