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Pakistan flirted with terrorism as state policy: US official

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Bang Galore

Feb 21, 2010
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A day after Prime Minister Manmohan Singh asked Pakistan to shun terrorism to make peace with India, a top US defence official suggested that over time Islamabad "flirted" with terrorism as state policy.

"I was clear in Pakistan that the principal threat to Pakistan is terrorism, not its neighbours," Deputy Defence Secretary Ashton Carter, who visited India, Pakistan and Afghanistan recently, said Monday at a Washington think-tank.

"The government of Pakistan has flirted over time with using terrorism as an instrument of state policy, and it's coming to the realisation that terrorism's a boomerang and it comes back on you when you try to use it for your own purposes," he said.

"I was honest with my hosts in Islamabad in terms of how Pakistan must achieve peaceful relations with India on the east in order to reap the benefits of cross-border trade, if it's truly to develop its economy," he said at the Centre for American Progress.

"And it needs a secure and stable Afghanistan on the west for the same reason," Carter said.

The official said he "was equally frank with my interlocutors in Delhi that the US supports Pakistani efforts to improve their bilateral relations and hope Delhi will reciprocate".

Carter said he had also told the Indians of US government's appreciation for their support to Afghanistan "in the realms of humanitarian and development aid and their efforts to train the Afghan security forces in India".

Meanwhile, asked to comment Sunday's meeting between Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and his Pakistani counterpart Nawaz Sharif, the State Department said the US welcomed "any and all high-level discussions between Pakistan and India".

"That would improve their bilateral relationship," said spokesperson Jen Psaki who noted President Barack Obama had last week said the US shares "an interest with both countries in seeing a peaceful reduction of tensions on the subcontinent".

"And we continue to support, strongly, efforts by India and Pakistan to improve all aspects of their bilateral relations, and we encourage further dialogue," she said.

In response to another question, Psaki said the US position on Kashmir has not changed. "We still believe the pace, scope, and character of India and Pakistan's dialogue on Kashmir is for those two countries to determine, and we continue to encourage dialogue."

Pakistan flirted with terrorism as state policy: US official | Business Standard
Same state policy that US promoted from Pakistani soil. Our chutiyas simply talked the money and walked the walk.
Look Who is saying.......... :rofl::omghaha:
U.S.A promoted Taliban against Soviet union..
These once-a-year remarks against Pakistan by some random western official (which, btw, is not even their official state stance, just some individual's opinion) makes bharatis so happy, but the same countries do nothing to prevent "Pakistani terror" (note, I do not believe Pakistan supports terrorism, I am just stating official bharati standpoint), and in fact gives Pakistan money and weapons, continues to have relations with it, etc. :lol::lol: This is clearly observable about bharatis. They LOVE to get western approval about themselves. It's the same slave mentality instilled by the british. Good on the western states for still exploiting them.
Chuck hagel was right too, when he said India promoting terrorism in pakistan

Off topic...

These once-a-year remarks against Pakistan by some random western official (which, btw, is not even their official state stance, just some individual's opinion) makes bharatis so happy, but the same countries do nothing to prevent "Pakistani terror" (note, I do not believe Pakistan supports terrorism, I am just stating official bharati standpoint), and in fact gives Pakistan money and weapons, continues to have relations with it, etc

Well, these annual remarks are surely interspersed with recurring drone strikes within Pakistani territories at a high frequency to prevent the " Pakistani terror ".. Guess that news get diluted travelling all the way from Islamabad to Toronto :)
We are flirting with terrorism and USA is married to state terrorism since time of Hiroshima .

And as if 911 dint ring a bell for USA that

today US of A is producing state terror babies in form of Syria war after mating with same Al-Qaeda.

We are flirting with terrorism and USA is married to state terrorism since time of Hiroshima .

And as if 911 dint ring a bell for USA that

today US of A is producing state terror babies in form of Syria war after mating with same Al-Qaeda.
Is the US official talking about the time when United States provided stinger missiles to Al-Qaida Al-Subah or, is he talking about the American military support for the Free Libya Army and the Free Syria Army?

These once-a-year remarks against Pakistan by some random western official (which, btw, is not even their official state stance, just some individual's opinion) makes bharatis so happy, but the same countries do nothing to prevent "Pakistani terror" (note, I do not believe Pakistan supports terrorism, I am just stating official bharati standpoint), and in fact gives Pakistan money and weapons, continues to have relations with it, etc. :lol::lol: This is clearly observable about bharatis. They LOVE to get western approval about themselves. It's the same slave mentality instilled by the british. Good on the western states for still exploiting them.

US is also promoting Civil War in your country... fatten the lamb before slaughtering it:yahoo:
USA is perhaps the only country in the world which has a valiantly oscillating principle when it comes to terrorism,the definition of which changes from time to time to suit it's own interest. With political and economical geometry of the world changing so rapidly,it's high time for them to adopt a firm stand on Terrorism whether it is Kenya or Kashmir.
And they are in bed with Al-Qaeda in Syria

That's the whole point They won't let the war enter into there own territory
they have dubious policy as far as there interest is protected it U & Me who have to decide what is in our interest
Let me get this straight, just like US is using it as instrument in Syria? Will use any and means to forward our interests like the rest if the world does.
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