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Pakistan fears US will again abandon it

We want to be abandoned as a partner in WOT but we want relationship besed on mutual interests.
I personally don't think Pakistan ever feared this because it was always expected to happen.

The US has never lived up to its pledges and commitments regardless of whether you are referring to domestic or international policy (doesn't matter if we're talking about Muslim or non-Muslim states).
1. They (USA) is out to bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed us (the Pakistanis)
2. They (USA) started WoT to bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeed us the Pakistanis (Talibanis be damaned).

You know my dear

you are sounding more and more a constipated conspiracy theorist not too different from a typical street thug Pakistani-Islamist.

Now why is that?

Why an Indian (most likely a Hindu) is trying to ape Islamists.


It really puzzles me.

really does.

You have lost 50,000 people and mostly civilians,economy in chaos,blasts,drones,electricty etc etc and saying you are not bleeding.

Also your brain can't get think over "Religion" and it's such a SHAME! You are NOT a real Muslim. :disagree:

When you start thinking over religion you would not get puzzled so much. :azn:
What else does Pakistan expect ? baring the WOT has Pakistan engaged with the US on any other terms? they have a one point agenda, and once its done , they will abandon you again like they did in the 90s.

usa have habbit of abondoning his allys...

We’ve said this before and say it again; we greatly appreciate all of Pakistan’s sacrifices in the region. Our common sacrifices on both sides of the border confirm our shared will and desire to restore peace in the region. We’ve come too far and made too many sacrifices to walk away from each other. In fact, we are very keen to build on our improving relationship. We are very optimistic in regards to the future of our relationship, and look forward to maintaining a close partnership. We repeat what Richard G. Olson, U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan, said a few months ago: “The United States is committed to a cooperative and long-term partnership with Pakistan, broader than any one issue and centered on areas of mutual interests. The U.S. relationship with Pakistan is not shaped solely by our commitments and responsibilities in Afghanistan. 2014 is not 1989. The United States recognizes the mistakes of the past, and will not disengage from the region.”

Ali Khan
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
Pakistan must think of itself as country that has a strategic geography. If it does not become economically strong, then any power in future be US or China, will use it for its strategic purposes and then abandon.

So Pakistan must develop itself to be economically and politically significant. Easier said than done. The economic backwardness, weak education cant be excuses. It has been 65 years. Its a long time to develop economy, healthcare and education despite whats going on in politics or in the region.
That's because the army has ruled Pakistan for more than 40 years...and generals haven't a clue how to run a country. This is best left to a democratically elected government.

Generals should instead concentrate on strategy and tactics on the battlefield. They are not trained for running a country. And that's the reason why Pakistan is where it is today!
You have lost 50,000 people and mostly civilians,economy in chaos,blasts,drones,electricty etc etc and saying you are not bleeding.

Also your brain can't get think over "Religion" and it's such a SHAME! You are NOT a real Muslim. :disagree:

When you start thinking over religion you would not get puzzled so much. :azn:

Why are you doing :azn: like a pathetic Islamist?

Did you even read the post I was responding to?

So many Indian flag bearers are talking $hit like Islamists.

So many.
Canada and USA offer "few dollars" and 1000 upon 1000s of Pakistanis and Indians dump their mother lands, their culture, their self-respect, and their future generation aka kids.

And here some are pontificating against a bit of alliance between Pakistan and the same damn Canada and USA.

Oh the hypocrisy.

I guess you lost the plot while commenting.... Nations foreign policy has nothing to do with where expats go and work. as you said about Indians, it is true and applicable to overseas Pakistanis as well.

and if you debate saying overseas Pakistanis grow beard and follow Islam, then you are wrong. a lo do that, but they also do a lot which is against Islam.
I guess you lost the plot while commenting.... Nations foreign policy has nothing to do with where expats go and work. as you said about Indians, it is true and applicable to overseas Pakistanis as well.

and if you debate saying overseas Pakistanis grow beard and follow Islam, then you are wrong. a lo do that, but they also do a lot which is against Islam.

Why are we talking about Islam? and beards?

Are you another Islamist posing with Indian flags? (there are so many like ants or even worse "termite")

Please get some coffee. Then may be we can have sane discussion.

