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Pakistan is not a failed state


Dec 11, 2007
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PARIS: President Pervez Musharraf has said strong command and control system safeguarding Pakistan’s nuclear assets and dismissed western fears that Pakistan could slip into Taliban or Al-Qaeda's hands.

“Pakistan is not a failed state neither there is any possibility of dismemberment of the country.”
PARIS: President Pervez Musharraf has said strong command and control system safeguarding Pakistan’s nuclear assets and dismissed western fears that Pakistan could slip into Taliban or Al-Qaeda's hands.

“Pakistan is not a failed state neither there is any possibility of dismemberment of the country.”

Pakistan maybe having internal problems, but it is in no way indicative of a failed state because the governance infrastructure functions and there is no civil strife per se in the greater part of Pakistan or any palpable economic drawdown.

The dismemberment of Pakistan may appear feasible to those who have no idea of the fabric of Asia and even the sub continent and the interplay of the varied races and ethnic strains that compose the nation.

Asia, and more importantly, the subcontiment, has a population mix that is not ethnically similar, but the point to note is that ethnicity is indigenous to the Nation and not imported, that is, when considered in near historical terms. The Subcontinental populace is emotional and hence ethnic strife is not unusual, and at times, volatile. However, that, in no way, is suggestive of a secession drivel It is merely a sign of subnational assertion and nothing more, and when controlled and not allowed to go into a tailspin, it is just a storm in a teacup. Such situation wanes and waxes dependant upon the political uncertainties that occur. They pass away.

Therefore, Pakistan is as good as any other country. It is merely going through a rough patch and the situation will soon stabilise, if left to Musharaf and his ways.
Salam to all,

Yes pakistan will not Failed, because already failed,
secondly, let me know one single thing, which make Proud Pakistani during last 6 months.


Perhaps you should answer Webby's question before determining whether Pakistan is a failed state. Pakistan has its share of problems, which have been more numerous than usual lately, but that alone does not a failed state make.

I have observed that the main reason often mentioned by Western observers, and some Eastern ones, is the "Civil War" in Pakistan, but I think people who make that observation tend to confuse conservatives (who could be said to make up a large part of Pakistan) and extremists, and then argue that this "civil war" is between "two large ideologically distinct" groups in Pakistan (conservatives and moderates). The war remains limited to an extremely small number of extremists (relative to Pakistan's population) and therefore cannot be considered a civil war in the traditional sense.

There is however an ideological battle between the conservatives and Moderates (nothing earthshaking however), attempting to demarcate the extent of the role of Islam in the Pakistani State going forward. This is not so much a war between say the MMA and their ilk, but between more socially conservative ideas, such as those represented by the PML-N (and some PML-Q) and those advocated by the PPP/MQM.
divisions are present in every society. No big deal. Security situation is a problem if the federal government can't control it. But it's only FATA it cant control, as it doesn't have authority to afaik. Not failed, just different. Security needs tightening though in the other places.
"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. "
Thomas A. Edison

Pakistan is a young country so have some faith that in time we'll make it.
divisions are present in every society. No big deal. Security situation is a problem if the federal government can't control it. But it's only FATA it cant control, as it doesn't have authority to afaik. Not failed, just different. Security needs tightening though in the other places.

Well said. These problems cant be fixed over night they take time, but we will get over these problems.
"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. "
Thomas A. Edison

Pakistan is a young country so have some faith that in time we'll make it.

I agree with you. We are young, but we are better off then most nations on Earth.
Pakistan is not a failed state. It is true that Pakistan could not decide which way to go as far as political direction is concern. The sole creation of Pakistan was due a Political party and a man who was truly political and democratic, that is why majority of population still believe in democracy. Due to several reasons (need not to mention here) Pakistan military also captured rein of Pakistan. I think race between Political aspirants and Military generals for getting driving seat of Pakistan has damaged growth and stability of Pakistan most and given a false indication as failed state to west.

Aam Pakistani is more concern about stability and further economical growth rather than instability and intolerance in society. Hope this general election will give more stability to Pakistan.
pakistan is a dysfunctional state in terms of its political direction, but in reality it is a vibrant and progressive country with a strong ecconomy and the ability to carry most of its people in a forward direction.
we are studdied with selfish political rulers who believe they are masters not leaders and stupid liberal left, selfish so called fundos who cant do namaz. etc etc
but great place to be most times
We may be the most divided nation on Earth but we are not a failed state.

I beg to differ, many countries are still on the verge of or engaged in civil war, Afghanistan and Iraq being on the top of the list.
Even developped countries like Spain (Basqueland), Belgium (Wallonia), Canada (Quebec) and Russia (Chechnya and others) have problems.

We're often labled as failed state due lack of democracy, not ethnic devide.
I beg to differ, many countries are still on the verge of or engaged in civil war, Afghanistan and Iraq being on the top of the list.
Even developped countries like Spain (Basqueland), Belgium (Wallonia), Canada (Quebec) and Russia (Chechnya and others) have problems.

We're often labled as failed state due lack of democracy, not ethnic devide.

and bcuz of that as my CO used to say "we are a peoples - not a nation" until we have a strong democracy.

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