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Apr 27, 2013
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In his annual state of the union address last night, President Barak Obama ended his speech with introduction of Army Ranger Sergeant First Class, Cory Remsburg, who was injured in an IED blast in Afghanistan. The president spoke about his sacrifices and his long road to rehabilitation. As Cory Remburgs stood up with the help of his father and First Lady Michelle Obama, the people in the chamber gave him a standing ovation which lasted almost for two minutes.

I feel it was the most touching and emotional part of the evening. And then there is Pakistan, where we have lost thousands of innocent people, yet no one seems to be moved. At the same time, when a terrorist leader is eliminated, everyone goes crazy while forgetting all of his misdeeds. Are we blind folded? Do we choose to hide from reality?

When the Lal Masjid goons had gone haywire, the whole nation was up at arms against the government for not exercising its writ, and when the government finally took action, and over a hundred terrorists were killed, the media, the people, all went crazy over government’s reaction. We forgot again that the terrorists had killed a SSG Colonel, a Captain, and many police officers.

The operation in the capital city was warranted. The nation is again struggling with what to do with the terrorists: “To talk or not to talk” has been the question. While the nation (the government officials and common man) is busy contemplating, the TTP keeps on killing. Their spokesperson takes responsibility of the attacks, while their apologists keep saying: “A Muslim cannot kill another Muslim.” It must be the work of foreign intelligence”.

How can be overlook these atrocities and fall prey to their nonsense? Who is taking the advantage of this confusion, the corrupt and inept rulers! They are lining their pockets with the looted Pakistani money. No wonder it was stated that there are “96 billion dollars” stashed away in Swiss banks accounts; all owned by Pakistanis. 96 billion dollars is a lot of money! Even if annual ‘zakat’ is paid on this stashed amount, not a single soul in Pakistan will sleep hungry.

No one cares for Pakistan. This is a nation that belittles its founding fathers, and its heroes, who give their lives so others can live their freedom. The people of Pakistan need a change in its “mindset”. They have to go back to the basics of being a ‘Human’ first. We need to find our roots; we have to realize that we are neither Arabs nor Persians. We must learn to put our nation first…Pakistan first!

Source:Pakistan First | The Pakistani Spectator
When the Lal Masjid goons had gone haywire, the whole nation was up at arms against the government for not exercising its writ, and when the government finally took action, and over a hundred terrorists were killed, the media, the people, all went crazy over government’s reaction.

We're a diverse nation with a multitude of value systems and opinions among us. The people who wanted government action in Lal Masjid were not the same who went nuts over it.

I feel it was the most touching and emotional part of the evening. And then there is Pakistan, where we have lost thousands of innocent people, yet no one seems to be moved. At the same time, when a terrorist leader is eliminated, everyone goes crazy while forgetting all of his misdeeds. Are we blind folded? Do we choose to hide from reality?

Because we have been desensitized to killings.

No one cares for Pakistan. This is a nation that belittles its founding fathers, and its heroes, who give their lives so others can live their freedom. The people of Pakistan need a change in its “mindset”. They have to go back to the basics of being a ‘Human’ first. We need to find our roots; we have to realize that we are neither Arabs nor Persians. We must learn to put our nation first…Pakistan first!

This one point I like. The Pakistani identity is a mess.

If we're a Muslim nation, does that make Pakistani Christians and Hindus second-class citizens?
Is a Sunni Pakistani an equal to a Shite Pakistani? We don't consider Qadianis human, let alone Pakistanis.
A balochi and a muhajir are both Pakistanis, yet why is the muhajir practically entitled to more?
Then there are Pakistanis with dual passports who are of course super-Pakistanis!
In his annual state of the union address last night, President Barak Obama ended his speech with introduction of Army Ranger Sergeant First Class, Cory Remsburg, who was injured in an IED blast in Afghanistan. The president spoke about his sacrifices and his long road to rehabilitation. As Cory Remburgs stood up with the help of his father and First Lady Michelle Obama, the people in the chamber gave him a standing ovation which lasted almost for two minutes.

I feel it was the most touching and emotional part of the evening. ....

That's what marshall nations do. They forget their political differences to make sure they appreciate the services of their soldiers.

However sadly

Pakistani media has been constantly working to deny that we too are marshall nation.

Instead our chamber will cry for 2 hours everytime a terroirst like bin fing laden is sent to hell,.

It is all about choices.

You celeberate your soldiers in your national assembly


you mourn the death of terrorists aka Islamist shaheeds
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