Thank you
We’ve said this before and say it again; we greatly appreciate all of Pakistan’s sacrifices in the region. Our common sacrifices on both sides of the border confirm our shared will and desire to restore peace in the region. We’ve come too far and made too many sacrifices to walk away from each other. In fact, we are very keen to build on our improving relationship. We are very optimistic in regards to the future of our relationship, and look forward to maintaining a close partnership. We repeat what Richard G. Olson, U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan, said a few months ago: “The United States is committed to a cooperative and long-term partnership with Pakistan, broader than any one issue and centered on areas of mutual interests. The U.S. relationship with Pakistan is not shaped solely by our commitments and responsibilities in Afghanistan. 2014 is not 1989. The United States recognizes the mistakes of the past, and will not disengage from the region.”

Ali Khan
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

Oh dear.

you are trying to convince bunch of Islamists and Commies.

Not going to work. unfortunately.

They are the miniature versions of Ayatullahs, with miniature beards, and miniature turbans wrapped around their diminutive heads, stumbling around carrying match sticks as walking aid, babbling constantly on their tiny worry beads, 90 times a minute, America is bad, marg bar amreeka, great satan, evil, zionism, and all the other cr@p like that.

They are "programmed" to repeat what Ayatullahs and Mad-nejat says.

in reply to Faujhistrorian

They are the miniature versions of Ayatullahs, with miniature beards, and miniature turbans wrapped around their diminutive heads, stumbling around carrying match sticks as walking aid, babbling constantly on their tiny worry beads, 90 times a minute, America is bad, marg bar amreeka, great satan, evil, zionism, and all the other cr@p like that.

They are "programmed" to repeat what Ayatullahs and Mad-nejat says.


Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/strate...rs-us-will-again-abandon-4.html#ixzz2W1jOlGC7

THE ARE A BI PRODUCT of what is taught in your countries in your ISLAMIC schools AND tv .. You people are moving out of the 21st century into medievil wold thinking . ITS leaving your nations isolated and poor HENCE threads with opening up with

in reply to Faujhistrorian

THE ARE A BI PRODUCT of what is taught in your countries in your ISLAMIC schools AND tv .. You people are moving out of the 21st century into medievil wold thinking . ITS leaving your nations isolated and poor HENCE threads with opening up with


Not sure what is your purpose to cut and paste stuff from different threads without proper context.

This is a habit of Islamists.

As per your post above, looks like you too were forced to go to schools not different from the Islamisht mad house madrassah.

Because you talk just like them.

Why? why you insist on repeating the Islamist propaganda?
Even when your flags are Indian and British?

They will abandon us again. It doesn't need a genius to figure this one out. I am more for better relations with China rather than USA for the following reasons:

1) Nuke deal with India but refused to Pakistan
2) Davis kills 2 Pakistanis and escapes. There is no proof of Afia being a terrorist and still in jail and will be there forever.
3) Fazlullah hiding in Kunar. Faqir Mohammed's (Ex-Bajaur Chief's) bases in Afghanistan.
4) US refusal to condemn India for the Siachen incursion but raising an outcry on the Kargil one which was made by fauji's after the Siachen debacle when they took 1000 miles of our land.
5) USA's offer to sell better quality F16's to India compared to what they sold us.
6) Framing of Pakistani innocents in the name of terrorism-Seen it, researched it.
7) Maltreatment of Pakistanis in airports and hounding of Pakistani political Organizations in north America. Even secular ones. Yes-this is the only thing they are good at.
8) Support for dictators in Pakistani land. 3 major ones had their backing. Zia was the one who Islamicized Pakistan with their blessing in case you did not notice.
9) Presler Amendment. When we were not needed by USA anymore. Cold war over, Afghanistan in ruins but of course the Soviets disgraced as they wanted that is what came. Military and economic cooperation CUT and mark my words IT WILL HAPPEN AGAIN-200% chance and I bet on my life when this war on terror is over this will come again. They will harass us even more than they are now.
10) The blame Pakistan suffers on a daily basis. Pakistan is held responsible for every failure. I believe you think we are responsible. Partly I agree, yes. But you do not know about the successes, Ramzi yousuf, Baradar, Khalid Sheikh (top 9/11 terrorist) were all capture by us.
11) Pakistan counting on US support and not getting any in 1971. Weak point? Leave that then. I think it is too. But consider the rest.
12) Add to this the Indian nuclear test smiling Buddha in 74 being ignored by the US while ours in 98 resulting in our military and economy being sanctioned.
13) Add to this the framing of Kashmiri activist Syed Ghulam Nabi Fai in a false case as an ISI agent in another attempt to malign ISI
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